...and Unstuck, how?
Strong enough to adhere a normal person to the *hood of a moving car*...
But when it finally comes to a stop and we'd like to get off, how do we detach again?
10 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Nov 2012
Seriously, we need some overtly negative optinos. Idiot is good, clearly. But I think Farcebook misses the bot if they don't include the following:
Dubious, at best
You know, just to keep things on the up and up.
Ahem. The article means *commercial* rents, not residential. You git.
Yes, it's true that residential rents are rising also, and we can blame the likes of Amazon & Farcebook for paying their brogrammers too much and inflating rents. Something ought be done, but I don't know what. :(
1058 selected applicants, rigorious ment/phys/emot testing (..for broadcast also?) to trim the numbers some more.... however....
No plans or construction schedule for a spacecraft that will take years to even build once begun (probably in orbit, yeh?), and only a robotic probe being sent out first in.... 4 years from now.
How old will these fools actually be when "their" spacecraft (specially built with loads of cameras and digital storage) is finally finished? (Assuming that even magnetic-field radiation shielding is perfected by then..).
Clearly, they are idiots if they are going to sign up for this without any ship even close to *begun*.
We'll probably get a season of "Mars One Simulator" on the telly where Bas & Co. pack two dozen rubes into a newly renovated "BioSphere 3"/Mars Spacecraft Mock-up out in the Arizona desert and force them to live inside it for half a year -on camera, natch- before a few of them crack and either kill someone or escape the confines, only with lifelong psychological trauma.
Colosseum Televiso Psychologica ?
"My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina." - Maude Lebowski
I though the soccer pitch looked vaginal well before I was aware a woman designed it. The assumption was that the male designers had just been very, very hopeful.
The badges are dandy, and giving gold/silver folks the ability to edit posts will be interesting!
However, I would like to propose that comments receive a number, in order that they were posted... so that when commenters refer to another's comment, we all don't go blind looking to track down the greyscale name marking the comment in question. A nice big number on each comment would be most helpful to keep track of the comment-recomment flow.