* Posts by Gerryb

11 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2012

This major internet routing blunder took A WEEK to fix. Why so long? It was IPv6 – and no one really noticed


BT upgraded my router and enabled IPV6 without asking and destroyed the routing of my tiny system so I could no longer get to my office from the outside. Looked as if offline. Disabling IPV6 on the router fixed it.

BT tech helpline were useless and saw nothing to apologise about.

Is that what small offices and domestic users have to do... turn off IPV6?

Commonwealth Bank: Buggy software made us miss money laundering


Trouble is the CBA's coders do get a lot right. CBA internet banking web portal and phone apps are the , better the offering of ANZ, Lloyds, Barclays , the best most useful and slickest I have ever found. compared to any other bank I have used here in UK or Australia.

Bloaty banking app? There's a good chance it was written in Britain


All UK banking apps and web pages are crap. I have used them all. HSBC just terrible. The best I have found slick and fast and able to scroll back in time with ease is Commonwealth Bank of Australia's (CBA)

I doubt written in Blighty.

Web and app are all I need. The app does it all, seldom if ever need to use the web version. Secure, two factor.


HSBC, Lloyds, Barclays banking apps are utter crap. You only see this when you are shown how it should be done by banking in Australia. Commonwealth Bank of Australia leads the pack by far. Neat, simple to use, and can do everything you need to, and is a secure phone app. Old Internet banking from a PC is pretty smart there as well.

Ubuntu 'weaponised' to cure NHS of its addiction to Microsoft Windows


All NHS PCs should do is validate the user and bring up their personal virtualised session. Not run much more than that. Doctors and nurses hot desk. I dare not think of the hours wasted logging back into windows (Unbuntu would not be much better) and then log back into the clinical systems at each station.

One NHS machine I go takes 7 minutes to get back up on line. We should be able to put in our smart card, authenticate and pick up where we left off at the last terminal with our placeholders and programmes there. Pick up a virtualised session. If NHS Ubuntu aids that and hot desking I am in!

An on-demand video subscription isn't just for Christmas... Oh. It is


An Editor

Those with Terrestial programming will do better. People are lazy. The prospect of having to CHOOSE a programme is like hard work for customers. I do not know what I want to watch. Help me. tell me.

At least with BBC you have time and date or programmes which have been chosen, you can make a limited choice, ordered in a time line, and may watch something you never thought you would like. The other services offer too much, and much crap as well.

The news can be got for free on line, but many cough up for a paywall newspaper or the economist because you have an edited content and layout. Terrestial broadcasting forces suppliers to have a discipline in organising content.

Aussies' distinctive Strine down to drunk forefathers


The true reason is the sun without sunnies

Now if you look at Oz TV you see that they speak with a fixed smile, even when talking of something terrible, like losing the ashes, This smile or grimace comes from so much sun they had to screw their face up to keep out the glare since the first ships. It is extra bright here, and the driest place. Now you try it, screw your face up, you develop that wide mouth. Now talk and lo! You speak strine.

Then add the XXXX

UK Broadband suffers £37.5m loss after big Relish investment


It's not bad at all, very good value and unlimited

I have been using it in London EC1 and for £20 a month is good value. UNLIMITED.

Speed 50mbs down 10 up. In some busy times (here that is during the day) it can now fall to 7.4mbs down 1.2mbs up..... still faster than I can get with Sky/BT locally!

Designed to be a consumer white good, plug and play the call centre is annoying when talking to the about NAT etc. Their response is if it is not doing what you want send it back and cancel contract.

My experience with it is here https://bulger.co.uk/blogs/

Shame if they go down. It is a very good idea, implementation poor with no information as to what it is. The base product cannot be called home broadband without wires. Once set up in right area is is remarkable value.

Quid-A-Day veteran fuelled by vastly improved nosh stash


Re: Living on..

Quite right. Getting people to loose weight is often undermined by dieticians and books which fuss about balanced diets, which of course obsesses patients about food, which was their problem in getting fat in the first place. Less of everything and you will lose weight (perhaps much less, so not easy). You will spend less on food as well. I have never had a patient on a successful diet become deficient of anything, apart from the odd anorexic whose BMI staring at 18 and never needed to diet in the first place ending up with BMI of 11. They are often bright orange from carotonemia on a broccoli diet.

Coca Cola in the dock over illegal China GPS map claims


Camera GPS Woes in China

I took my Panasonic TZ30 Lumix (made in Japan) to China. I read that in the Lumix literature GPS would not work there: I assumed that there would be no locations, names provided. What I was not expecting that Lumix software turned off all GPS data such that no picture had any co-ordinates. Meanwhile my Huawie Ascend phone (Made in China) continued to give co-ordinates on pictures...

Medical scan record that the NHS says will cost £2k to retrieve: Detail



The funny thing is they are right... old records are not that important. You need to take a history, examine the patient and take new tests when needed. But the basis of the Connecting for Health was that old records are essential. Rubbish, all they can do is make you lazy and make repeat past errors. Umteen billion wasted on a false premise.