* Posts by Frankee Llonnygog

1433 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Dec 2012


A gold MacBook with just ONE USB port? Apple, you're DRUNK

Frankee Llonnygog

Quite so

Next thing you know, they'll be removing the Centronics ports from our iPads. How will I ever print to the daisy wheel?

Actually it's wrong to say the new Mac only has one port. It has 3 if you count bluetooth and wifi,

Plugs and sockets - how very 20th century.

Software-defined everything: So, WHEN is the 'future'?

Frankee Llonnygog

Looking forward to this

And the day when we can stoke up the data centre capacity by just shovelling chips down a big chute

In the Year of Our Bong, 2015

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Minute of Code

Surely only a matter of weeks before the ePetitions website disrupts the need for government at all - just a matter of linking it to the Kickstarter and HMRC APIs. Yes, there is a slight danger of ISIS hacking Sharia law into being for the UK, or Millwall fans starting World War III to show they're well hard, but upsetting old orders is never risk-free.

I'm sooooo green: The Beginner's Guide to Krautrock

Frankee Llonnygog

Looking for an IT angle?

There's a pic of a VCS3. That leads you to Peter Zinovieff.

1,000mph ROCKET CAR project dogged by beancounters

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Common Sense Prevails

Solving engineering challenges is never pointless - in the long run.

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Shit managers, shit workers, et al

With the erosion of workers' rights, rise in zero hours contracts, etc, maybe it's time the pendulum swung back again.

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: 1,000mph passenger vehicles

Only 980mph in a school zone...

Frankee Llonnygog

There's no accounting for awesomeness.

More's the pity.

Apple's 16GB iPhones are a big fat lie, claims iOS 8 storage hog lawsuit

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: two fans complain to court

They're not fans, surely?

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Would you be more specific.

Would you be more grammatical.

German minister fingered as hacker 'steals' her thumbprint from a PHOTO

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Hope this doesn't lead to...

Our office already does that. We all have a buttock-scan every Xmas

Internet Explorer 12 to shed legacy cruft in bid to BEAT Chrome

Frankee Llonnygog

Compatibility mode

How about a lean, mean, modern browser with a compatibility mode that just shows a random screenshot of a Geocities homepage? Or, when you switch to compatibility mode, it files your company for bankruptcy - that could be a real time-saver.

Norks blame U.S. for TITSUP internet, unleash racist rant against Obama

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: It is now racist to call someone a monkey?

On reflection, I feel we may have been unfair in calling Mr Kim a racist. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is an equal-opportunity murderer and torturer

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: It is now racist to call someone a monkey?



For the love of Bong! He's Chief Contract Killer Evangelist... for WHAT NOW?

Frankee Llonnygog

Please fund my invasion of Europe

I want to be the Uber of Alles.

(I apologise for my momentary, lifelong, lapse of taste)

Buses? PAH. Begone with your filthy peasant-wagons

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Use Broadband, not the bus !

It won't be worth demolishing those blocks after the bubble bursts

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Use Broadband, not the bus !

On the bright side, the city centre office blocks that will shortly become available at rock-bottom rents will enable local governments to meet their social housing needs.

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: isn't there some mileage in this idea?

No. But that's the point

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: From the user's POV, cars are awesome

You're not really comparing like with like. From a transport efficiency point of view it doesn't make much difference if taxis have drivers or not. It only affects whether your money goes to Google or Uber (academic if Google buys Uber...). But you're comparing an intelligent system (using the net to dynamically match taxi supply and demand) with a dumb one (forecast demand and run buses on fixed routes at fixed times to meet it). A municipality could run (Note, I dont' say 'own') a fleet of minibuses and operate more or less door-to-door on demand, given an intelligent demand management system.

Hmm... I smell a software business opportunity

Reg man confesses: I took my wife out to choose a laptop for Xmas. NOOOO

Frankee Llonnygog

Sometimes the reason OsX doesn't work

Is because a Windows person has fixed it

Blind justice: Google lawsuit silences elected state prosecutor

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: i forget...

"Do no evil"

And, lobby for the redefinition of 'evil'

Cambridge boffins and Boeing fly first hybrid airplane over British skies

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Take off energy...

or an electric towing vehicle?

Frankee Llonnygog

Is it a plug-in hybrid?

In the 30s' there were races with tethered aircraft flying round a pole - might be fun to reinvent this with electric planes

Hack flings bootkits from Macs' Thunderbolts

Frankee Llonnygog

When the nice man fixes your Mac

Check if he's wearing size 13 DMs

Hilton, Marriott and co want permission to JAM guests' personal Wi-Fi

Frankee Llonnygog

Hilton, Marriott et al market themselves to business travellers

Yet want to charge (a lot) extra for wifi. So far my one man boycott hasn't brought them to their knees. One day...

YEAR of the PENGUIN: A Linux mobile in 2015?

