It's interesting that while politicians rain hate down on China, both left and right, the companies that fund their campaigns seem to be infatuated with the country.
Whether it's Apple using a company to produce shiny screens that's known for child labour abuse or Walmart selling nothing but Chinese made goods (and for that matter paying Chinese wages), US corporations just love the place. Certainly they couldn't care less if their homeland becomes a bankrupt cesspool, with record unemployment, no health insurance and record low wages that put even Chinese goods out of the reach of its inhabitants. That Walmart employees are on food stamps due to low wages seems to be bad simply because they're getting the food stamps, rather than being bad because they're paid a wage so fucking outrageous they cannot support their families without them.
Then you have Apple cheerfully fighting the good fight by promissing to pay minimum wage to some guys and girls who will be assembling Chinese made products into Macs. Hoo-fucking-ray for them. How wonderful that they are following the HP model of being willing to pay fuck all to glorified lego builders.
The bad part is that while we can all wish that these rich gits will end up being arse-fucked by the economy when there's no one left who can actually afford the crap they're selling, the unfortunate thing is they still won't care because they'll just move their wealth to China and take what they can get from there.