Re: The problem is …
Square-shaped iPod Nano with a strap did almost everything useful that Apple Watch can do.
532 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Dec 2012
Theresa May: Right, THIS time we're getting the Snoopers' Charter in (2015)
ICO probes Home Office refusal to reveal Snooper's Charter details (2013)
Snooper's-charter plans are just misunderstood, sniffles tearful May (2012)
Theresa May won't quit job over UK Border Agency fiasco (2011)
Theresa May announces new counter-terrorism package (2011)
I doubt anybody has a comprehensive list of reasons why Theresa May needs to retire. The list is just too long.
True, but presumably you don't put your white spirit/meths/cellulose thinners into coke bottles and leave then in school playgrounds to see what happens?
Maybe he should be doing that, but that would be littering.
So is leaving only USB sticks around, only something that could get lost in the laundry is more innocuous than bottles.
Naughty or Nice? One Brain Scan Is Now All It Takes to Find Out
Soon, participating in medical care will be like gambling on the state of security systems. Lose just once and you are an open book.
Russia plays well with China and would do well to co-lead with them. Both Russia and China are projecting military power within their spheres of influence.
China has had more success in punishing Western tech companies like Qualcomm and Google, since everyone wants a piece of that market. Russia's data localization laws could help it to get a grip on these companies. Russia has indeed followed the EU's lead and taken on Google:
Russia has Yandex and a space industry, so a satellite Internet scheme might be possible.
The highest capacity MicroSD cards are 200 GB from SanDisk, and an announced but impossible to find 512 GB MicroSD card from Microdia. Full-sized SD cards haven't reached 1 terabyte as far as I know, just 512 GB.
So the odds are not good that 2TB MicroSD cards will be pretty cheap or exist in six months time.