* Posts by Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

45 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Feb 2013

Lettuce-nibbling veggies menace Mother Earth

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Strawy man, strawy man, does whatever a straw, er, can...

Excellent read that Catching Fire, thanks very much for sharing, it will be great to share with some raw foody evangelists I know.

Like anything though I wanted to see a few anaylsis of the book and they all mostly agree that his conclusions seem both plausible and the studies doen statistically significant. If anyones interested here is one I had a good old skim through! http://soar.wichita.edu/bitstream/handle/10057/3896/LAJ_2010_21-26.pdf?sequence=1

Isilon software on Dell hardware – could it really be true?

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: A welcome development

A vitual Isilon is indeed in the works - infiniband not required but VMWare will be, at least initally.

NIST's quantum boffins have TELEPORTED stuff over a HUNDRED KILOMETRES

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Ping times measured in nanoseconds.

In almost any FPS, the quicker the internet, the quicker I seem to die.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: @Drefsab hmm

In my hazy understanding of the topic I believe you need to confirm the data received via entanglement via classical means as well as sending one of the tangled pair out. If someone fancies reading the wikipedia non-technical summary I'll just leave it here:


Jeremy Corbyn: My part in his glorious socialist triumph

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Full of win

I do agree that it is in the nature of charities to exaggerate the scale of the issue, if a more conservative (government) figure is needed then the one quoted by the DWP at 2.3million would seem to be more realistic. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33266799

I was not really agreeing or dsiagreeing with the precis just demonstrating how easy it was to cite the figure. In all honesty the above figure is still probably too high and is more a result of trying to provide a flat level of income rather than comparing it to the local cost of living as in the Dorset AC's case.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Full of win

Very easy to find a cursory google search revealed that in 2013-14 3.7 million children were living in poverty:




It's almost like you couldn't be bothered.

Journos to be spared replacement by robots, BBC claims

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Like fusion power

There are strong arguments that suggest that this time may well be different - "Humans need not Apply" by CGP Grey is definitely worth a watch, one point is that transportation automation could happen pretty quickly which is where a large swathe of the population finds work and that would be a significant economic shock.


Prognosticator, for one, welcomes our new robot work colleagues

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Humans need not apply

A lovely short documentary by CGP Grey described this scenario and it's much less rosy, they may not be after our lives but they will take out jobs.


Climate change alarmism is a religious belief – it's official

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Two sides

Seriosuly how can you purport to know the future so definitely that there is no such thing as climate change that has been alluded to? Yes there is data that supports both sides of the arguement and do you know what that should indicate? That open minds should be kept on both sides.

To say it is this one or another smacks of hubris - and what if we are causing climate change - is encouraging less pollution and higher efficiencies such a bad thing? Perhaps a climate form of Pascal's wager should be devised....

It's FREE WINDOWS 10 time: 29 July is D-Day, yells Microsoft

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Hmmm....

On the gaming front I wouldn't wait - DX12 my friend....

That EVIL TEXT that will CRASH your iPhone: We pop the hood

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Which if you click it goes to a pastebin of the offending text.

I, for one, welcome El Reg giving us ammo to annoy our smug iBrethern. We won't send it, we'll just threaten to send it and then sign them up to Kitten facts, like we always do.

UK now part of another Euro data-spaff scheme

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Hmmm 42 years after joining the Common Market

@AC - I'd beinterested to see what they do, after all their own guidance states you can bring an unlimited amount in for personal consumption and / or gifting, see:


Although they may apparantly ask you questions if it's above 800, personally I don't mind as I love a quiz, me, I hope there aren't any sports questions though, I'm rubbish at those.

Jupiter Ascending – a literally laughable train wreck of a film

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Sceptical Mila is sceptical

I quite enjoyed Cloud Atlas, truth be told.


Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Hey stupid.

In the UK there's no requirement to pass any form of test or for a boat to be any kind of seaworthy. We have a long tradition of seafaring and playing silly buggers with boats and we'll fight to the death to keep it that way!

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: No Range safety boats?

To be fair afaik the military have no right to force you out of the firing area, they can ask politely but you can choose not to and they'll have to wait.

