* Posts by Dr?

44 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Nov 2012

Trump's 140 characters on F-35 wipes $2bn off Lockheed Martin


"who do you think owns all those US T-bills that financed the F-35 and all the rest of it?"

It's more than a little debatable whether, on its own, China selling down US treasury bonds would create any financial problems for the US. The amount China owns amounts to little more than a days trading volume and there's still plenty of demand from outside of China to invest in US debt.

Corbyn lied, Virgin Trains lied, Harambe died


Re: Wottaknob.

Wankers and pig fuckers. The political choices we must make in 2016

CCL Computers probing source of fake virus-riddled dispatch mail


bad news

Bad news for my favorite, nearest and most trusted hardware suppliers. They will still be my first port of call the next time I want to upgrade.

'No, I CAN'T write code myself,' admits woman in charge of teaching our kids to code


Re: Lottie Dexter should be sacked

Well they did put that pob faced twat Gove in charge of education...


Re: @Sandman

I've just started working on my first agile project. I'm a tester. I can see how it could work but I can also see the huge problems that could arise from a lack of specifications, a lack of documentation, a lack of issue tracking, a business that hasn't thought about exactly what it wants delivering and developers who think they know best. Not to mention "digital" who come in late in the day with big ideas but not a clue about the business, its customers or an idea about how their grand ideas can actually be implemented into something that is almost finished.

This article has been deleted


Keeping a copy of political promises on their websites. I might see if I can do it with ITTT.

Aussie bloke hacks way to top of music charts with MIDI-based tunes


Re: Makes you think....

Not forgetting he burnt pretty much every penny (£1million) he ever made from music. Although he admits regretting that one.

Mars defends: HUMANS to SEND UFO to Red Planet by 2016


All reality TV stars should be forcibly sent to Mars.

Boffins agree: Yes we have had an atmospheric warming pause


Re: OMG Zombie keeps rising

There are respectable religions?


I'm no climate change sceptic or expert (I'm probably best described as climate change confused) but I didn't think that the holes in the ozone layer had anything to do with global warming. Instead I thought the main problem was higher levels of UV rays reaching earth, increasing the risk of skin cancer and killing stuff like plankton and some other crops. In fact I'm sure that I read a while back that perversely, the banning of CFCs and the like will actually increase global warming because the holes it created in the ozone layer allowed heat created by C02 emissions to escape.

Someone feel free to correct/agree/abuse me.

Classic telly FX tech: How the Tardis flew before the CGI era


Re: Apropos of the Hitch Hiker's Guide...

Whilst they're at it they could use some of Douglas Adam's Dr Who scripts in the rebooted series.

iPHONE 5S BATTERY: It may NOT just be you, it may be RUBBISH


Re: Serve them right

I'm not sure about lasting longer. I've still got my HTC Desire which is just shy of four years old now, a few months younger than the 3Gs. The battery still holds very good charge as a phone (about a day) and I can easily replace it myself if I wish. They still go for about £70 on fleabay (granted I'm sure this is less than a similar age iPhone). As for recycling, I did it myself. I removed the SIM rooted it and removed all of the phone software, reskinned the OS and made it into an MP3 player. If I turn off wifi and bluetooth I can get a couple of days battery life minimum out of it which makes it a pretty decent MP3 (as well as any other digital file format you can think of) player for taking on long journeys. And it has a micro SD card slot so I upgraded the storage. I'm not disputing that the iPhones are pretty well built pieces of kit, but they're by no means the only one.

iPad Air peels off in racy pics for wide-eyed geeks, reveals 'worst battery ever


Re: So what did Google say about Android

" At least Apple still supports the iPhone4 with iOS7."

Minus half its features.

Only a merciful BULLET can really save a RHINO, say Texas hunters


Alpha Male

Surely they're killing the alpha male and that would result in weaker offspring. That doesn't seem a good thing for the long term future of the species.

