"£2bn over budget, at the time of writing." FIFY.
Posts by leaway2
35 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Oct 2012
Hinkley Point nuclear power station will be late and £2bn over budget
Uber says it's changed and is now ever-so ShinyHappy™
Yeah, good luck with that. I was taken on a mystery tour by a black cab from Manchester airport. When I baulked at the roundabout journey, plod was called, shrugged his shoulders and told me that the driver could take any route he wanted to. "so via Birmingham would be OK? cough up or get arrested.
Give me Uber any day.
NASA finds satellite, realises it has lost the software and kit that talk to it
Brit escorts: Without the internet to keep us safe, we'd be totally screwed
Prosecute driverless car devs for software snafus, say Brit cyclists
Guess who's hiking their prices again? Come on, it's as easy as 123 Reg
Mr Angry pays taxman with five wheelbarrows worth of loose change
Capita STILL hasn't delivered usable Army recruitment IT system
Fleeing Snowden hid among Hong Kong's refugees
Avoiding Liverpool was the aim: All aboard the world's ONLY moving aqueduct
Angler hooks German's todger at nudist lake
Gullible Essex Police are now using junk science lie detectors
Cops deploy StingRay anti-terror tech against $50 chicken-wing thief
NZ government scraps e-voting trial
You can't dust-proof a PC with kitchen-grade plastic food wrap
Go phish your own staff: Dev builds open-source fool-testing tool
Re: Phone phishing for phun
"have you ever worked in a noisy environment?"
"have you ever worked in a noisy environment?"
In a news department?
"no noisy"
Can you spell that? my hearing is not so good as I used to work in a noisy factory.
I can't believe it took 20 minutes for him to give up.
Russian Pastafarian wins right to bear colander
Grinning BBC boss blows raspberry at UK.gov, eyes up buffet
The archaic license fee can not continue. The fee is a tax which is effectively controlled by the government, so why not tax everyone? Most people are not paying for BBC content, occupants (family members) of houses of which contain a licensed TV, users of a PC, mobile devices, BBC radio listeners.
Over the air TV's will probably disappear completely with users choosing to watch content at a time they want to watch.
Rand Paul puts Hillary Clinton's hard drive on sale
GSMA: Er, sorry about that MWC brothel ad with our logo
HMRC fails to plan for £10.4bn contract exit... because it's 'too risky'
'Turn to nuclear power to save planetary ecology from renewable BLIGHT'
Brit smut slingers shafted by UK censors' stiff new stance
There it is! Philae comet lander found in existing Rosetta PICS
DNS cockup locks Virgin Media customers out of ntlworld.com email
Uncivil engineering: US society skewers self-published science
Portable toilet mistaken for killer Nork drone
NASA's orbiting space-broadband probe LADEE beams back Moon snaps
Eurocops want to build remote car-stopper, shared sensor network
UK smut filter may have sent game patch to sin-bin
First rigid airship since the Hindenburg cleared for outdoor flight trials
UK mulls ban on tiny mobiles to block prison smugglers
British car parks start reading number plates
Re: Not quite so easy
I am sure that any half decent printer could reproduce a paper number plate. This only has to to be read by the camera and then removed once through the reader. It could be replaced to exit and removed again. The owners would have to check all vehicles in the car park to find the one not in the database.