1, He writes it out in crayon,
2 Then interpreted by a trained monkey
3 Save to teletype machine
4 Post
5 goto 1 ( yes, really :-) )
Why do you think we had the bizarre dance routines, it musk have stalled at 2.
65 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Nov 2012
Unfortunately, having got their claws in Palanir won't be easy to dislodge, knowing too much about every little peccadillo the "Great and the Good" have got up to. It will probably drop off after 1.5 or so times the current budget, and having sucked out all it can, scuttle away to somewhere else, if we are lucky.
With 8Gb it's not going to take much for it to page to SSD, which means the SSD is going to wear out quicker, and I'm willing to bet It's got just enough life in it to exit the warranty.
I wouldn't be surprised if the 16/32GB models page out to SSD as well (for some "apple" reason).
Is the SSD soldered ? 'Cause that would be extra++ evil
This itself indicates a dearth of ideas on how to proceed and restrictions on ideas, and RISK-V is an idea not a physical product. Banning somebody from using an idea has never worked. You can ban a product in your own country, but that's about all.
On this the US seems to be on a path to nowhere
I think it's going to be the EU, for all its faults, that is going to come out ahead in all this, after all the crucial EUV stuff is built there and not in the US.
The population overall is better educated, and it has built itself up to be an economic powerhouse, it all depends on how advanced Ukraine is after the Orki are kicked out and the rebuilding starts.
I just hope the US doesn't fuck it up just because it can. Brexit was primarily I think driven by right wing US ideologues,
China historically has been interested primarily in China (Taiwan for all its importance to the US, is a border dispute in Chinese eyes)
On Zen everything went incredibly smoothly, email a couple of weeks before to plug the phone into the router instead of the wall at a certain time, and it would work, it did.
Keeping my number was simple, as was adding a DECT phone, which I had lying around in the box of tech crap that I might get round to using when I can be bothered to fiddle with it.
Mind you the modem they send is pretty decent, mesh networking available (I rolled my own which worked, with the router and I saved a few quid a month).
Unfortunately, it doesn't have an OpenWRT image available for it, which is the only downside. But it's fast, gets updates frequently enough, and the usb3 port works as my home NAS. So there is that.
3d printing does not match HP's idea of 3D printing, it's great for prototypes and one-offs.
It's also great for printing all sorts of plastic stuff for use around the home, brackets, hinges, bits you can't get elsewhere at a decent price, and your next great idea( that will end up in the scrap bin shortly).
It's not easy to monetize when any half-decent engineer can build one that works better than your offering.
CHP (Combined heat and power) stations are amongst the most efficient ways of using resources. I did some early design work on them for a degree course in the late 1980's.
There is no reason not to use the energy left in the fluid to do something useful, and increase the overall efficiency and probably drive down operating costs of the datacenter. Stirling engines (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling_engine) are fairly easy to build, just get them driving a generator, and you get a portion of your used power back.
Villain, and what is a villain, well it's someone who does evil whatever that is.
So tempting the protagonist is a valid story move.
Feed the AI with villain tropes is always going to go dark quickly.
But what can you do, ''Real'' literature is often pretty dark.
I guess Evil Corp stories wouldn't go down well with corporate investors
Not wearing a mask, ok it's rude, antisocial, stupid and in some cases illegal
Deliberately coughing on someone - that's assault clear and simple no question on the illegality.
But she's an entitled American Karen and losing her job is the best we can hope for
Good on SAP for at least doing this
But seriously,
one of the reasons VHS won over the technically superior Betamax was that porn was unavailable easily on Betamax. However, in areas that required hi-fidelity such as broadcasting, Betamax persisted until 2002, and VHS until 2003
My expectation is that both will continue until they are killed off by something better. One will be used more generally, Containers probably, and VM's used where security is more important than easy of use.
Just let it run for a few hours it WILL pick up work as it is available - over the last 2 days mine has been working about 70% of the time, set on medium while I'm browsing.
Medium settings (on a 3950x/vega 64,32gb memory) runs at 30 cores leaving 2 cores for me :-)
Using the creators settings on ryzen master my average temp is around 60 after 2 hours or so.
Also a nice test for your rig :-)
I'm also investigating using my 3d Printer too make facemasks or ventilators,Some guys in Italy have designs undergoing tests.
As, despite moving 4 times in my voting career, I've always ended up in a constituency where a dead body could be voted in as long as its a blue color, my vote has never been worth a damn. So no targeted ads here
I do dutifully vote, but really whats the point, the systems rigged
I once lived in a constituency where it might have mattered, but 'boundary changes' happened before I had a chance
Typical defense company boondoggle, 10 lines of code in my Flight controller and this is useless ( read rssi, zigzag out of interference,, resume mission )
Speaking as someone who has nearly finished their 2nd 250 racing drone ( the first one blew up,did you know Lithium polymer batteries store a LOT of energy and Carbon fibre is conductive? I'd forgotten).
A bit of background, the radios are frequency hopping and the most popular ones run open source software, the flight controllers are as well and we're up to 32bit processors with a full sensor suite
Most of the software in both the radios and the flight controller is Open Source ( and has the required bad tempered bitch fight between competing forks :-) ) so I'd have to say bring it on.
I'd back our beardies and 12 yr old coders against any defense contractors.
written light hardheartedly, cos you know, TLA's ( and FLA in the UK) Drones being Villain of the Month at the moment,
I used to work for a company that made Data centre power backups (ups and diesel gennies combined,'Active Power', nice company to work for).
Why they didn't have that, or something similar reeks somewhat of incompetance.
I'm willing to bet other similar companies in the area DID have something in place and their customers wouldn't have even noticed.