Japan's tolerance for radiation level is so low, that is applied in the UK, large areas would be off-limits due to the natural radiation from the granite - Dartmoor, Bodmin moor and the Highlands for starters
My personal favourite was having just purchased a shed (Yes, I'm getting to the stage in life), was "here are other sheds you might like to buy. How many sheds does the AI think I need? (Correct answer is "one more")
when I was told the story, the guy in question was Jewish, so an even more farcical follow up question - but that may just have been to make the joke better
If you want to see the English language really take a beating - spelling mistakes and punctuation errors - read an OFSTEAD report, usually when complaining about the teaching of English.
There are two balanced articles on unherd.com; one pro-Uber, one against. Well worth a read. It is always good to read an opinion that you disagree with
I think the RPA and the land registry featured in a "Yes, Minister" episode from the first series. That was in the early 80s. So more proof "Yes' Minister" was a documentary rather than comedy.