* Posts by Old fogey

2 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2012

Google BLOCKS access to Goldman client-leak email

Old fogey

I don't know what is more idiotic...

...having autocomplete switched on or not encrypting/signing that extremely sensitive data. Dear GS, heard of PGP/GPG? Would leave you looking very, very peachy right now....

Revealed! Prime Minister's iPad 'dashboard' for controlling Britain

Old fogey
Black Helicopters

For real style...

...the could use a setting like Project Cybersyn (not, truly, not what you think). Seems to have been just as effective as the web/ipad/whatever app that they may or may not be making...


"Hmmm, housesprices climbing on Pleasant Crest?" ka-ZING! "Taken care of, Prime Minister"