* Posts by t.est

270 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2012


Falling slinky displays slow-motion causality

Paris Hilton

Re: Seems overcomplicated

Exactly, which means the top part should be falling with the acceleration generated by a force equivalent to 2g compared with a "non springy" item being dropped. This state may only be true in the very beginning or until the whole spring has collapsed.

I would guess the initial acceleration is comparable to being pulled with 2g and it will decrease towards 1g

In that state the bottom part will have an acceleration of equivalent to being pulled with 0g.

While collapsing. It would be interesting to see a item being dropped at the same time.

The information is however instant/(or travels with speed of c) over the whole physical object. When released it got released. Remember it's 1 g that pulls bottom end of the spring in it's first place.

What's new in this? All newton physics. Expect that you cannot calculate with centre of mass. Or you can if you wan't to know when it reaches the ground. Centre of the length of the spring should give you the calculation point for when it will reach the ground.

Punters rate Apple, Samsung more highly than ever


Re: Samsung just got it right...

I read pretty much complaint about them. Smart tv's that people consider stupid.

A whole bunch of people want's apple to smart up the TV experience. I doubt Apple will be able to really do it. But if Apple can't there's little hope for any other to do it.

What TV needs is a revolution, not an incremental update. Samsung etc are good on incremental updating. Apple are good on revolutionise the business.

And it's that what people who want Apple TV expect of Apple. They don't expect an other smart TV. I rather have a dumb screen than to days smart TV. With current techs and business models ( this is what Apple should change with a TV). I prefer a dumb screen with one hdmi input, 50-60", "retina" classed 2-3m viewing distance, handles sRGB fully with proper viewing angels. It does not even need speakers.

Then I use a receiver to handle all the rest, not the screen.

But what i really want is a screen that work in a home theatre ecosystem over wifi. So skip that hdmi connection. Same with the sound system, and forget the receiver I don't want it.

This is what I want: http://www.unmonday.com/ with a screen that follows the very same concept.

All i want to watch I should be able to get from my other internet devices.


Re: Maybe people are looking at quality of product?

"Video calls exist on many other smart phones and can make them to other makes of smartphone, as long as they aren't Apple."

Yeah so the supposed to do, I had a few phones that was to be video phone capable before I got my first iphone, which was the iphone4.

It's only with the iPhone I've been able to have a video call in an inappropriate place, hint put the icon upside down :p

Chinese student fails job interview because of iPhone


Well looking at our company's support of phones and basic features for the corporate world.

The list of which phone you should choose from the list is.

1. iPhone

2. Win Phone (Nokia Lumias) or Nokia Symbian Phones.

3. Android.

The reason is purely based on which one serves the company the best, feature wise. Comes down to administration, backup possibilities and security management etc.

e.g. iOS has 2 native ways for handling full backups, both encrypt-able. Android has 0.

WinPhone / Symbian has native backup options, but is a bit more of a hazzle to setup, and they are not full backups.

That's just one of the facts.


Re: Remember when it was the fashion to leave a gap between your tie knot and collar?

What would you do with me.

I sometimes even cut my own hair. Around 6 mm, let it grow till the bad hair days become too obvious and cut it again down to 6 mm. So a constant bad hair day sit's here but I do have an iPhone...

I can't deal with Android, I get so mad, it's like surfing a web page in the 90s with all those blinking advertising gifs and nothing else. Lots of bling, but I just want my job done. I guess WinPhone will be the only real competitor to iphone on that part. Just not really there yet.


Re: Sounds like....

bollocks... Who said it was Apple gear?

Quite the difference here, I help out those PC guys to get their PC to do what they should do at their work place. You know function in the work environment. You know all from fixing faults in the registry (caused by incompetent IT staff) to show them how to work in MS office software.

Imagine you need to be an Apple freak to be able to that, that is just such a big fail for your self-esteem.


Re: Sounds like....

I'm work in a company >15k employees.

A division that I used to work in have the attitude you have towards technology. Guess which division isn't cutting it?

If you can't embrace technology where you need to embrace it, good riddance your soon being check mated from the competition. And that is exactly what is happening to our company right now, we used to be the best in the world in our market. But as we suck on information management, due to freaks that hate tech, we are today loosing big time.

Yes same people who can't manage with mail, yet even less on a phone. It's really crippling us, and we are loosing customers because of it.

We aren't even in the electronic business, we are in the industrial business. Those same types who says "hard work solves it", but no, hard work does not solve anything if you can't do it right, or even worse do the wrong work at wrong time. I have been in it, doing it their way. Stupid idiots is what they are, thankfully I got into a different division with proper view of technology, this division get things done, but we do suffer due to that other division who can't deliver. And we are partly dependant on them.

Irresponsible idiots, that's what they are, and nothing else.

Adobe's revenge on Steve Jobs: HTML5


Re: Doing What Jobs Urged Them To

Even Adobe has changed their methods on that and you defend it.


Re: Erm, am I missing something?

