I don't really think the lack of traction with small businesses to adopt the cloud is a real surprise. Making a decision such as going on the cloud is far more critical to a small firm, hence the readiness to cling on to what they have and know - even if it is unreliable/less cost effective/using obsolete apps etc.
Small companies can be conservative in regards to change, mainly as they prefer to see the cost effectiveness of ideas such as the cloud come down to a level where it makes no sense not to use them - and the technology is emphatically proven, reducing risk to their operations. And don't forget, many of them don't have access to decent data connectivity which rather hampers the online storage that is usually packaged with app hosting.
But the comments from 'Lusty' that small companies have empire building IT staff is just bong-eyed rubbish. Behave laddie.
PS - why can't I see the graphs?