We give Panasonic's new 5-inch Toughpad phablets a kicking

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Ugh that sounds bad, looks like it's lack of compatible firmware supplied by HTC see http://community.vodafone.com.au/t5/Windows-Phone-Mobile-Broadband/Htc-8x-wp8-1-updates/td-p/354791 for info. DP might be your only hope.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

As a windows phone user I'm surprised to hear that, the updates are actually coming a little too fast for carriers to keep up. Windows Phone 8 had 3 updates over it's lifetime (GDR1, 2 & 3). 8.1 has just received it's first update (amusingly named 'Update 1") and that's not including vendor specific firmware such as Nokia's Amber, Black, Cyan and Denim.

Google's SECRET contracts: Android lock-in REVEALED!

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

The problem is it's exactly the same issue as occurred with MS in the 90's. They had a dominant position in the desktop OS space and used it to push certain applications into the users hands.

This is what Google do with the version of Android that is the largest mobile phone OS in the world. The argument is that like MS they should be open to allow other services/applications to supplant there own. I certainly don't think you can replace all of Google's services with Bing flavoured ones on Android.

In your analogy it would be like the majority of all buildings being owned by McDonalds and them not allowing any other restaurant business to rent them.

Google stabs Wikipedia in the front

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Hilarious, but seriously it's more like Microsoft not allowing any other Office program to run on Windows.

It's more like EDF blocking and stopping other electric companiers from selling in France.

It's more like Rolls Royce forbidding airlines that use theier engines to not use anyone elses engines.

So yeah not what you proposed and as the other comentator said search for anti-competitive monopoly.

Blasphemy! Finns trample over Windows Phone home screen

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Optional widget is optional

Folders aren't a missing feature, in the great OS parity list it's not even a footnote. There are many apps which perform this or a similar function but as little developers they don't get to mention them in firmware patch notes.

Twitter: It's JUST LIKE Elder Scrolls (no it's not)

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Troll

I wish I could pull a troll as pretty as his wife :/

Forget selfies. 'Server SAN' is storage world's 2014 TWERKNADO

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Didn't EMC already buy this?

Sounds almost exactly like an Isilon to me, fits all of the requirements of the wikibon people, perhaps they should look into it?

US Department of Justice details Kim Dotcom evidence

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: To those who approve of Kim Dotcom

Again with the strawman, how this case has unfolded is what has annoyed people, you can tie it down the wilful disregard trhe US Govt has for the rights of citizens in other countries and their right to hold theire data securely and safely.

The behaviour of the US Govt and complicit with them the RIAA etc has been scandalous. I'm all for legitimate use of copyright and services such as Spotify and Netflix are beginning to fill the gap in digital distribuition that exists. However unlike Spotify (which has fought hard to reach this point) the content on Netflix, LoveFilm etc is rather sparse and not the latest releases, from what I understand it the big studios won't sell electronic distribution until physical has made the most amount of money.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: let me be the first to say ...

Don't use a strawman, the argument is not against the valid and proper use of copyright but against destroying a file sharing system that amongst legitimate usage held copyright infringing material.

And in this case peoples personal files were taken away and destroyed without their consent so personal possesion did get removed from peoples hands.

SLAPPING an iPhone out of a corporate drone's hand: You're not the only one who longs to do it

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Ease of development?

Found it - WinRT runs atop Win8 so a Metro app on Win8 & RT should run the same, you can even call a lot of the WinRT API's from a desktop app on Win8 which is kinda cool. So an app would have to be re-done between Win8/RT and phone but an awful lot of code could be re-used. http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/155521/what-is-the-difference-between-windows-8-winrt-and-windows-rt

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Ease of development?

MS have a fairly heavy article of comparison here between WP8 and RT http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/jj681690(v=vs.105).aspx but I can't find an equivalent of RT to Win8, it may that the Metro shell on Win8 has the same set of API's as RT but I can't quite believe that. If you do find that comparison please post it up, I'd be quite interested :)

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: missing on winphone 8

I don't think the majjority of people want a physical keyboard but there is still a sizable minority who do. Why this hasn't been addressed I don't know, this and stylus support for 1520 size could be really useful. However I have no data and so have to assume the phone companies do and their data tells them not to make physical keyboards....

Asus Transformer Book T100: Xbox One? PS4? Nah, get a cute convertible for Christmas

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Sounded really promising

Ah a Michael Bay Trail. Too much liquid refreshment at lunch today, good one!

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: That is a nice...

