* Posts by Shufflemoomin

41 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2012

Scottish enviro bods shrug off ransomware gang's extortion attempt as 4,000 files dumped online, saying it's nothing big


Re: Stop using windows for stuff

"Winblows"? Are you 13?

Oculus Go: Capable kit, if the warnings don't put you off


Playing around with a cardboard and thinking you've tried VR without trying a rift or vive is like driving a 1 litre fiat and saying that you know you wouldn't enjoy a Ferrari.

Twenty years ago today: Windows 98 crashed live on stage with Bill Gates. Let's watch it again...


Re: " Still funny, even after all these years"

"cheap ho-flung-dung hardware" Really? Are you that immature and ignorant?

Apple's magical quality engineering strikes again: You may want to hold off that macOS High Sierra update...


Re: countless issues

Why do you have any web browsers on machines you claim are "on their very own little network, locked away from the outside world"?

Windows 10 S forces Bing, Edge on your kids. If you don't like it, get Win10 Pro – Microsoft


Mandella effect?

Is this collective misremembering of information or did Microsoft really not get dragged through the courts in the past for this exact thing? And lost?

Microsoft promises twice-yearly Windows 10, O365 updates – with just 18 months' support


I hate what Microsoft are doing with Windows 10 and, although I'm using it now, I'm actively looking to switch away. In the history of Windows, the OS stayed essentially the same and updates only fixed bugs and occasionally added small features. If I didn't like the way things like Windows ME or Windows 8 did things, I could just choose to skip that OS and wait to see what the next version is like. Now, Microsoft can just say "Hey, you know that update we just installed without giving you a choice? We made major UI changes and there's nothing you can do about it". I went through that crap on the Xbox 360 with them changing the interface completely and I had no choice.

Well, they're not doing that to me any longer. It's MY computer and I should choose which software and which version runs on it. Not Microsoft. I'm going to leave my current PC as a gaming PC and use Steam streaming to play games from it on the new mid-level Linux PC I'm about to build. If software and games publishers took Microsoft's cock out of their mouth and made more of a push to Linux for gaming, they could sound the death knell of Windows with a decade.

PlayStation 4 probs: Gamers struggle with PSVR headset blackouts


Re: Damn

PSVR is to VR what mobile gaming is to PC gaming. it's a cut-down, budget version. Try it and then try a Rift or Vive to see the difference.

BBC surrenders 'linear' exclusivity to compete with binge-watch Netflix


"Withholding episodes creates "event TV" – a common cultural experience – and results in increased attention."

Ah, no. Withholding episodes drives people to Torrents and YouTube. If someone wants to see something, they'll find it online somewhere. They're not going to wait around until it shows up in the TV listings and sit down to watch it at a time dictated by the BBC. It's not the 80s any more.

Microsoft goes retro with Vista, Zune-style Windows Neon makeover


Re: At least they're trying!

I'm sick to death of people defending Microsoft in this manner. They come up with a half-arsed UI and force change for the sake of change and any time anyone points it out, people like you take the cheap shot of claiming we just "don't like change". I like change when it's *good* change. I could take your bed away and give you some old bed clothes on the floor instead and, when you rightly complain, I can just judge you for "not liking change".

Microsoft paid me $650 to scrub Windows 10 from my grandpa's PC, says man


Lucky you. Since I installed the anniversary update, the Solitaire Collection doesn't work at all. Between that and .NET 3.5 being unable to be installed, I'm starting to wonder if Microsoft bothered doing *any* testing at all.


"We will continue to listen to customer feedback and make improvements based on what we are hearing from our customers."

No you bloody won't. If you did, the Windows 10 upgrade crap would never have happened at all or escalated in its crappiness and Windows 10 might actually be something people *want*.

I really wish a high profile case would happen and hit Microsoft's wallet, because it's all they understand. The red ring disaster of the 360 make them take notice, hence the stupidly large heatsink on the Xbox One. Maybe if people start suing left, right and centre, someone might go to the Windows 10 dev team and ask what the hell is going on.

Sage advice: Avoid the Windows 10 Anniversary Update – it knackers our accounting app


Not limited to Sage

I recently (stupidly) upgraded to the anniversary update and I'm also having issues with .NET 3.5. It keeps popping up telling me that some programs or features require .NET 3.5 and when I click install, it fails. Apparently the work-around is to install it directly from my install media. It's 2016 and Microsoft are telling me to dig out an install disk so I can install *their* product on *their* operating system.

'I thought my daughter clicked on ransomware – it was the damn Windows 10 installer'


They *have* posted the ransom notes. If you installed it during the free offer period, the license is not transferable to another PC. When you change out your motherboard, Microsoft considers that to now be a new PC and you WILL have to pay for a new license. It's already happening to people even though it's still during the free period. Microsoft say the only way to get it back for free is to install a previous version of Windows with a legit key and go through the upgrade process again. They've given it away to 300 million people for free and they *know* that those people are going to have to give them the full price at some point in the near future. It's the dodgiest move Microsoft have ever pulled.

