* Posts by InnerCynic

3 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Oct 2012

Salesforce CEO Benioff: Win 8 is 'the end of Windows'


Head in the clouds

Spoken like your typical "I have it, too bad for you if you don't" pencil neck knucklehead.

US climate-change skeptics losing support


Say what?

Have no motivation? Are you nuts?! Those involved in pimping the global warming hysteria are most certainly funded or have their dirty mitts in tax-funded pies that the rest of us will be bent over and forced to pay up for. Don't be so naive.

State of Minnesota bans free online education


Never fails

Leave it to the State, any state, to smother anything that threatens it's monopoly on education. To hell with them. I say move your operations outside of the country and tell them to get stuffed.