Re: 12GB
Ditto. Still running on my 1060 6gb. Manages really well for its age.
I am wondering if it's time for a new system but I can't quite justify it, yet. This is an interesting option though.
94 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Nov 2012
I've had a chat with HR recently along the lines of "i'm not planning on leaving but I can get 20-30% more with less responsibility" with 100's of jobs in my area looking.
I don't like the unknown of changing to another company but there is only so long you can stay when costs are going up and you know you can make more elsewhere.
What gets me is if I do leave they'll not be able to get someone for less than what I'd like so seems like a no brainer to keep me happy and with the company instead of needing to hire and train up a replacement.
Sucks that we're still in a world where gender matters. I'm trans and I do hide it at work. I was let go at my last job while in the 3 month probation period a week after I came out to a few people. Apparently poor performance but I'd had nothing but positive feedback upto that point.
I didn't contest it as it'd just be a waste of time. New job now going strong but I'm still hiding who I am on the inside for fear of having to look again for a job (systems engineer).
Shouldn't matter what you identify as. Just need to get the job done.
I've just partly transitioned from tech to manager (50/50) and I'm currently grappling with this as I'm now responsible for 2 IT support staff.
We need at least one in the office to deal with physical issues so my reasoning was 2 days in the office one week then 3 days the next week so we always have someone there.
I'm also in 4-5 days a week anyway not that I need to but I feel it's important to be an example.
Don't judge me, really hard making everyone happy.
In the same boat as you. Some staff want the in person contact and some prefer WFH. I try to be hands off and trust they are doing their job in the best way that suits them.
Personally I like being in the office for the social interaction but I've seen over the last few years you can actually get more out of an employee if you give them more control over where they work.
Boss: I want to do Windows updates via Ansible
Me: We could just use WSUS and a GPO, i can have it done in half a n hour
Boss: no I want to use Ansible
(i've limited Linux experience and never heard of Ansible at this point)
After a week I'd gotten all Windows servers talking to Ansible (Cred SSP) and a playbook to do Windows updates.
Sure it's interesting but personally I think it's right tool for the job and lets not waste time.
Completely agree. Bought a keyboard then every ad I see for the next 3 months is for keyboards. Completely pointless, why would I want another one... if the data collected was in any way useful I'd expect it to show me ads for a mouse or new speakers.
I'm just wondering when marketing departments realise it's not worth the premium cost of targeted ads.
My wife signed up to Hello Fresh and sure the food was ok along with a recipe to cook it but I prefer just going to the supermarket and doing it myself rather than paying someone else to figure out my dinner for me. Don't need someone else to decide what I eat (I do all/most of the cooking at home)
I'm sure they have a place, especially if you're new to cooking. My Early years 2 minute noodles featured often when studying but that was more of a financial thing.
Still anything that gets people cooking at home instead of ordering takeaway is a win really. Important life skill.
At 150KG I don't think we're talking bone density issues. But yea, BMI is a bit of a joke, friend of mine is ripped and would be overweight according to BMI. Try telling him that when you're trying to keep up on a run or climbing a cliff.
Good on him for giving the ticket to his mate though.
Actually checked my BMI today and i'm severely underweight (17.9 apparently, 6ft 60kg), they recommended I speak to a GP in case i'm anorexic. Doesn't make sense to me as I drink a ton of beer and eat whatever I like.
Oh I do exercise 30-45 minutes a day, walking, running and swimming so not a complete slob. I like to think I balance out the drinking with the exercise :)
I do agree and this might not be as relevant as we're talking about a TV purchase so money was paid. I think we have given up a lot of our freedoms for 'free' services. We don't pay to do searches or use Facebook, exc....
Personally I don't use pretty much all of them but I get that without ads or a subscription model they would go out of business.
In this situation though it's just plain greedy.
I'm not for or against but I did read an article years ago about something similar. The idea was to keep a CP database and if you wanted access you'd need to give a DNA sample, fingerprints and all that so you'd be caught if you did anything naughty.
Needless to say it never happened but I did find it an interesting idea.
True AI doesn't even exist yet so why would you bother. Only stuff I've seen i'd say is just machine learning. When I see actual AI that can negotiate a license for it's patent, then i'll consider this to be even the slightest of remotely possible ideas. What would they do with the royalties? Buy more RAM?
What gets me with Teams is once you put a message you're locked in to constant update reminders for that thread.
Really need to have an option to drop off it as it just makes me think if I want to add to a conversation as I know i'll be getting updates on it for the rest of the day. Just discourages communication instead of encouraging it.
Actually met a competent recruiter (unicorn?) he used to work in IT. No idea why he'd choose that career path but he lined me up with a nice job.
2 interviews, IT manager and CIO.
I've found it's not about the tech skills but about a good fit in personality. Both those 2 we just had a chat and while we did go over work history and skills it wasn't the majority of the conversation.
We had a case where they'd subdivided a room with a partition to make the IT room and manager room. IT side had no thermostat or temp monitor. End result was our room was freezing cold, manager perfectly fine.
In this case we didn't even get a dummy one on the wall, Solution, taped some A4 paper over one of the the vents in the ceiling.
Worked for a law firm early 2000's and when one of the partners called with an issue (any issue). You were expected to be at their office by the time they put the phone down. At least we had stairs between the floors as the lift could take a while.
Oh and one time in healthcare a Dr threatened to stab one of my collogues for not dropping everything to help him with a minor issue (he was actually holding a scalpel at the time). Was swept under the rug as this Dr brought in big $$$.
3rd one I can think of when IT actually won was back in 1990's was an office manager that brought in his work laptop about once a week riddled with malware/porn pop-ups. He always insisted it was is son using it at home but yea we knew better. We'd fix it up for him but Friday afternoons IT would all play multiplayer games (I was about 18), this was before there were IT managers so office manager was our "boss". If he turned up we'd just keep playing and ask him to wait, he did.