We cannot sign our own trade agreements as EU members. These are done centrally by Brussels. This is not well known by UK general public, I wonder why?
248 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Oct 2012
HP's Whitman said: “We very much like this product from a side-by-side comparison and features and functionality to our competitors. Feel really good about it and I think it means that we can be a leader in this quite large and fast-growing part of the market.”
She sounds like an 6 year old child talking
The card being used by Google will not have an SBus interface, which died out about >10 years ago with the last Sparc workstations and didn't see the light of day on any x86 platform.
Also Meiko, (from memory), was a SIMD massively parallel platform developed in Bristol. UltraSPARC was a general purpose Unix workstation using a SINGLE Sparc processor.
We have known for donkeys years that dinosaurs, (Jurassic onwards), were warm blooded. We now think that some species of shark and tuna are warm blooded which explains there endurance.
Also pretty sure that during the late Cretaceous the arctic regions were sub-tropical.
Crap arcticle, geddit