* Posts by confused and dazed

114 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Nov 2012


First iPhone X fondlers struggle to admit that Face ID sort of sucks

confused and dazed


I like the convenience of apple pay, but feel a little bit of a nob using it. Touch ID at least allows me to be discrete, while talking to the cashier. Staring at a phone just in front of my face instead .... no thanks

Apple Cook's half-baked defense of the Mac Mini: This kit ain't a leftover

confused and dazed

One trick pony ?

Bit worried about Apple. The success of the iphone seems to have allowed them to become arrogant enough to feel they can ignore their (old) core business - pro type users. If the iphone stops being groovy (as it's beginning to look) they could fall fast .... hope not

The Google Home Mini: Great, right up until you want to smash it in fury

confused and dazed

Selling your soul ?

I guess peoples' polarised opinions depend on how much one objects to Google (or anyone else) having even more access to your privacy. For me I want a physical switch and it'll stay off until these things can do something really useful, and even then I would choose the vendor carefully .....

Oracle staff report big layoffs across Solaris, SPARC teams

confused and dazed


I had a tadpole SPARC laptop - used to burn my knees !

WD gets court order: Toshiba can't block access to shared database

confused and dazed


16 layer TSV .... that's going to be cheap !

AI and robots? Will someone think of the jobs, says HPE CEO Whitman

confused and dazed

Forgetting the hypocrisy fro a moment. She is correct - we need paying jobs for people to do ....

Samsung to Galaxy Note 7 users: Turn it off. Now

confused and dazed

Re: On Star Trek -

I propose a spring based "fast-dump" option that would eject any smoking battery super quick. You could even aim the burning cell at smirking by-standers

2016 in mobile: Visit a components mall in China... 30 min later, you're a manufacturer

confused and dazed

Need to sort out privacy first

I got a fitbit as a gift - within an hour I got an email praising my "work-out".

If I "work out", I don't want some teenager in California sending me inane congratulatory badges

it's in a drawer .....

US military readies drone submarine hunter

confused and dazed

Re: WTF, ok i may be a little late to the party but !!!

still seems hellish high,

say the boat costs a billion - over 20 years, officers ~100K a year, crew 40K a year ....

my super military grade calculator still comes nowhere near ..... they must eat a lot ..

Big Data, empty bellies: How supermarkets tweak prices just for the sake of YOUR LOVE

confused and dazed

Aldi Convert

I shifted to Aldi for a few reasons :

1. They're cheaper (a lot)

2. I think overall their quality is superior (the Chicken doesn't appear to have been soaked in water for 3 months to boost it's weight) & they've shown (at least to me) that brands are not always better.

3. I got tired of the buy 6 punnets for the price of a 1 or yo-yo wine price "offers" that made me wish I'd brought a calculator on each shop

All this lost my trust

I just hope our UK grocers take this kicking on board and fix things

You'll go APE for our new Gorilla Glass 4, Corning reckons

confused and dazed

1M ?

Who drops a phone just 1m ?

are there leagues of very short phone users out there ?

Samsung, Apple soap opera drama: Korean giant WILL churn out chips for iPhones, iPads

confused and dazed

the difference between 16 and 14nm ...

Marketing ....

NO SALE: IBM won't cash in its chips with GlobalFoundries after all

confused and dazed

Re: Who knows best?

300mm has been the standard for years - irrespective of process node.

Intel still uses 300mm for volume, although people are now evaluating 450mm

HDMI hitch hounds Mac Mini holders

confused and dazed

Minor issue - but does need to be fixed

It too have experienced ~hourly display blank-outs with my new i7 mac mini. I agree that it sounds like a MRC issue and that likely Apple are working it. I did call their help line and indeed they were very helpful. They offered to swap out - but I declined as I suspect that wouldn't fix it and would just entail a load more grief for me.

So long as it is fixed in the next few weeks, I'll just put up with it. Has kind of taken the shine off an otherwise pleasant purchase though ....