They'd probably be better sticking a rubber stopper on it's horn so it doesn't dish out killer blows. Bet they wouldn't get as many bidders to carry out that task...

Expert chat: The end of Windows XP and IE6


Re: IE 6

You can install up to and including IE 8 on a copy of XP. And Chrome is about the worst choice for a low powered PC as it eats every last available megabyte of RAM on your machine.

Doctor Who to land on the BIG SCREEN and in 3D in November


The previous multi doctor eps were pretty decent from what I can remember.


I wonder what part torrents have played in the decision to air the episode around the world at the same time. And whether other shows might also decide that they will follow suit to try and avoid the dreaded downloads.

'Modern warming trend can't be found' in new climate study


Re: Temp data is "adjusted"

That doesn't explain the rising temperatures and lack of ice in the not so concrete jungles of the North Pole and Greenland.

Google: Thanks for the billions in revenue, UK. Here are your taxes, that's ... £11m


Re: Bears, Pope and so on @Ledswinger

The £13 billion is for what was called disability living allowance. It is incapacity benefit, at a cost of £5bn that is paid to those who are unemployed due to disability (or other physical/mental problems) and so this amount that if anything that would be used to cover unemployment.

The living allowance covers the cost of mobility and care for disabled people. Considering that a mobility allowance is paid to those who are blind and that there are 2 million blind people in the UK, it is quite conceivable that 1 in 20 may need to claim some form of disability benefit.


Re: Blatant law abidance by international corporation shocker @hollymcr

UK Government does have a history of not perusing full payment of illegal tax evasion by large companies. Vodafone were let off paying only a fraction of what they owed after they breached tax rules following the purchase of a German Engineering firm. The British press in the same case showed they were not too bothered in reporting either the tax evasion nor the HMRC's lack of efforts in pursue payment. This maybe because the owners of certain British Newspapers are also involved in tax avoidance which may or may not be legal (The Barclay Brothers prop. Daily Telegraph and The Spectator, GMG owners of The Guardian, Northern Shell owners of The Daily Express and a few porno mags and channels.).

I have no idea whether the Google's tax arrangements are legal or not. But I wouldn't suggest judging it just on the actions of HMRC and the reporting of newspapers.

Microsoft Surface 2 fondleslabs finally get off ground with airline order


Re: product usage rights

Microsoft fail or Royal Navy fail? It would still be less of a sitting duck than an aircraft carrier with no aircraft.

500 MEELLION PCs still run Windows XP. How did we get here?


Re: My choices

Thinkpads are nice pieces of kit. I'm writing this on an x200 running Windows 7 and it flies. Cost me £135 on fleabay a couple of months back. I'd much rather have this than an entry level laptop.


Re: Wine!

You're positively space age. The financial software used where I work is still green screens and the software was original designed for punchcards.


So Spine will be accessed using XP machines.

My missus works on the Connecting For Health project, putting medical records online. She just confirmed that yeah, most NHS PCs run XP. And worse, NHS trusts all deal with their IT separately meaning there will be no bloody chance all PCs will be switched in the next 6 months.

All of our medical records accessible from unpatched Windows PCs....

Fandroids blow $200,000 on secret PANIC BUTTON for their smartmobes


Re: Very clever @LarsG

Not convinced that wires will go that quick. Personally, I don't need another gadget to recharge. And the bulk lost from wires would be gained by batteries.

I won't be swapping my Sennheisers anytime soon.

'Kim Jong-un executes nork-baring ex and pals for love polygon skin flick'


Re: Propaganda

"Well it did take you 2 years to summon up the courage to join in after a German U-boat attacked your ship and killed 128 people..."

Not entirely sure if this was aimed at me, but I am English. And regardless of the challenges the US troops bought with them, they certainly helped bring World War 2 to a speedier conclusion that would otherwise have been possible.


Re: Propaganda @Bumpy Cat

I'm not saying that at all. I don't think that military intervention will fix a thing. Just because another power won't try stop us from intervening in Syria (which isn't quite true anyway because Russia will do their damnedest) doesn't mean that any intervention will be useful.

