... and the CCP mouthpieces will scream "Racism", "Hurting the feelings of the Chinese"
... or some other garbage. It's about time these thugs are weeded out
63 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2012
Well, it's not me to tell the numbers as that would be the same as what the CCP does, namely making numbers up. The problem is that Chinese authorities themselves don't know the numbers.
If you were really interested, you wouldn't ask so smugly but just invest some minutes to inform yourself
Almost every number which may be important for the GDP or the targets for local officials can be safely considered inflated. The CCP (China Communist Party) does not like underperformance, and thus officials do what ist the most easy way: Cook the books.
Shaving off 1 dollar or two from a PC seems to be about the only game that PC manufacturers are able to play. When I go into a electronics supermarket, there are dozens and dozens of laptops that basically look the same and do the same. It's all about the credo of "different price points".
And good luck asking the store guy or lady what the differences are. The models change so fast that they have no chance of knowing. Intels "good better best" is watered down to indiscernibility once these CPUs are built into the final product.
Samsung was completely happy with the test results on the iPhone and mocked Apple as they could. Now, applying the EXACT SAME TEST METHOD, suddenly its is no more accurate as the results are not to Samsung's linking.
Suckers big time!!
The art museum Berne is taking the pieces of art in CUSTODY, meaning that if a piece has been identified as having been stolen it will be handed over to the rightful owner.
BUT, until a suspicion has been verified, your accusations are just tha: baseless accusation and hatred.
There are horses for courses, and what fits the author will not always be the best solution. I agree that a church that has been standing there for centuries will not go away in the next hour, so one has time for choosing point-of-view, lens, filter, etc..
My wife specialises in live photography of bands. This means that she has several zoom lenses that allow her to choose her point-of-view without having to change lenses. The equipment has to be very portable, so a tripod is out of question; at best it will be a monopod. And those guys on stage are constantly moving, so time is critical (especially the time between pressing the shutter button and the actual picture being taken ...). Furthermore, to capture the mood of what's happening on stage, sometimes a specific amount of motion blurring is an indispensable ingredient for a photo with a message.
So what suits the author of this article doesn't suit everybody, and the remark of there being a void between crap and too expensive cameras is just plain nonsense.