Re: The New Name will be...
Nah, it will be Threeone, pronounced "Freon", 'cos it freezes every few seconds and leaves you cold.
62 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2012
There are certainly supply issues, ASDA took over the local COOP petrol station near me this summer. Closed for a week for the re-brand and then they cocked up the pay of the TUPEed employees, so most quit = they were offering £5 an hour over previous to try and recruit, but word had got out and no one wanted the jobs!
Meanwhile they regularly ran out of fuel - its the busiest fuel stop for ~70 miles and on a major tourist route - but no fuel! (Despite no longer opening 24 hrs due to above staffing issues)
Time for them to go away.
Lots of hate for Teams... how many have done any investigation before slagging it off?
I'd hazard a guess that there's a few mis-configs and 3rd parties spoiling the party...
(n.b. you'll need .Net 6 installed, but no adm rights required to run the tool)
My top frequent fliers for causing issues:
1. Not split tunnelling the traffic: MSFT traffic -> direct to MSFT is the fix
2. MitM inspection. (see above, why are you MitM your MSFT traffic back at HQ before it goes to MSFT?)
3. DNS (obvs)
bonus: My PiHole was blocking some M365 stuff too, allowed it and things improved.
"making her a paper billionaire."
"Sunak has also done well as an investment banker and hedge fund maven. The couple, with a net worth of £730 million ($825 million)"
So which is it? Is she a paper billionaire (USD or GBP or other) or are they worth ~ 730m GBP / 825m USD ?
Or is she worth 1b + and together they are also worth 730 GBP as well?
Standards please...
"a meteorite the size of a football field hits Earth" Is that an American football "field", or a (real) football *pitch*?
And how is area relevant to a 3 dimensional lump of rock/ice?
But most importantly, these should be in el Reg std. units... therefore (if a football pitch) 194.89nWa.
How about:
"Did you know Linux is 30?
You don't know what Linux is?
Well its hardly surprising as its been
running everything for 30 years."
Thus, the shirt deals with the two sides of Linux that seem to be important: Linux people evangelizing Linux to people who haven't heard of it and pointing out that (for the most part) it "just works" and runs pretty much anything you can think of that isn't MSFT.
Simple solutions - The UK telcos get fined, PER CALL for each spoofed call they allow though their network. It might take a few goes, but they will find a way to check who's traffic they carry if the risk is a fine.
As for the ones that originate in the UK, if you line is a "marketing" line (again, pretty easy top police if you are the telco) its a 5p per call *SETUP CHARGE*. i.e. every out bound call attempt costs the originating number 5p. Spam calling is only effective as its cost effective. Make it expensive to spam, reduce spam.
"While our [service name] has experienced a limited and temporary reduction in service ***due to a sophisticated cyber attack***, [company name] remains committed to the highest standards of security. We are working diligently to resolve the situation and we have no evidence that our core operational systems were compromised."
"GPT-3 forgot the specific times a patient said they were unavailable, and it instead suggested those times as appointment slots."
"it often failed to correctly add up sums when handling people's medical insurance queries"
"given a list of symptoms by a patient, yet it appeared to ignore some of them or just make some up before jumping to conclusions"
So pretty much, it can do *exactly* the same quality of job as a call centre drone or receptionist at a surgery does now!
£145,000 on legal fees...
145000 / £300* per hour = 480 hrs, ~96 working days on a 5 hour day (they are lawyers after all)
How did they clock up just shy of half a working year of legal effort from 36 hours and no charges? Even allowing for a couple of opinions at £2000 a pop, that's still a lot of effort (er, cost) to negotiate a £55k settlement!
* - London based, 8+ years litigation
I've worked in large, multinational and small even micro businesses over the last 10 years.
I am always surprised just how low the IT comprehension is within the non IT types... They can use a smart phone to download an play FB or Twitter yet cannot comprehend saving a doc to OneDrive/DropBox etc instead of the desktop ffs. They cannot click "Save as" when editing an email attached doc and wonder why their edits aren't saved.
This ISN'T in depth IT knowledge, its should be the starting point of the job interview for any job in the business.
In the case of opening crappy emails... send them two interview invites, one crap and one real... if they open the crap one, decline them!
Had to flex up a client's on prem VMWare estate to support the new WFH platform... CPUs out of stock / back-order for weeks thanks to intel's CPU issues. Eventually found them at near double the list price for 3 day delivery. Client said yes because they want everyone to be able to WFH if needed.
Next on the list, a bunch of users with no suitable device at home to WFH. Call to the usual dist'y for laptop options... none, someone cleared out their entire 400 unit stock 30 mins earlier at full margin.
We ended up with top spec surfaces instead (at full margin ££££)
The channel with stock is wearing the minted jacket.
Yup... I'm with you on that! We have a (LandRover) Disco 3 - its been in the shop about a year now in the last 3 chasing a LIMP mode issue... they just can't nail down what it is. (and its clearly electronics related, not physical)
Meanwhile my daily is a '99 323 'vert:
Electronic fuel injection - check
Heated seats - Check
AC - Check
DAB radio/Bluetooth H/Free (retrofit/portable) - Check
Too clever by half other electronic stuff - NONE, nada, nope :-)
I get mid 30's mpg on most distance runs. service parts are <£30 every 10K, time based service parts/longer life parts might be £100 every 60K...
