* Posts by Ben Crow

6 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2007

Robot brains? Can't make 'em, can't sell 'em

Ben Crow

Robot rights

What do we hope to achieve with ever more sophisticated AI? Robots that can interact with us socially? Any robot capable of this would surely be entitled to any rights that we are, and would therefore to all intents and purposes be equipped to make its own decisions on aspects such as occupation and lifestyle. Without definate criteria for intagibles such as setience and feeling where do you draw the line between design function and slavery? Any robot capable of say performing open heart surgery would need advanced sensory and decision making capabilty that would put it far above your average dolphin in terms of the sophistication ladder. Does this then mean that after a hard days work at the operating theatre, surgeonbot is entitled to go home, put his feet up and listen to some Bruce Hornsby whilst he recharges his hydrogen wotsit. Would you send a dog in to defuse a suspected explosive device? No, because they aren't equipped with the requisite tools for the job, in fact, barring hunting, your average dog isn't really equipped to do anything, yet we all feel sad when we hear reports of animal cruelty on the tv, because we feel that every living thing has certain rights. Imagine a very basic device, it has a simple electronic sensor inside that puts an LED on when it is struck or kicked; the LED is labelled "pain". Ok i know its a very vague association to make but when you take sophistication out of it, the mechanisms are the same. I know we're a long way from surgeonbot at the moment, but shouldn't we resolve these issues before we delve too deeply into the robot psyche!

Ben Crow


I think a better marker of sophistication is needed, mice are relatively complex sure, but you'd need the combined intellect of say 11 or 12 of them to match the likes of Rolf Harris, to me the true marker of intelligence and versatility.

Portable bots get cattleprod zapguns, hover capability

Ben Crow

Rubbish name

iRobot.... Is that the best name they could come up with, i can just hear the conversation:

"What shall we call it"

"Well its a robot"

"how about destructodroid?"

"ooh ooh i know lets call it steve the robot"

"hmm, no thats.."

"i know i know lets call it iRobot",

"ooh yeah that reminds me of Will Smith"

"yeah, hey that Carlton was funny in Fresh Prince!"

"yeah he did that dance"


Scientists ID possible Tunguska crater

Ben Crow


I think its pretty obvious that it was aliens in collaboration with Tesla.

Two year old's IQ on a par with Hawking

Ben Crow

Radiation disproved

Apparently she's disproved Hawking Radiation utilizing a Lego based experiment.

Ghostly plastic bathtoy flotilla nears Cornish coast

Ben Crow

Technological possibilty

Perhaps if the Titanic had been built using this duck based technology i wouldn't have lost two hours of my life to Celine Dion a few years ago.