* Posts by quatra

9 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2012

World Bank says world likely to warm by four degrees



How can the BBC be saved from itself without destroying it?


I beg to differ from the mayority here. The BBC provides the best programming in the world just because of their independence. But, of course, if you prefer American sensational garbage about their way to make money or their mind-numbing sense of humor, you might want to consider moving there as also a Green Card is for sale at the right price.

Dodging costly common cloud pitfalls: YOU ask the questions


In my humble opinion, contrary to common wisdom not everything that goes up up will eventually come down again. Cyber stuff goes up and stays there for ever, to be used by the new owner (probably some government) as it sees fit.

We CAN'T GET ENOUGH Windows 8 tablets, moan distributors


Gee, I don't understand why I still prefer Ubuntu but I think the people in Seattle and Cupertino laugh heartily all the way to the bank just as the folks in Washington laugh at your limitless ignorance.

Super-thin iMacs WILL be here for Xmas, cram warehouses even NOW


Can somebody explain to me what the advantage of "super-thin" is? For the user of course.

App designed for safe sending of naughty selfies is rife with risks


Naughty Selfies

It escapes me why somebody would want to send "naughty" pics of him/herself, other than to "sell the goods" exhibited. As with any wares it's much better to go to the interested party in person, negotiate the price and, if wanted, offer a test drive.

Take away bad drivers' mobile phones, they still crash their cars



It's not holding a mobile in your hands that distracts. It's the attention that's being diverted. Technologically speaking it's feasible to make use of a mobile impossible when a car is moving. Also people who try to finish a message when "green" comes on is very annoying.



It's not holding a mobile in your hands that distracts. It's the attention that's being diverted. Technologically speaking it's feasible to make use of a mobile impossible when a car is moving. Also people who try to finish an SMS while stopped at a red light and then failing to move when green comes on is very annoying.

Speaking in Tech: 'Calling it a cloud doesn't make it so'



People forget that what you upload is no longer yours.