Sadly, crap like this made me switch
(This is not an Apple vs Android whine, despite what you might think)
And shit like this is why, last year I switched to Apple. Not that the iPhone is a superior device to many of the top of the line Android phones, nor is the UI better (it's not). Indeed there's much to be annoyed about (Security patches rolled into OS releases? Aw, c'mon Apple).
However, right now, Apple have a far better handle on App & Device security. Perfect? No, far from it, but that said, as of writing, devices from nigh on 4 years ago are STILL getting security [and, by virtue of my annoyance above] O/S updates, and are on scheduled to get iOS 11 as well.
Meanwhile my old Nexus 6 (an admirable night clock - why oh why cannot Apple allow Apps to keep the screen on - such as Clocks - then have the O/S lock the moment you exit?) barely a nipper at 2.5 years old, will receive it's last security update (next month? month after?).
This is a problem; people would like to keep their devices longer AND feel secure.
I've no doubt that Google can fix this shared library issue, but let's be honest, an issue of this magnitude ain't gonna happen until Android 'P'. Already the Nexus 6 is stuck at Nougat (and not even the latest release either).
These are Google devices dammit; people brought them because they were under their control; no carrier interference, no nothing. And yet they're already toast.
I get the LGs, HTCs etc not getting more than a few updates, but Nexus and Pixel devices should be the equivalent of an LTS release - with support for at least security fixes spanning 4 years.
Until then I'll be in Apple's camp. Not perfect (by any stretch of the imagination), but at least my 7 plus will receive patches for years to come.