Most users dont care about X86 or ARM
"users know that x86 just works, especially on Microsoft Window's ecosystem."
Are you sure about that? I suspect most users don't even know what x86 is. I'd actually go even further and say that most users don't know that AMD exists, they just know Intel inside (and the annoying bingerly bong that went with it). Most users don't care if the process is ARM or x86, the fact its from by AMD, Intel, Qualcomm or whoever is even less of a thought. For most users the computer is Windows, Mac, or Chrome, the version doesn't matter its a Windows, Mac, or Chrome computer and its used for emails, spreadsheets, and a browser.
If someone outside of the IT and Gaming group of people i.e. most users, cares about their computer at all its because some advert said this was the latest shiney thing and they must have it be it Windows, Mac, or Chrome, especially if they are not the ones paying for it. For everyone else if they buy a new computer it will probably come down to cost because the one they had has broken or they have new people to give it to.
So, all that said if they can be made cheap enough, and available enough, they will sell. For most users the fact its got a slightly different version of Windows on it and you might need to buy updated versions of some things you use is just what happens when you get a new computer. The only computer advert I've seen in the last 6 months has been for a Snapdragon one, I cant remember if it was a generic gat a Snapdragon computer or from a specific company, but its being advertised so people will ask for them.