* Posts by radariba

8 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Nov 2012

How can the BBC be saved from itself without destroying it?


Re: Or...

the term is "killing for the state".........

Super-thin iMacs WILL be here for Xmas, cram warehouses even NOW


the newest iMac isn't thin.....it simply has a rather strange geometry which might look thin from one angle only......you could say that all monitors are infinitely thin when viewed directly from the front, but who would claim that?.........

Reefer madness blasts pot machine maker's stock sky high


a high use of euphemism.........

Apple forced to cut dealers in to get iPad Mini shifting, says analyst


this is fun............

Bradley Manning submits partially-guilty plea in WikiLeaks case


Manning should be getting a medal, not a fixed prosecution......I'm sure Obama II, the dawn of democracy, will fix this!!

Researcher names world's favourite smartphone


well, duuuuuh


Naughty-step Apple buries court-ordered apology with JavaScript


Apple's intent is all important...........they intended to dilute the prominence of the court-sanctioned notice........

'This is Apple. It will take them 2 weeks to alter their website, will it?'


there seems to be something rotten in the corp of Apple...........