Anyone who doesn't believe me only has to go and dig a little. Microsoft certainly didn't trumpet this little fact but they *do* have the information out there if you want to look for it.

Windows 10 free upgrade offer ends on July 29th


Re: I have to run Windows 7

"But other than this, where have they mis-behaved ?"

The version of OSX I have on my rarely used Mac Mini keeps popping up and telling me to upgrade to the latest OS version. The only choices I get are 'upgrade now', 'remind me tonight', 'remind me tomorrow' or to 'turn on automatic updates'. There's no choice for "f**k off and don't ask me again" on that box. How is that better than Microsoft?


Re: I have to run Windows 7

My biggest issue with Windows 10 being developed as a "service", as they put it, is that with every version of every OS I've used since Windows 3.1, I could CHOOSE whether to upgrade to get new features. Now I have no choice. If Microsoft decide to completely revamp the user interface, in the old days I could just choose not to upgrade to the next version of Windows. Now, the OS I've already got installed gets an upgrade and I get the changes whether I want them or not. I've never once installed a version of Windows that I hated so much and I've never spent so much time wondering what I'm going to install instead. Good job, Microsoft. You had one of the biggest brands on the planet with Windows and you're managing to ruin it.


"Anyone left willing to pay US$119/£99.99?"

We'll all be forced to the first time we have to switch out our motherboard. Microsoft made it come across like anyone who upgraded for free during the offer period would never have to pay for the OS. I found out after I'd upgraded that it was temporary free licence and they considered a change of motherboard a different PC and that the license wasn't transferable. Dodgy move. They could have simply limited the activation to one PC at a time. They knew people wouldn't pay for this piece of crap so they suckered us into free upgrades and knew they had us hostage when we had to upgrade hardware. Well, when that time comes, I'll be digging out my old MSDN Windows 7 install disc and going back.

Microsoft's Windows 10 nagware storms live TV weather forecast


Re: $&%#! Microsoft!

Not only will they charge for it after July, they'll charge anyone who got it for "free" if they have to change their motherboard for any reason. Microsoft not only forced people into upgrading, they know that they've got you by the bollocks some time down the line when you need to change a piece of hardware and the only way to get back up and running is to hand over your credit card.

Microsoft's done a terrible job with its Windows 10 nagware


Re: Yada yada yada

"Businesses are strapped for cash. so they made it free."

Microsoft didn't make this free and they know it. They way it appeared to be worded last year was that people who upgraded before July didn't have to pay at all. Now they say if you change out your motherboard after July, you have to pay for a license. You need to activate with MS anyway, so they COULD just have given you a generated key and only allowed that to be installed on one PC at a time, but no, they did it this way so that they conned everyone into upgrading and just have to sit back and wait for the money that they know they'll almost certainly get from you sooner or later.

It was just another bulls**t tactic by Microsoft.

Reminder: iPhones commit suicide if you repair them on the cheap


Re: Frankenstein iPhones

"for all intensive purposes..." Good god.


"As far as you can recall"? Even though the article you didn't read clearly states it's not new?


It's to "protect users" and "stop unauthorised hardware from running"? But the new hardware DOES run, it just stops running if the user happens to upgrade the iOS version. This whole explanation smells of horseshit.

Windows 10 will now automatically download and install on PCs


Re: They own you.

Did one of these "automatic updates" install a new OS for you?

Microsoft herds biz users to Windows 10 by denying support for Win 7 and 8 on new CPUs


I've been using Windows since 3.1 and I honestly don't ever remember a situation where a CPU wouldn't run a recent version of Windows. This seems like such a shitty tactic to pull. They're doing everything they can to force people onto this crappy OS.

No escape: Microsoft injects 'Get Windows 10' nagware into biz PCs


I tried to switch to Linux mint. Booting the live CD left me with no mouse or keyboard (which was eventually solved by using a different USB port), they had no drivers for my Nvidia 970 leaving me with software rendering and after installing with the intention of Dual Booting, I got no boot menu on restart offering me to go into Linux. I spent a couple of hours of Google trying to solve these problems before giving up. There was plenty of advice about editing config files, terminal commands and many other things I didn't want the hassle of. Microsoft can suck it, but Linux is far from the easy experience some people make it out to be.

Microsoft steps up Windows 10 nagging


Re: We don't know the same people

Well, I upgraded my own desktop, my transformer tablet and my girlfriend's laptop. My desktop had issues with the drivers for my Nvidia 970 which took some fannying about, both the transformer tablet and laptop didn't have a working trackpad after install which needed a USB mouse to fix and the laptop didn't have sound, which took me over an hour on Google to fix. So, it went far from smoothly for me. I can't wait for the inevitable call from my elderly father when the upgrade happens without him understanding what's going on and I don't have the ability to remote in and fix any issues.

