* Posts by aikae47

2 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Oct 2012

Alienware assimilates Dell FROM THE INSIDE!


Re: "I advocate them for professionals"

"Games aren't high performance" - yeah, but I can't use that argument. I just can't recommend what is essentially marketed as a gaming rig to the R&D, engineering and scientific research crowd. That just won't fly where I work sorry.

As Mr Pott has commented in a previous post, a lot of it does come down to what apps you need to run and I'll add, the business environment where you are running these demanding apps. There are many places where Alienware will do just fine, more than fine (and better than a "workstation" even in some cases). But there are places where a gaming rig is just not appropriate, for various reasons, e.g. environmental constraints, corporate policy, certification requirements, corporate IT requirements (think ease of provisioning, deployment, re-imaging, remote management across a fleet of mobile workstations), security features that just aren't available in consumer devices.

Anyways, Alienware and Precisions don't really compete in the same markets so arguing which is better is kinda pointless. Both have their place in the world of high end mobile computing.


Re: "I advocate them for professionals"

Yes, I agree, it's expensive. Cost aside, I can't see much at fault with the build quality on the Precision line. You won't find 810G Mil spec on a gamer laptop.

As for being "well rounded". Alienware does indeed offer better video card options gaming. But I think your options on everything else are not as well rounded as what's available on a Precision, e.g. battery options, docking ability, IPS/3D display options, wireless and mobile broadband options, multi-display options (try driving 5 displays on a gaming laptop?)

Alienware does some really nice kit. If i'm ever in the market for a mobile gaming rig, Alienware would be hard to ignore. For a professional mobile workstation though, I'm sticking with the Precision. I would never recommend a gaming laptop for any serious deployment in a work environment where there is demand for high-end mobile computing performance.