* Posts by Tex Arcana

65 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Nov 2012


'Toothless' environment protections in secretive global trade pact TPP leaked all over the web

Tex Arcana

Re: U.S. Citizens

But a nice revolution could flush these b@stards down the toilet, where they belong.

Tex Arcana

Re: U.S. Citizens


Or... For the citizens to declare war upon the New Murkin Corporocracy and their lapdog whores the collective politicians that have ruined this nation with their corruption.

Tex Arcana

The only interests in play in the US are distinctly NOT those of the people... They are trying to sneak this through legislation now, so they can pass the worst possible "treaty" for the American people since the legalization of slavery.

Tex Arcana

Re: Who ya gonna call?

All the USA wants is a way to sidestep the Constitution and rule of law, and enable the 1% to turn the rest of the nation into paupers and slaves.

Panem et circensis, anyone?

Morgan Stanley: Web firms too fat and ugly to bother investing in

Tex Arcana

to their eyes, any company with more than zero people is "too fat and ugly" to invest in...

Samsung Galaxy S3 explodes, turns young woman into 'burnt pig'

Tex Arcana

It might be time to start some serious research into lithium batteries, and ways to make them safer. I bought an cordless electric lawn mower, and I elected to go with the lead-acid battery model because the heat here in Texas would kill a big lithium--if not me when it goes POP! :-(

'Depression-era grandma' Apple responds to bolshy investor

Tex Arcana

Rotten Apple

They have ceased to be relevant. With Dead Steve Jobs only communicating via ouija board, the rest of the company is slowly (or not so slowly, considering the lame iPwn5) sinking back into the mediocrity and borderline fail they were before the iPwns became the smash hits they were.

They've failed investors and consumers, because Jobs was able to think FORWARD, take bold chances, and was smart enough and driven enough to force the point through. If it weren't for the iPwn (which was a MAJOR risk in and of itself), Apple would be less than nothing these days.

But it was Jobs that made it happen, because he saw the future, and what he needed to do to make it happen (and to shape that future): convince EVERYONE that was the path they needed, that they needed to become a technology leader, instead of follower.

And they did. And they blazed a path big, bright, and wide, that created an entire industry of real, workable smartphones. And they are the de facto standard now.

Jobs dies. Apple starts to rot. iPwn5 is a flop. Apple becomes a chicken little follower. Everyone else takes the lead, the risks, and begin to redefine the genre with their products, instead of the other way around.

SO now, Apple risks failing, yet again; and this is why they are hoarding their cash: the execs see the writing on the wall, they're too scared to take any risks, they can't see beyond their next bonuses, so they huddle in their little boardrooms, plotting how to swipe all that cash, and put it into their own pockets, and eventually turn Apple into the next Hostess, where they rape the company of all its cash, then break it up and sell it into obscurity.

The only way that's not going to happen is if they get someone at the helm with vision and foresight, who can be bold and blaze a trail yet again.

I guess they better start digging, their only hope is Dead Zombie Steve Jobs!!!

The business mullet: Cool or tool?

Tex Arcana

It never ceases to amaze me...

...how vain and superficial humans can be.

Suits are what the old monarchies/religions/tyrranies made us all think we should wear: "dress to impress".


If you can't see past the surface trappings, and see the real reason you're there in the first place, then you shouldn't be there; nor should you be handling anything more responsible than the fryer in a McDonalds.

Small-minded people use conformity and "dress standards" as yet another way to discriminate. Sad thing is, it seems we keep letting these idiots run things, while the really smart people get stuck getting bvttfvkked by these psychosociopaths on a regular basis.

In conclusion: I don't give a fukk what you're wearing. Make the presentation good, give me solid facts, and don't try to blow me into buyiing your sh!t, and we'll get along fine. blow in here in your $1000 suit and your Chinese-slave-labor-made crap, and I'm shoving you out the window for that sudden stop at the bottom, just to shut you the fvkk up.

Kids as young as FIVE need lessons in online safety - NSPCC

Tex Arcana
Thumb Up

Free sex-ed...

Look at it this way: porn is just "training tapes", and these "kids" are learning the essential basics that neither parents nor schools are teaching. And there's plenty of material for "advanced studies".

I think if I found my kid with a stock of porn, I'd make sure s/he secured it properly (to keep me out of trouble), and then make damned sure s/he felt comfortable enough to approach me and ask me questions, that I would answer honestly.

