Re: Of Ghosts and Bathwater
"No, they behave like Linux. Looks aren't very important honestly, your Desktop Environment may emulate Microsoft's efforts, but the underlying OS does not. Its a fragmented disaster at best when everything's playing nice. Its an unusable non-functional monster when things are not working well."
"Of course, this is all heresy and its unlikely to win me any friends, but its the truth and truth hurts."
Speaking(typing?) as someone who deploys Xubuntu to every Windows user who comes with problems I can say this is NOT the truth.
I suggest Linux to most people who have problems with Windows.
These are your average non-tech users, like mother's of young children, psychiatrists or church members who want a stable machine to show and play hymns.
All of the above have apprehension when I set up dual boot and I demonstrate how it works.
All of them have long since abandoned Windows (even though it is still easily available) and are still using Linux exclusively through their own choice.
When I ask them, they sing the praises of the fast OS which doesn't lock up, crash out or get viruses and just keeps working.
These test cases alone show that give the user a real choice they go for the stable, secure OS which will work tomorrow as it does today.