Re: At this point...
re- and you are unable to set a background image.....
Unable to do a lot of things. I finally installed an "inexpensive" copy of Win-11 with a license.
384 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Nov 2012
re- the electricity grid simply won't cope with everyone going electric for everything.
The solution?
(as proposed by a Canadian Physics professor 15-20 years ago, at a "well known" Canadian University)
In Quebec, the great Manicuagan dam, about 800KM from Montreal, supplies much of Montreal's electricity, as well as selling excess to New York and Vermont,etc.
And still lots of power that can be tapped.
This professor proposed (prefessed?) to add extra conduits to the dam to carry more energy to the cities of the northeast of the continent.
These conduits would be pipes, and they would carry not electricity, but HYDROGEN, which would be made by electrolysis, at the dam's generators.
The Hydrogen would then be converted into electricity at the remote ends in the cities.
This would be much cleaner and safer than those old-fashioned copper and aluminum wire containing dangerous high-voltage electricity.
I'm serious.
I heard interviews with him on the CBC about 15 years ago.
Gee... sounds GREAT! He is a genius!.
Remember- he is (or perhaps was) a highly esteemed PhD professor at a major Canadian University. (I have forgotten its (or his) name. Thankfully.
He must have had tenure.
re- Er, the government have been going pretty hard on backing hydrogen lately.
uh.. they are politicians. You are in a "democracy". Replete with "freedom" (enough said about this word. Ask an American to explain it to you.)
And politicians know what to tell the ladies (51% of voters) -:
"Hydrogen is CLEAN! It is the most abundant element in the universe!"
"And we can make it from SEAWATER!"
And it's groovy. It's been groovy for the last 25-30 years... So.
"Vote FOR ME, ladies!"
As your MP calculates his chances of getting a great government pension/sinecure before he's voted out of office.
The chances look good,
Welcome to " DEMOCRACY-101"
re- ...copper pipework, much of it very difficult to replace.
Just call some of those new boat-arrivals from the Mediterranean. Supply them with crowbars, hammers and similar tools, and they will get the job done quite quickly.
But, you must promise them that they get to keep the copper piping.
Sorry- you will have to be responsible for installing the new pipes.
And both looking at their pension access. Coming SOON, to a bank near you!
So ithis nonsense will be ready by 203x.? um, what? 2030? 2035? 2038?
"NO! 2026! We guarantee it!"
"Don't worry, Bob. We shall both be retired by then, with a juicy pension!"
Taught in MBA Economics-101.
And the techies will be left holding the bag. I saw it all in the '80s, the '90s and the Oh-Oh's.
Putin knows how to fix these shenanigers...
Well, Chromium on Bullseye wouldn't work 'out of the box' on my Rasp 4B, so I had to install Firefox.
Mind you the monitor was a 50" TCL 4K TV. Perhaps someday I'll try Chromium with a cute little 24" 1092x768 monitor.
Doesn't matter much- I mostly run it headless as a storage server and web-server anyhow. But NOT with 48 TB!
All my journalist and liberal-arts PhD acquaintances have endlessly told me that hydrogen can be made from seawater.
This hydrogen-powered sub surely is a wonderful new concept. No need to even surface!
Finally I bow to the superior wisdom of politicians.
Why, it's a win-win-win!
But then, aren't you the guy that sneered "I'LL NEVER give up my Windows-XP for this overpriced Win-7!! ...Windows-8 and its Lucky Charms? T's an abomination compared with me Apple!"
"Oh! It doesn't matter anyhow. We shall all be using Linux by 2016!"
Yes... M$ and evil Bill Gates will surely soon die! C'mon, Reggie-folks! Bring on the downvotes! I expect at least 50 by next week! ;)
a license to use the Internet, something most often used in the privacy of people's homes? Can you say Big Brother? ...
Gimme a break!
Guess what? IT IS NOT your house anymore. We are in the 21st Century. But then again, it never REALLY was your house. The powers that be can crush you - and your house anytime.
So... You need a license to drive a car, don't you? And must pass a test?
Perhaps the internet should be the same way.
I've been working in IT for over 50 years. And even 40+ years ago I saw the writing on the wall, excuse me- on the IBM 1401 line printer: More and more bozos are trying to worm their way into IT.
Nt because they like it, but because "it's the FUTURE, MAN! Big BUCKS!"
And slowly, perhaps (too) quickly they climbed aboard the ladder. They didn't givashit about computer stuff, this was a career path!