And I'd buy s/he a nice box of condoms.

Google frenches Gallic media with €60m and some 'help'

Tex Arcana

A perfect example of French corruption...

Hey, Google! Thanks for showing us that corporate and governmental corruption is alive and well!

And you silly Frenchies! Why would ANYONE want to trust you now, since you've just proven that anything French can be bought with enough cash. If I ever have to have anything to do with you or your people, I'll be sure to turn and RUN the other way! I don't want to have anything to do with anyone who has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that I can be stabbed in the back by the party I'm dealing with, if someone else shows up and flashes more cash than I have.

Dear grenouilles, please keep your shit-covered corruption over there. Thank you.

Microsoft blasts PC makers: It's YOUR fault Windows 8 crash landed

Tex Arcana

Win8: Small&Limp's attempt to go iPC...

The same old story: M$ wants monopoly, and can't quite get the public (who just eat up those pesky iPads and iPwns), or government groups (who occasionally do THE RIGHT THING for their public), or even corporations (DON'T THEY KNOW THEY'RE JUST LIKE US, PROFITMONGERS??) to play ball and let them have that li'l ol' monopoly!! And every time they try, they do something PROFOUNDLY stupid, pad their numbers, then try to blame ANYONE else they can for their failures.

And, the story repeats itself yet again: M$ makes an OS that is completely out of touch with reality, tries to shove down the world's collective throats, then blames everyone else (including the CUSTOMERS!!) when we gag and spit it out.

You'd think they'd have learned their lessons LOOOONG ago (Fista, ME, Ribbon).

But, no: they thought that tablets were going to replace EVERYTHING--maybe eventually, but nowhere near to "yet" at this point. So they tried to obsolete every desktop with this abominations--tell me, who is going to run out a buy a win8 tablet? Or a touch-screen monitor, for that matter??

And the ergonomics of this: if you're using a desktop, are you wanting to remover you hands from the keyboard to reach UP and OUT to touch something on a screen?? Especially super-repetitive gestures and commands?? Hell, millions of users will learn keyboard commands ([win]___ and [alt]___ and [ctrl]____) to KEEP THEIR HANDS ON THE KEYBOARD AND OFF THE MOUSE!!

Again, repetitive gestures that aren't ergonomic, and can potentially cause Repetitive Stress Injury. Perhaps ol' Steve got a nice "bonus" from the Shoulder Surgeons of America to help drive their businesses... :tard:

I think the biggest blind spot any software engineer has, is the human interface: they forget that humans have limitations, and that certain motions are just more humanly efficient. Kind of like how software engineers forget that, for the average or lesser user, what's super-simple to them and self-evident, isn't to the average joe; and never will be.

And M$ repeatedly violates simple ergonomic principles EVERY FREAKING TIME they do something this stupid.

Will they ever learn??

Meanwhile, I'll stick to Win7 and my iPad; and if they decide to remote-kill Win7 from Mount Doom, then I'll switch to Linux, and never look back.

Tex Arcana

Re: Well...

Hah, like Fista was hailed by the users as the saver of all things PC... oh, wait: that was Win7. O___o

When I built my i7-based rig in 2008, Fista ran pretty decently; but 7 ran rings around it.

Either your laptop is a mega-rig, or you're a Ballmer-licker trying to shill the forums and comments.

SPUDS ON A PLANE! Boeing boosts in-flight Wi-Fi with tater tech

Tex Arcana

Re: spuds are donated to a food bank after testing

Well? How do you think the 1%ers are going to eliminate competition from us pesky great unwashed?? They can't just KILL us, yanno??

Oh, wait...

Kickstarted mobe charger 'kicked to death by Apple'

Tex Arcana

So Rotten Apple won't play nice?

Screw them. They're just jealous that someone else came up with something as elegant and clean as the fabled iToaster.

Simioff: just effing make this. It's a great design and great idea. Just make it, and make the iPwn feeples (fanboi sheeple) buy Dead Steve Jobs' "Lightning" adapter.

The rest of us will line up for this awesome device and make our lives easier, likely without iPwn devices.

One week left before US faces clamp down on piracy

Tex Arcana

Re: I foresee....

AC, this is AmurrriKKKa: they don't ask such thinks nicely.


Yeah, welcome to the Corporate States of AmurrriKKKa, where we are being sold to said corporations...