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: A level of polish and sophistication

Or, as I prefer to call them, consumers. Which is absolutely fine, but does contradict the point made by the article. And that's my point. It's a bit like the difference between making a music streamer from a Raspberry Pi or buying a Western Digital. One is more fun and more configurable - but you have to read the docs. The other is a consumer product

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: A level of polish and sophistication

The Ark? Do you also believe Linus created Linux in six days and had a good kip on the seventh?

I'm no Windows advocate (my first comment prefixed it with 'perhaps') but it at least goes some way towards a coherent design.

Linux does many, many things very well but the article talked of 'fit and polish'. Just to give one example of the lack, linux font rendering still makes everything look like it was knocked up by the bloke who sign writes for kebab shops.

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: A level of polish and sophistication

That is undeniably true - just as it's also true that the Linux distros do not have the 'fit and polish' of OsX and perhaps of Windows. Where 'fit and polish' means a user experience that's been designed by interaction and usability pros.

Frankee Llonnygog

A level of polish and sophistication

"the Linux desktop hit a level of polish and sophistication that quite frankly, well, surpasses what's available from Windows 8 or OS X Yosemite"

In much the same way, once I had resprayed my Vauxhall metallic turd brown, fitted some leopard-skin seat covers and halogen headlamps, it's easily as good as a BMW. After all, a car is just a vehicle to get from A to B, via KwikFit and Halfords.

Careful - your helmet might get squashed by a Volvo

Frankee Llonnygog

Maybe the tech could send an SMS

That way, texting drivers could be alerted to the presence of something else on the road apart from them

IsoHunt releases roll-your-own Pirate Bay

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Wack a Mole.

If you wouldn't mind unclenching, the arcades would like their moles back

V. R. R. Stob's magnificent saga A Game Of Dog-and-Bones

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Thank you for this fine wordsmithing...

Wouldn't that be Flay, Spay or whatever that new Facepointbookpower MsThing is called

UK air traffic bods deny they 'skimped' on IT investment after server mega-fail

Frankee Llonnygog

Of course that have bloody well skimped on investment

£175million? Imagine only spending that much on Universal Credit. It would have been a disaster!

Ofcom's new broom Sharon White sweeps into office

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Doesn't look like she is able to read

I attended a presentation she gave the other day - i think it's safe to say she can read. I haven't had the same direct experience with other Ofcom heads but I wouldn't be surprised if she went through Ofcom like a dose of salts

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Doesn't look like she is able to read

No, one eye still uncovered. Can't be that.

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Doesn't look like she is able to read

Please explain why she looks like she is unable to read. I don't get it.

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Doesn't look like she is able to read

Really? Please explain

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: But...

Exactly. I suspect she is smarter than most of us commentards

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: But...

Why wouldn't she?

Apple v BBC: Fruity firm hits back over Panorama drama

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: As someone that's been in pegatron

Comment posted from your FairTrade ethical PC? Oh no, it can't have been, since your comment actually exists.

Anonymous Hypocrite

Judge spanks SCO in ancient ownership of Unix lawsuit

Frankee Llonnygog

Good god, what is that on your shoe?

Oh, it's SCO

Movie industry's evil plan to destroy the internet is going precisely nowhere

Frankee Llonnygog


What's wrong with the new open access movie distribution mechanism just being trialled by Sony? Coming soon to Warner Bros, et al

How much for a wrist job? A tenner normally, but for this one, over $30k

Frankee Llonnygog

That's nothing

I once had an IBM keyboard encrusted with toast crumbs.

Hack hijacks electric skateboards, dumps hipsters in the gutter

Frankee Llonnygog


No harm done

Can't stop Home Depot-style card pwning, but suppliers will feel PCI regulation pain

Frankee Llonnygog

PCI compliant even if you don't process card data?

Dear Payment Card Industry - get stuffed! What will you do if I don't comply? Force me to use PayPal instead? Hey Mr Foot, meet Mr Gatling Gun.

You are the people who invented the laughable 3D Secure standard. Your complete failure to come to grips with security is just one factor that will lead to your inevitable and sudden doom.

You have actually acheived the impossible and made Bitcoin look like a viable alternative.

NY premiere of The Interview cancelled after hackers' terrorist threats

Frankee Llonnygog

I am torrenting this movie

In the name of Freedom!

Say no to DPRK Takedowns!

Microsoft opens smiley-kids jangly guitar doc-maker to all

Frankee Llonnygog

So, it's a sort of Facepowerpointbook?

I have given it 30 seconds of my time. That'll do for me. It's very easy to use, because it doesn't really do anything. Or perhaps it does a lot - when they get around to producing some docs, we might find out.

Plusnet could face DATA BREACH probe over SPAM HELL gripes

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: Vineland, NJ 08360'

So that's how Thomas Pynchon makes his real money

'Shadow IT' gradually sapping power and budget from CIOs

Frankee Llonnygog

Re: as a percentage of what

My bonus, obs