So.. I've been retired for 15+ years. But I could still run circles around these idiots and their MBA degrees: "Computers? I just wanna boss people around! And earn a BIG Salary!"
Too much common sense being offered in these comments!
Don't you understand? These decisions are made by POLITICIANS and MBAs, not scientists or engineers!
And every politician knows that hydrogen is HOT (No pun intended) when it comes to getting the ladies' votes! Ask your wife or girlfriend what they think of hydrogen! ...Oh wait- this is El-Reg. No ladies permitted!
OK then- advise your politician to visit Vancouver Canada- they've had a successful fleet of hydrogen buses running there ever since the 2010 Olympics! Or perhaps visit Reykjavik- it's closer. .They have a big fleet of hydrogen powered buses also. I read this in the news about seven or eight years ago?
Me? I'm still waiting for my 2008 Hydrogen powered BMW that I ordered twelve years ago.
I'm sorry, but we ultra-rich do not BUY maize; we GROW it! On my 10,000 acre ranch, I can produce all the kerosene I need for my ultrasonic jet. Of course my cars and trucks are all battery-powered. I am very carbon-neutral.
And the government gives me all sorts of monetary credits for being so "green".
Have you paid your taxes yet? I'm counting on plebes like you!
Well then- it's OBVIOUS! Torvalds is a RACIST! He and his Linux creation must be banned! At least in America -
For those folks of the black persuasion. And hope that they will convince their white "brethen" to also eschew Torvald's Linux! If not? Well then, LAWS must be passed!
We trust that they will continue to use only Windows (And of course a Macintosh, provided its software is not Linux-derived)
The rest of the world? Let us merrily continue along with Linus's great creation.
And don't you forget it, you writhing weenie American!
Go ahead- try to "clean up" your RACIST PAST!
It will never work, even if you DO manage to erase "MASTER" from Webster's dictionary! Sorry, but the OED will ALWAYS carry this forbidden word - dare I say the "M-word" in America? NO!
Just like the N-word. (I spell it as "enword")
You enwords may think you have won this round, but this due to its banning, this epithet is now growing stronger than ever! Ask your white neighbour's kids!
- An Emword aficianado... (now where's my whip?...)
re- "VxWorks often runs in hypervisor mode and can run itself, Linux or other OS as virtual machines. "
Migod- this takes me back to my old 1970s VM/370 days, when we sometimes ran a beta VM/370 under VM.
Oh- And one guy (an IBMer) actually ran VM seven stages deep. Was it just as a test, or to impress his IBM "manager"? We'll never know.
But he then either ran out of memory (Hey, 640KB should be enough for anyone!) or he ran out of disk room.
re- VxWorks often runs in hypervisor mode and can run itself, Linux or other OS as virtual machines.
Migod- this takes me back to my old 1970s VM/370 days, when we sometimes ran a beta VM/370 under VM.
Oh- And one guy (an IBMer) actually ran VM seven stages deep. Was it just as a test, or to impress his IBM "manager"? We'll never know.
But he then either ran out of memory (Hey, 640KB should be enough for anyone!) or he ran out of disk room.
Microsoft learned well from IBM.
The old mainframe days:
We usually got this response when we decided to upgrade our huge (think washing-machine or refrigerator) IBM disk drives with a 3rd party clone,
Which was always of course LESS-expensive, MORE reliable, and had EXCELLENT service.
We just had to make sure that the Suits in senior management did not get wind of it. Mostly, they usually trusted our judgment. UNLESS- Unless a senior IBM guy asked one of OUR executives "out to lunch".
Then we got 2nd guessed, and had to run with the inferior IBM product.
Once again, Canada has it in the bag!
The Canadian government craftily now has dibs on 25 million doses of vaccine. We expect to be way ahead of Europe, UK and the USA in vaccinating our citizens!
Some of this vaccine has already been delivered to us. I saw forklifts unloading tons of it from giant cargo planes in the far north! The rest of this vaccine should be delivered to Canada by mid February. And every Canadian still living should be vaccinated by March!
Don't believe me? Just ask any Canadian politician!
As Canada's Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier once said- "The Twentieth Century belongs to Canada!"
Who was fired? Nat?
Donald Trump's son-in-law wished to know!
So does Donald's daughter! Umm.. so does Donald! (I think)
Should I cancel my Githhob membership? Should I warn the Proudboys to stop using Python, or Ruby? Or "R"? Is "Q" like "R"?
Please! Someone help me!