No wonder I dislike Pixlr...

I used to use Photoshop professionally, nowadays I use Pixelmator for the very little pixel work I do, and it's a pleasure to use, all native cocoa.


Not seen one webpage in flash that I liked.

In fact I did dislike them so much so I started to boycott companies products whose webpage was based on flash.

Yepp, I did look elsewhere for a new car when I bought mine just for that reason. One potential sell that one company lost just because they had gone bananas with flash on their homepage, when I wanted information on their cars.

I concluded if they can't build a proper homepage, to inform potential customers of their products, they for sure can't build cars either. Their flash pages was all flashy but just made me angry when I could not get the info I wanted.


Re: "Adobe for its proprietary approach to Flash."

Nope, the fact that Apple tried to get Adobe to make a proper version from the very beginning talks against that conspiracy-theory.

If that was the case why would Jobs even have bothered contacting Adobe on these issues. What jobs probably didn't tell Adobe was that they had a phone going on. Just that they should fix their bloody crap ware that they bought from Micromedia. Not one Micromedia product have been of high quality.

And I'm sorry to say that when Adobe bought Micromedia, it was more like Micromeda taking over Adobe. Adobe used to produce high quality software, that's all gone, and been gone for a long time.


Re: Jobs Last Laugh

I can spot those crappy app miles away. They all talk flash, and they for sure are pure crap.

Ready for ANOTHER patent war? Apple 'invents' wireless charging


Re: Healthy?

If you like your egg raw, you will enjoy it.

A phone will not cause heat to anything of that magnitude so you can cook an egg on it, nor pop a popcorn. Just so you know that youtube clip was a fake one.

Other than that I agree on that you should be cautious, as we have little clue of what various health issues we could get from various energy levels of electromagnetic radiation. We do know that visible light is even good for our health, but we also know that both x-rays and radioactive radiation are unhealthy. They are all based on the same physics, and all go under the name electromagnetic radiation.

Want to know more visit wikipedia


Apple plants flag on wireless power-supply map


Well, but this could easily bee expanded to include other devices, if not effectively charging them at least extend their lifetime.

Put your phone/pad next to you computer at work, and you have extended lifetime till next charge is needed. Maybe you could do the whole work week on the same charge... that is if you'r lucky enough to have Apple gear at work.


Re: Solution for a problem that doesn't exist?

Your credit card will be safe, watch the mythbuster episode.

However in a "cut-out scenes" episode they did mention that with some "special" magnet (can't remember the name of them) they where able to wipe the cards, but because they could not get a stable gauss reading of those magnets it was cut from the program.

But basically anything else they tried did not wipe any card with a magnetic strip. Not even normal "strong" magnets. So your credit-card will be safe.


Re: the charging unit will only work with identified devices

Palm did break the USB standard, and USB Forum has asked Palm why the heck they did so, and stood on Apples side.

What palm was doing was hacking.

Global warming still stalled since 1998, WMO Doha figures show


Re: Wrong.

Nope it's not, use your grey sells a bit, ant take a look at earth's poles. If you know enough physics you'll understand.

Made a lengthy post here, try to read it and understand it, though my English isn't perfect.


Fools or what shall I say.

Not understanding, what is there that they don't understand.

If they ice's at the poles is melting, btw the best indicator for global warming we have, at the alarming speed they actually do, measured in volume. It will effect the temperatures everywhere. If the ice can't rebuild it self from year to year, it will have a cooling effect on the whole planet. Water is an excellent energy carrier.

So a flat curve or even a curve that shows the earth is cooling. Doesn't tell us anything about if our planet is cooling down or warming up.

But if the extremely cold areas can't stay cold, the earth is definitely warming up.

Measuring this can't be done with photos of our poles, as they are 2 dimensional measurements. Just think about it if you put ice cream on the table, and can restrain from eating it, it will melt, and while doing so spread itself out, getting a larger area. And even cooling that area down that it reaches while melting.

As all of you should know freezing water below zero so that it becomes ice, or melting ice above zero so it becomes water requires more energy than heating the water up from already liquid form, or freezing the ice even colder while it's as ice.

This means that when the season pulsate between winter and summer. It's much harder to form back the ice that had melted in the summer period. And as already said water moves energy pretty well. That cold water that was melted has cooled down the planet elsewhere than on the pole. While the water that should freeze back to polar ice still is too hot to rebuild the lost ice from previous years.

So yes, curves can show that our earth is cooler, but if our polar ice is still melting that is a failed measurement of our planets warming/cooling trend.

As with everything else you need to calculate in Watts, not in Celsius.

Texan schoolgirl expelled for refusing to wear RFID tag


Re: Christ (oops!) bloody religion again???

Nice one then you also know she's called "Babylon the Great", and perhaps understand what that represents?

And then you have probably also identified the beast she's riding, the very beast that will devour her.

Basically that means, if it is as you say that religion is the last bastion against being tracked, say goodbye to a life where you'r not being tracked. At least for an hour.