Add me to the growing list of people who are considering Linux. I really, really don't want to have to reboot into Windows just to play games but I'm getting to the point where I'll put up with the inconvenience just so I don't rely on Microsoft products all the time.

Sneaky Microsoft renamed its data slurper before sticking it back in Windows 10


Yeah, I'm sure it's innocent and I'm sure they're doing nothing with the data they pull with your unique identifier. I'm sure there's no connection between them pulling mass data from users that would be worth a fortune to advertisers and them giving away an operating system for free. I'm sure MS just wanted to do something nice and eat a billion dollar loss giving away their new product. You can't possibly be this naive.

'I posted winning race ticket in Facebook selfie ... and someone stole it!'


It already does. When you go to a friend's profile, you can select which "group" they're in and acquaintance is one of them. I put people I don't know well in there and make sure my posts are only seen by people in the "friend" group. That way I stay connected with the others and they don't get bored by my posts or get a peek into my personal life. A lot of people complain about Facebook, but in the spirit of normal users, they simply don't understand how to use the thing properly.

How Microsoft will cram Windows 10 even harder down your PC's throat early next year



Fantastic. Every time I remote session into my elderly father's Windows 7 machine to fix something, he asks me about that Windows 10 upgrade icon in the taskbar. I keep telling him to ignore it. If he upgrades that machine and something goes wrong, I can't remote into it and I have no way of physically getting to that machine. Now I have to worry about the day that Microsoft decides that it knows better than me and is going to shove that OS on there anyway. I dread that phonecall more than anything. Even if, and it's a BIG if, the install goes smoothly and everything works afterwards, I have to face months of confused phone calls because everything he's learned over the years has changed and shit has moved around. I can't wait. Thanks Microsoft. Have a bag of dicks for Christmas.

UH OH: Windows 10 will share your Wi-Fi key with your friends' friends


I was reading this thinking it was a terrible idea, saw the screenshot and then thought, "well, at least you have to enable the feature." Then I read "Microsoft enables Windows 10's Wi-Fi Sense by default". Jesus Christ, Microsoft. It's like you WANT to fail these days.

It's FREE WINDOWS 10 time: 29 July is D-Day, yells Microsoft


Re: Loving the free upgrade

"Word on the street". Can't get more of an ironclad source than that, can you? Unless you'd care to give us a source we'd actually believe?

Health pros: Alcohol is EVIL – raise its price, ban its ads

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What a load of utter hyperbolic shite. Alcohol in moderation does no harm whatsoever and in many cases is beneficial. That's established. Why are these clowns coming along and trying to frame it as the likely cause of the apocalypse? It does damage to families, does it? Alcoholism causes all the things they're scaremongering about and that's a different issue altogether. Unless they're trying to imply that raising the price and halt advertising is the cure for alcoholism? Which would be on an even keel with the laughable statement they're already trying to make.

iOS 6.1 KNACKERED our mobile phone networks, claim Vodafone, Three

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Re: Strange

That's not always been the case. About ten years ago, a company I was working for were holding an education seminar and we'd bought about 150 original CRT iMacs. We had to have a team of people opening the boxes, switching them on and going through that setup, which included entering full registration details. So, you've not always been able to skip that.

Drop that can of sweet pop and grab a coffee - for your sanity's sake

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Re: Dyslexic analysis disorder

Do you see the word 'suspect' in your statement, followed up at the rear by lack of evidence?

Twitter won't unmask racist Frenchie unless US judge says so

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Re: People have opinions, it's not a crime.

Racist remarks are not opinion, they're an offence. You shouldn't be allowed to get away with it online any more than your should in public.

Ever had to register to buy online - and been PELTED with SPAM?


Re: Odd.....

UK Companies MUST allow the option? Surely you're having a laugh? For one thing, not all companies do it and one quick look around would show you that and for another, who's going to punish them? Are you going to go around suing them like some sort of low-rent, IT Batman?

Amazon outage whacked Netflix US customers on Christmas Eve


You a month's free service because there was an outage lasting less than 24 hours? Is your life so empty that couldn't amuse yourself without Netflix for a few hours?

Wikipedia doesn't need your money - so why does it keep pestering you?


Thanks for bringing this to light. I've already donated once and I won't be doing it again.

Sex offender wins case against Facebook vigilantism


Re: People who

Well, that's clearly not true. A paedophile is someone who has a sexual fetish for children or young adults and a child abuser is one who sexually abuses a child. They're not necessarily the same thing.

Apple manufacturers: ARRGH, pesky iThings are impossible to make


Difficult to manufacture with a low yield. That's expensive and congratulations Apple customers, you're footing the bill. You think that shiny new device is the most expensive because it's the best, do you?

Licensing snafu leaves Windows 8 open to PIRATES

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Re: Been using it today

Maybe if you took the time to watch the full video, you'd understand. I'd like to see you defend his other points.

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I agree. This is further proof that lower the price of something doesn't stop people pirating it. At least we know that 13 losers, and counting, on here have pirated it.