the vax, & i assume vms as well, were copied by the soviets, so either they've known about this bug for 30yrs, or are equally vulnerable;-}
Posts by airdrummer
4 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Nov 2012
Ghost in the DCL shell: OpenVMS, touted as ultra reliable, had a local root hole for 30 years
Biker nerfed by robo Chevy in San Francisco now lobs sueball at GM
WordPress has adverse reaction to Facebook's React.js licence
35 US states petition for secession – on White House website
Wednesday 14th November 2012 15:04 GMT

hell, throw the bastards out;-)
gr8 piece 2day on exactly that:
Red states receive, on average, far more from the federal government in expenditures than they pay in taxes. The balance is the opposite in blue states. The secession petitions, therefore, give the opportunity to create what would be, in a fiscal sense, a far more perfect union.