I put 35K a year on it and it hasn't skipped a beat.
and if it gets nicked/written off, its disposable. I'm £450 out of pocket buying a replacement (which is less than the voluntary XS!)
Which budget did you see/read? He as much said "We're going to do the same thing to Private sector as we did to public sector IR35 rules". the (below) is just lip service, it *will* be implemented and the "approved" test outcome *will* be Inside by default (TM), just like the Public sector test. Any protests by IPSE et al will be ignored, business will just roll over and hide, not wanting to attract HMRC's attention. Rates will go up some, incomes will go down some and the drag on the economy will increase yet again.
(via contractor calculator email) Verbatim the Budget document:
3.7 Off-payroll working in the private sector – The government reformed the off-payroll working rules (known as IR35) for engagements in the public sector in April 2017. Early indications are that public sector compliance is increasing as a result, and therefore a possible next step would be to extend the reforms to the private sector, to ensure individuals who effectively work as employees are taxed as employees even if they choose to structure their work through a company. It is right that the government take account of the needs of businesses and individuals who would implement any change. Therefore the government will carefully consult on how to tackle non-compliance in the private sector, drawing on the experience of the public sector reforms, including through external research already commissioned by the government and due to be published in 2018.
Might have to be careful with a name... there's already a World Cup Series of sailing
Still, I guess there will be a license involved to take part... you must have a license for each Tiller (steering wheel) used by your team... BUT Just having one Tiller does not mean 1 license, if you have 3 test boats that you *could* use that Tiller on, you must also license those boats too...
The "small" container weighs 60lbs (27Kg)
A Quick look at Skyscanner* suggests most airline cabin baggage weight limits are 7 - 10kg... So you'd be limited to just Delta and Easyjet (who have no weight restrictions)
(and dims are not give, but I'd bet they're bigger than most airlines let you carry on!)
Know How Cloud back up is a white label version of Live Drive*
Restoration of folders from the client app (WinTel) is straight forward: Reinstall Win (assuming its a DR situation), download/install LD client app (2 mins) and sign in. Click restore, choose the folder to restore and where to put it and let it cook...
Did this last week for a mate.
The real issue is that the LD client is a bit hit and miss at putting the data IN the cloud...
...and not very vocal about the miss parts. We discovered this when my mate's data showed up with bits from Dec last year included, rather than the week before last. (It was a migration, not a DR so easy to sort). But the logs showed the LD client had been diligently running delta uploads every hour for weeks, yet there were clear sections missing!
*This I discovered when a mate had tried LD and then bought (been fobbed off with) KHC at the till... tried to register and couldn't ... the reason? His email address (used as username) was already in use o the LD client app, so the KHC branded version thought he was already registered (which I guess he was)
By a Drumphf associate:
Here's the fag packet business plan:
Step 1 or 2: Ban laptops,
Step 2 or 1: setup/buy a VDI provider
Step 3: setup "Ingress studios" to clone your Corp/Personal laptop into VDI environment (Charge £/$/E big time for this)
Step 4: Rent "approved devices" airside (Charge £/$/E big time again) to passengers to access "their" VDI version of their device in flight.
Step 4a: Do a deal (Charge £/$/E big time some more) with a number of three letter acronym agencies for backdoor access.
Step 5: Pay finders fee to Don Cheeto
Or because they want a "brand" for their Hyperconverged play - Imagine the CV:
.... VMware 5.5/6.x, Hyper-V, FreeNas Conv / Hyper / etc etc
.... VMware 5.5/6.x, Hyper-V, Corral.
and it helps to steer the brand away from having "Free" in the title too (which put a lot of people off, even though paid support and retail hardware is available)
vCDX resits are $900 for the re-defense, no need to pay the full £3K again. (here:
And then there's the cost of the "normal" exams - who pay full price themselves? You can't get the exam validated unless you have sat one of their approved courses.... All the courses I have come across in "corporate world" include the exams anyway (in the eye watering, corporate aimed, course fee).
If you go the VMWare Academy route (which is very specifically aimed at self-funding/non corporate funded trainees), they include a discount voucher for 70% off the exams anyway...
No, no, you miss the point - All sys-admins are now code warriors too... All we need to SSH, Powershell, Cli and an encyclopedic knowledge of multiple system's text based commands and operators to wrangle stuff...
On a related note, even the "official" cert training guides state on the one hand: "All VMware features since 5.5 need to be managed via the web client" (as opposed to the fat client). Then a few pages on its talks about how the Fat client is often useful when the web client doesn't work correctly. So at least they are (sort of) acknowledging its short comings.
He's just waiting 'till his youngest child is old enough to interact with the media... He's seen Putin retain control for 17 years and counting, so he's only got to wait 9 years for Barron to take charge.
"I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable."
For once, it may not be their issue... (well, their issue may be a single carrier of failure)
We had issues with Virgin yesterday - apparently an issue with a router in Poplar that ment we couldnt get to a lot of Amazon based sites.
Then today, Virtual1 /V1 had issues with a fiber break connecting them to a TalkTalk backbone - it took out our MPLS.
Its entirely possible 123 use one of both of these carriers/services.
This NetApp one presumable contains IT types, who should know better than reply all, especially once the tsunami started!
We had a variation in our office the other week, a couple of hundred tenants got spammed by a gritting contractor who'd left a distribution list able to be replied to from outside the organisation so when a few recipients started replying with unsubscribe/remove etc...