* Posts by SGreen

2 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Oct 2012

Boffins spot 7 ALIEN WORLDS right in our galactic backyard


Sounds great but...

All this is all well and good but does it really matter? Weve not managed to reach mars yet our greatest hope nasa dont even have any ships/shuttles anymore and weve not made any real leaps or research breaks in space travel since we put a man on the moon, knowing the existence of these planets is all well and good but its like spotting france from dover when we cant even swim, we need to concentrate resources on what really matters actually getting out there

Canonical to Windows XP cliff-clingers: Ubuntu safety net's ready... now jump


I love linux and ubuntu is great however I use my pc for gaming, and yes there are games that are native, yes there are games that can work thanks to wine, however very few work with any real ease for example diablo 3 blizzard has been know to detect wine as an overlay and has banned accounts for cheating, and lets not even go down the route of trying to get sli working. Linux unfortunately will never become desktop bound until it appeals to gamers simple as. Once gamers can use it they will recommend it to their friends and family when the cry of "do you know anything about these puter thingies"

Unfortunately I cant see it ever happening