* Posts by Lordbrummie

5 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2012

You can blame laziness as much as greed for Apple's New Year shock


The approach Apple had with it's ecosystem was brilliant, effectively single sign in access across all devices for all services, ease of use, the parental controls etc showed that they were thinking in an innovative holistic way.

Now it seems to be a simple "how much can we get out of our customers" without an innovation. We were a full apple house, 4 iphones, 4 ipads, apple TV, Apple Mac and 2 Airs, now that's a lot of kit, but the ecosystem from itunes and appstore was a constant stream of income they didn't have to do anything for.

Now with the prices they are charging, we as a family are out of Apple. Just have the phones left and 1 iMac, my son has made it plain when the iMac dies he would prefer a windows laptop and as soon as the phones start to die we'll be on android.

How can a company that had done so well hooking it's target customers in be so arrogant, they basically priced us out of their services, what's more they do not seem bothered. Once these customers leave they will never come back...

How the mighty have fallen.

Do not adjust your set: Hats off to Apple, you struggle to shift iPhones 'cos you're oddly ethical


Well, we were an apple house through and through.

4 iphones, 4 ipads, IMAC desktop, AppleTV and an Air. multiple iterations over the past 7 years or so, not anymore, Apple has priced us out of their eco system.

Now we're down to just the 4 phones, the IMAC just got replaced by a touch screen laptop, no matter what folks think of Win10, for what my family uses them for (Youtube, Netflix, school work) they are more than functional and a fraction of the price.

As soon as the phones start to give up the ghost then we'll be off to android, just cannot justify the prices, they are beyond silly now.

It's not just the hardware either, no itunes and appstore sales, that is the real long term killer for Apple, no more regular monthly impluse sales, how did Apple let it come to this....

Generally Disclosing Pretty Rapidly: GDPR strapped a jet engine on hacked British Airways


Companies about to take security seriously?

It's about time there was a law with actual teeth that makes these big companies sit up and actually take the security of our personal data seriously. GDPR does just that, no longer can a company just say "we'll risk it" when asked to spend money on network/data/physical security, the risk is now upto 4% of global revenue (including the parent company). On the flip side the security companies must think it's Christmas come early. If BA is found to be liable I hope they get a fine in the £100's of millions, I'm a firm believer in the "shoot one, scare many" approach, it's a big "if" but hopefully we'll get a detailed explanation of how they were compromised.

YES, Xbox One DOES need internet, DOES restrict game trading


Re: just a silly thought

If it's "on" only listening for the "Xbox on" verbal command then it's on all the time, listening to EVERYTHING being said, processing EVERYTHING that is being said, using processing power until the "Xbox on" verbal command is recognised by the console.

How is this not intrusive?

Someone with decent network skills and nefarious desires could basically create 1984. With Microsoft's record on security this has got to be a hackers wet dream.

Maybe I'm getting old but this will mean no console in my home when the existing xbox packs up, which to be fair, shouldn't be too long.

Added to the simple fact my son cannot afford to buy 6 AAA games a year without selling the ones he has finished with, why is the software industry so blinkered, I sell my car 2nd hand does the manufacturer get a cut? NO.

I sell anything outside of games, DVD's and music, the original manufacturer gets nothing, why should these guys be any different, I bought it, I own it, I'm not copying it, I'm reselling something I no longer want and guess what, I use that cash to but MORE ORIGINAL games, DVD's and music.

MSFT is cutting it's own throat, but what do you expect from a business that is led by a guy who said "the iphone will never take off".... yes MSFT really listens to its customers.

Researchers find not all EC2 instances are created equal


Re: Fast instances and slow instances

Not all instances are the same, it didn't need a "paper" to highlight this.

There are sites like www.cloudharmony.com that show the relative performance of cloud provider's instances, the difference for AWS across their own zones is interesting.

The information has been there for a while, and no, I don't work for Cloud Harmony, but the price/performance of cloud instances is not always apparent, just because something is cheap doesn't mean it's value for money.