* Posts by Spaceman9

13 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Dec 2012

Vital UK customs system outage contributes to travel chaos at its borders


Re: @Spaceman9

No it is not an observation. It is the language that was used throughout the brexit campain. It was quite simply use to refame the debate as a battle of some kind. Heroic brits fighting against the imperialist EU.


Re: @Spaceman9

"Without surrendering ..."

Away with your war analogies!


If only there was some way we could be part of, I don't know, and I'm just thinking out of the box here. A customs union of some kind?

Snap continues to make a spectacle of itself as it tries to trademark the word spectacles



They should call them snaptacles, oh wait maybe I should trademark that.

Do not adjust your set, er, browser: This is our new page-one design


You have got a responsive design which is great, but WHY have you got a max width of 1000px on the BODY, responsive means it can support small screens AND big screens. I have a good sized desktop monitor. There is no good reason why your pages shouldn't be in the region of 1400 -> 1600 pix at least. I can mostly see grey space on the sides of your page.

Trump signs 'no privacy for non-Americans' order – what does that mean for rest of us?


Re: Trump has become more deranged

OIW: Be excellent to each other, and party on dude!

@WalmartLabs applies Electrode to get current with web dev



I just typed in wallmart.com (no www), and got:

Error 403

An error occurred while attempting to load this content.



I just typed in wallmart.com (no www), and got:

Error 403

An error occurred while attempting to load this content.

Ordnance Survey unfolds handy Mars map


Google Mars

Google Mars has also been available for quite some time


George Osborne fires starting gun on £20m coding comp wheeze


My mates business needs more money ..

How about investing this money, in Schools, Colleges, and Universities, where the majority of students ought to learn about this stuff. Rather than select institutions, and irrelevant "competitions"

What do teenagers love doing? That's right: Staying up all night ... debugging


development costs

"real world tools can be cost prohibitive", um since when? Most tools I know of are free or have a cut down free version.

Netflix bullish after six-country European INVASION


Re: Scifi

Unfortunately just this past week I have received and email from Amazon saying that they are removing all SG-1 Atlantis, Universe, from the end of the month.

I'm quite miffed, as I was only up to Series 7 of SG1.

NASA: THE TRUTH about the END OF THE WORLD on 21 Dec


Interstellar bypass - Nestruction notice

Vogon constructor fleet will be arriving at earth on 21st Dec 2012, i hope this doesn't cause any inconvenience.