The first of these Bay Trail tabs are all limited to 2Gb and are not upgradeable. Intel introduced a new power state with Clover Trail called connected standby, this allows processes to run when the screen is off in a low power mode (such as streaming radio). In the 64bit version of Win 8.1 there is currently no support for it so it was decided to keep the ram at 2 gb until it is ready. It;'s expected Q1-2 2014 so the first 64bit 4gb tabs should start coming out around then.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

I know it's a big pain, the same is true of Dell's line up too, I'm buying from the UK only for the reason that Dell (not sure on Asus) do not do a global warrantly and sending it back to the States for replacment/ repair is just not on my agenda.

Expect discounts after Xmas though on all of 'em.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Sounded really promising

Unlikely, the T100 is one of the first with Bay Trail and certainly the first Transformer, I suspect you might be thinking of Clover Trail. Bay Trail is quad core as opposed to Clover's dual and significantly better in almost every way.

Apple: Now that you've updated to iOS 7... YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Yeah but...that would be clever...

Downvoted for truth, well I've never seen such a thing on El Reg before....

Nokia Lumia 1020: It's an imaging BEAST... and it makes calls too

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

They're rare in the South East, I have a L920 and when I see another we instantly gush about them at each other for a moment then look embarrassed and never bring it up again!

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Memory space


This problem is much reduced in Amber but if you've built up storage it won't really clear it, it will stop adding to it. I think this is the bug that has taken 6 months to quash which is why they're so behind on the update schedule. (citation needed)

So after you get Amber, if you still need to free up space and 'Storage Check' Nokia system app won't clear it down enough, a hard rest might be necessary. After that it shouldn't build up again but I have no info either way tbh.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Mantelpieces

Hello AC!

If you want to know about how the tech works rather than spouting gibberish, have a read of: http://i.nokia.com/blob/view/-/849564/data/2/-/Download1.pdf

Enjoy, and toodle pip!

Nokia drives cars into the clouds: Hear HERE, you're here, hear?

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

@AC 13:52 Here Hear, that's exactly the situation I'm in with a 09 plate Fiat 500. This has an WinCE implementation with voice and messages via bluetooth but audio only via USB. For whatever reason Fiat removed the MTP module from Win CE so my new shiny Nokia L920 will not talk to it at all but a non lightning iDevice will do (with the help of a Fiat supplied £70 peripheral).

The last update to this came in 2011 and newer phones are not listed or even supported. The newer Fiat's have an Aux 3.5 in but afaik still not bluetooth audio, why this isn't standard is beyond me.

Waiting for a Windows Phone update? Let's talk again next year

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles
Thumb Up

Re: Shameful Koolaid Drinker

I do hear you and the HTC One is my fav phone out at the moment, if I hadn't got the L920 that would be what I was rocking (Google edition ofc)

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles


He is stuck on 7.5 because of Orange, if it weren't for them he'd be on 7.8. Do watch the versioning on these things, it'll catch you out.

So, who ought to be the next Doctor Who? It's up to YOU...

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles
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Chiwetel Ejiofor

He was brilliant in Serenity and Dirty Pretty Things, would bring zen to the doctors character, yes please!

Review: Pure Jongo S3 multiroom speakers

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles
Thumb Up

Re: Sonos is the (expensive) way forward

I'm using a similar setup but I have no actual Squeezebox hardware, I use the software player on any convenient Windows boxes and I'm working on a Raspberry Pi squeezeslave setup. I've heard the DAC can be improved with a USB one so I'll probably move to that. I don't see any advantage in the spending the money on Sonos when Squeeze hardware is still available in good nick on eBay and software alternatives exist.

Nokia: OK, Q1 has been weak, but there's 'underlying' profit

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: @Spoddy

Actually the WiFi under the lock screen was fixed it the Portico update (about 2 months ago) and the PR2.0 is a Nokia firmware update rather than an MS update. This means that it should definitely do what is suggested although I'm not sure on the always on clock thing, that may only apply to AMOLED phones.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Wonderfully incisive comment there. As a WP8 user I directly notice repeated improvements, that's not to say it's perfect or without its own foibles.

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: Weak? Their most profitable business is tanking!

Indeed Nokia does not sell as many smartphones as the market leader, Samsung. Perhaps Nokia should employ people to comment about technical failures with their S4's and point them to Nokia instead.

Review: Living with Microsoft's new Surface Pro

Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

Re: It's...

I always thought that a horror movie set in a processor factory should be called 'TERROR FLOP!'