Finally, lets hope Kasperski will open source the new ELI5 systemd documentation for the rest of us to finally get it.
Posts by norman
43 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2007
Kaspersky claims to have found NSA's 'space station malware'
Julie Larson-Green: Yes, MICROSOFT is going to KILL WINDOWS
Just call it broken already
Windows desktop has been broken beyond belief.
My system boots Linux, Windows XP, Windows 7, even OS/2 with ease in less than 30 seconds, I tried Windows 8 and 8.1 for a 15 minute boot attempt after a half day installation, would not recommend that installation again.
Windows 8.1 has done nothing to improve the startup horrors created by 8.0.
File-NUKING Cryptolocker PC malware MENACES 'TENS of MILLIONS' in UK
SR-71 Blackbird follow-up: A new TERRIFYING Mach 6 spy-drone bomber
Baldness fix from foreskin follicles
NASA, start your torrents: 622 Mbps broadband link FOUND ON MOON
NSA PRISM deepthroat VANISHES as pole-dance lover cries into keyboard
Anonymous turns private eye in Ohio rape case

After Ohio?
After Ohio, they need to look at the American law enforcement Mafia in general, every town in America gas similar cases.
In Milton Florida, the Police looked the other way when a 12 year old child was raped in a parade, on a float, with a goat; no arrests of any of the kidnappers, no charges to the ones who ran that float.
Busted in the US? 'Drop your trousers, sir'
TSA bars security guru from perv scanner testimony

The simple solution
Hand out Tazers to everyone flying, especially the kids.
There will be so many misaken Tazerings on each flight, we will be imune to airplane violence.
God help someone who actually tries something on the resulting plane full of tazer armed, terrorozed, pissed off "victims"...
Teen hacker claims smut site hack
IBM: 'Your PC will read your mind by 2016'
The moment a computer crash nearly caused my car crash
Does a flash motor make a man more desirable?
Woman puts shout-out for hitman on Facebook
World braces for domain name EXPLOSION
Google Linux servers hit with $5m patent infringement verdict
X-51 hypersonic scramjet test bird ready for second flight
Google copyright purge leaves Android developers exposed

Zombie SCO FUD
Microsoft just release a phone and now we have Android FUD; there is no connection here at all.
Unless Android App developers decided to steal code, they have no issue with having to "show the code", apps compiled against the kernel header is compulsory for the Linux OS and is not a copyright violation at all.
Interesting regurgitation of The SCO Group speak" about header files and the magic number of the elves...
I give this FUD a fail.
Japanese nuke meltdown may be underway
Are disk drives beginning to spin down?
Boffins sex pterodactyls at last
Leslie Nielsen dead at 84
Artificial replacement human livers made in lab
Pentagon confirms attack breached classified network
SCO rises from the dead (again)

Ah, The SCO Group, such wonderful plumage...
But seriously, the endless retries keeps The SCO group's execs out of criminal charges for the conversion of Novell's $16 million.
/Remember, this is not the old "SCO", but "The SCO Group"; formerly known as Caldera.
//The name change was intended to confuse a judge/jury/world into thinking they had rights to reinterpret a contract signed by "Old SCO".
Incredible Hulk snared on Street View
Could a hard drive dedupe data?
Large Hadron Collider scuttled by birdy baguette-bomber
Vulture 1: Calling all electronics wizards

Why not?
Why not an airplane shaped zeppelin with a pressure vent that releases one way as the external pressure goes down in relation to the internal pressure.
The balloon/plane goes up and reaches a balance between the lift of the gas/weight of the plane and the pressure difference releasing gas.
Once the vent reaches a balance the vent no longer releases gas and the plane/balloon (now heavier than the air) glides back down.... eventually.
You can carry more weight this way, (a signal?) and reuse the device later. (when you find it)
/Do not use Hydrogen....
Man blames cat for child porn downloads
Microsoft promises no patent prosecution of open-source .NET

Grandma, what big eyes have.
"Meanwhile, Microsoft stressed that third parties are free to implement technologies under the Community Promise without signing a license."
Did they say anything about actually developing and using it in Linux, or just that it can be implemented in Windows?
You need to watch the wording of the MicroSphinx.
'Infinitesimal magnetic tornadoes' set to ravage computing
New York mulls terrorist cell phone jamming
Aussie has answer to save Earth from asteroid attack
Microsoft pledges love and money to open source
US auto-emissions cleansed in urine-tech shower

But what do the techs look like?
"Its 28-litre tank of golden AdBlue is enough to go 28000km, seemingly, so Mercedes don't expect that customers will need to top it up themselves. This will be done by technicians during routine servicing."
Don't try this at home?
Brings new meaning to "routine servicing".
I think I have seen the video of the German "technicians" in action.
Having a migraine? Blame your brain

I had migraines for many years, since I was very young.
My migraines resulted in sweating a quart or more of water in about a half hour. (I squeezed out the sheets one day to check)
I still have trouble when a doctor asks me "to scale my pain on a 1-10 scale".
I have had broken bones, cuts to the bone, hammer blows to the thumb, but have never found any pain close to one of my "bad" migraines.