I'm struggling to think of one useful intervention in a war since World War 2. Perhaps you can tell me otherwise?


Re: Propaganda @cthonus

That wouldn't be retaliation. It would be an unprovoked attack.


Re: Propaganda

"Each are as morally reprehensible as the other. Yet we will go to war in Syria and stand by idly in North Korea."

Correction: Yet we 'almost' go to war in Syria and stand by idly in North Korea.


Re: Propaganda

Ah yes, the nukes. Strapped onto missiles that can barely reach Japan. It's like me getting some AK-47 ammo to use with my slingshot.


Re: Propaganda

Syria is an interesting comparison.

How can a distinction made between reports of chemical weapons being used against civilians and reports of a mother being made to drown their new born child (along with a myriad other atrocities against the civilian population)?

Each are as morally reprehensible as the other. Yet we will go to war in Syria and stand by idly in North Korea.

IP telly upstart stuffs Comedy Central, MTV in Freeview box


Sounds great until you get to "bundles". If I wanted a bundle I'd get Sky.

Oh to be able to watch my beloved rugby without paying for a plethora of other channels I will never ever watch.

Apple tops target list for litigious patent trolls


Re: Just trying to protect their balliwick

It'd make an interesting read to find out how patent trolling can affect smaller companies though. Apple can afford to pay up but I wonder if there are any companies that have had to cease trading because of the practice.

Selfie twerks its way into the dictionary


Re: Ons small problem.

It's ons rule for them...


Re: Ons small problem.

Swines! I can't do a crafty edit, but El Reg can.


Re: Ons small problem.

In the title too. Facepalm.

Reach for the edit!


Ons small problem.

This article and the one over at the Auntie are in fact wrong. A quick check on the OED website shows that the last update was back in June and although it includes "headfuck" and "smeg", it does not include "twerk" or "selfie". Anyone with a UK library card can log on and do a quick search to confirm this.

Both articles are mixing up OED with Oxford Dictionaries Online.

Epic also had a revision in the June edition of the OED. Fitting, as this article is an epic fail.

The bunker at the end of the world - in Essex



I know of this place only because it was the set of a dreadful film called S.N.U.B. (Secret Nuclear Underground Bunker). The only reason I watched this straight to video garbage is because my old boss (think a fat, bald version of David Brent with neither the wit or charm) was in it. He was some zombie type thing and he got repeatedly shot and smashed over the head. Who wouldn't want to see that happen to their cretinous boss?

BT's 'six-month free broadband' offer is a big fat FIB - ads watchdog


The main problem with the ASA is that they are far too slow. They issue a ruling not to run the advert again after the offer has expired. BT will care not one jot, the ad has already served its purpose.

Apple updates maps to remove Australia’s ghost-city in the desert


Re: It's weird how Apple get all this flak...

But yet here you are not saying a word about the great apps on an iPhone but slagging off users of Android.

For the record, I love my Android phone because of the endless opportunities to customise it, the brilliant PowerAmp app and being able to drag and drop data to the phone.


Re: It's weird how Apple get all this flak...

Here here. The guy who got the boot from Apple shouldn't have been the guy who developed the program, but the plonker that decided to pull all rivals' map applications at the same time.

Oi, Apple, stick to phones, forget about TV - Time Warner CEO


"I know you pay a license fee for each TV you own"

Not in the UK. One per household.

We have Sky TV and Virgin which are, as far as I can tell, something similar to cable companies. I.E. rip off merchants that would cut their grandma's throat for a fiver.


Re: Just trying to protect their balliwick

If you wanted content in a convenient way, why would you get it through the horror show that is iTunes? I only have it installed to copy the odd album onto my wife's iPod but even this fleeting interaction cements it as the worst piece of software installed on my machine... this was true even when I had my fleeting dalliance with Windows Vista.