Bet the admin's @ the reg...
....are nearly amused about all the people asking to become a platinum cookie member
Classic BOFH!!!
29 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2007
I use torrents to download linux and other large files and distro's quite a lot - perfectly legal and a nice way to download very large files
Your sweeping comment about torrents only being used for illegal purpose is about the same inane level as me saying "Anybody posting anonymously on TheRegister must be a peado as they obviously have something to hide"
...if the labels continue the way they are they will die out.
"Universal is known to have earlier this year kyboshed a legal peer to peer system that Virgin Media planned to offer its broadband subscribers on a subscription basis"
Utter madness - Adapt or die!
Paris?: She's been around peer to peer networks, something about One night......
Take a measuring jug and use equal measures of everything.
If you measure 200ml of Flour then measure 200ml of egg, 200ml water and 200ml milk (blue top is best).
Doesn't matter if you go a few ml over on the eggs.
Add a teaspoon of Vinegar and a pinch of salt and mix the lot together. Leave in Fridge for hour before cooking.
Heat oven to Gas Mark 9, put small amount of fat (goose or lard) into tray(s) and wait until fat smokes. Take batter out of fridge 2 mins before cooking and add a few drops of cold water, mix a few times. Add batter to tray(s), put into over and then turn oven down to Gas mark 7.
Cook for 15 mins or so.
I use this method and get fantastic puds. The Vinegar really does make a difference - If I forget it they never rise as well.
Paris?: She has a couple of well formed puddings.
Setanta getting their hands on a tranche of football was nothing to do with OFCOM but everythying to do with the European competition commision.
I don't work for Setanta - I hate their sh!t coverage and the price they charge.
It's actually worked out not bad for me as I now watch my team, when on Setanta, at the pub :-)
Paris: She knows all about been watched
Not sure if you're in the UK or not but if you are then you should have got a free replacement and if they refused quoted the Sale of Goods act to them by stating the the disc is not fit for the purpose intended (it has to be put into a cd/dvd drive for the game to work so should be upto multiple inserts / removals)
And if they still tried to fob you off and you paid by credit card, just get a charge back on them.
"Next we will be hearing that they got some terrorists to crash a plane into someones office to get rid of paper evidence (I just made that up, nothing that wierd could happen)."
Nearly - You get terrorists to crash into 2 buildings then "mysteriously" have to demolish one close by that just happened to be about to indite a number of Bush's cronies and all the incriminating paperwork is in there.
Now that's weird and not remotely possible.
(BH as I am about to be "visited")