An mk808 is less than half the price, runs a newer version of android and is WAY more powerful.
9 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2012
I have two raspberry pis. They work fine for XMBC but the Rasbian desktop is slow as hell and the midori browser doesn't support video.
Good luck getting homework done when it takes an age to get wikipedia up or watch a youtube video. When the accelerate the X server graphically I expect this to change but as is you CANNOT use one as a desktop computer. They make AWESOME servers though.
If MS have given us full windows arm, or at least a version of visual studio for Win rt and not charged and insane price, the surface could have worked.
Charging £500 for something that does less than a CHROMEBOOK (chromeos has a remote desktop client through chrome and SSH built in) is just beyond stupid with android and iOS already dominant.
It's a shame, I actually like windows and C# for several things. Not everything, but the user interface is nice.
Why would I need ANY sort of smart features on my tv? Just cut down the price, give me HDMI and I'll plug in my own hardware thanks. A PS3 for netflix / ease of use or a raspberry pi for a highly configurable media center is far cheaper with a TV with all this stuff built in. At the very least give us an option to put android/linux on there.
Thanks, but no thanks!
Urg, abandoning C# for Typescript, as if the web needs another superset for JScript - wasn't coffeescript enough? Most people are using Jquery anywho.
If only MS would see the potential C# has and fully support mono. Java as a language is nowhere near as good but at least I can run the damned thing on arm properly when I need floating point operations.
I think it will be replaced by arm things. Everything is going arm and the guys making Linux realize that a crappy windows RT arm edition won't cut the mustard, so they are thankfully building all sorts of arm support into the kernel.
Microsoft, take the hint. Support arm fully you plebs!