* Posts by Rastus

29 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Oct 2012

DVLA website GOES TITSUP on day paper car tax discs retire


The REAL reason...

The real reason this failed is simple - a senior bureaucrat in charge of the project sets the launch date. If (s)he makes the launch date, (s)he gets a (significant) bonus. If (s)he misses the launch date, bye bye bonus. The system developers tell said bureaucrat that the system is not ready to go live and needs further work. I leave the rest to your imagination.

Super Cali so litigious, Uber is the focus. Even German judges say it's something quite atrocious


And I suppose *no* licenced cab driver *anywhere* has *ever* assaulted a passenger? Despite a background check?

MOST iPhone strokers SPURN iOS 8: iOS 7 'un-updatening' in 5...4...


Absolutely agree with the iOS7 style - it really sucks (IMO). I have an iPad 2 which I have left on iOS6 and will leave it there until hell freezes over (or until there's an app I REALLY want but "needs iOS7"!). I have a work-supplied 4s on iOS7 - it's HORRIBLE, and I suppose I'll have to upgrade to 8 fairly soon, simply because the company I work for has an app that I have to support for other users.

iOS7 was designed by children for children - I'm staying with 6 for as long as I can. Oh, and my 3GS still works perfectly, with great battery life.

Drone captures shots of budding APPLE SPACESHIP HQ


Re: Jokes aside, this does look like the mother of all vanity projects

I think they have enough cash in the bank to do both!

Too slow with that iPhone refresh, Apple: Android is GOBBLING up US mobile market


Re: " ... any rational prospective buyer will wait for the launch"

ROFLMAO! What was that about trolls?

Microsoft exits climate denier lobby group


Re: @Notas Badoff RE: "non-partisan" groups.

@Arctic fox - "...and you just know that you are about to be subjected to an uber right-wing rant..." - as opposed to an uber left-wing rant? Which is ok? A word comes to mind, hang on, it's...it's.... oh yeah, hypocrite!

NBN Co adds apartments to FTTP rollout


Re: Failure of vision

This NBN thing is the second biggest waste of taxpayers money (the first is the politicians)! I have ADSL2, and it is certainly fast enough - I don't need a webpage to open in one millisecond, or an episode of GoT to download in five seconds!

Oh yeah, and if it is allowed to continue to completion, the NBN will cost at least $90 billion, not the rubbery, minimised-for-public-consumption figure of $43 billion they quoted at the beginning.

Stop begging, startup-land, and start YELLING at Catch of the Day


Re: Welcome

And, of course, the previous government was just perfect!

LightSquared backer sues FCC over spectrum shindy


So, if Harbinger had made hundreds of millions on this deal, they would have given the FCC a large percentage of it? Nah, didn't think so. Funny how it's all one-way! Someone at Harbinger made a bad decision. They should stop trying to blame someone else, and just fire the entire board!

Warrantless snooping on American man was LEGAL in terrorism case, rules US judge


Re: Potty Only a lawyer

Much better. But just don't forget, someone lost a couple of towers, and around 3000 people lost their lives, because of people just like him. I think we have just cause to dislike Muslims, especially when added to their other atrocities.

Longer flights burning more fuel can cut planes' climate impact


Re: Cut the trees

One hotter year than others, a trend does not make!

Jihadist fears spark new spook powers


"The Commies Muslims are out to get us!!!" - well, they actually are (the Muslims, that is), it's just that many people think that political correctness will save them. Being "nice" to them will *never* work, and won't save you when they come knocking.

Oz refugee data leak a SNAFU, says KPMG report


Re: Refugee's who somehow manage to pay thousands...

Indeed, and let's not forget that all these illegal immigrants passed through several safe countries to get to the departure point for Oz. They pay $10,000 per person for the boat trip; for someone from those countries, that is several decades of pay (or other forms of pecuniary income - one wonders how they manage to accumulate such wealth). These people are NOT in fear for their lives from their country of origin; they are just economic refugees who are looking to better their lifestyle by jumping the legitimate queue.


So, you obviously don't agree with this policy. That's your right. Just as it is my right to support this policy and prevent these people from landing illegally (yes, it is also my right to call them illegal immigrants) and costing us taxpayers billions of dollars annually in accommodation costs and lawyer fees (yes, the lawyers are making a huge amount of taxpayers' money).

With the large number of people arriving by boat, it's a massive effort which costs far less than simply welcoming and maintaining them. It's a great policy designed to appeal to ordinary inhabitants, of which there are very many here in Oz.

But if you're so concerned for them, how about you look after a family of illegal immigrants in your own house at your own expense? Nah, didn't think so.

MAC MEN: Apple hiring 1,000 people for internal ad operation


With so many companies outsourcing so much of their work these days, this should be applauded by most people. I suspect, though, that the Apple-haters will find something to complain about, as usual.

GoDaddy to try to GoPublic – again – with $100 million IPO


Yeah, come on, let's all criticise GoDaddy, seems that's one of the Internet pastimes! I have used GD for years, and have found them to be fine. Their support has been fine, too. And considering their market share, it appears there are plenty of people who agree with me.

Yes, go on, keep bagging GD, but for me they've done no wrong, and have been quite helpful. I will continue to be a customer of theirs.

Revealed: GCHQ's beyond top secret Middle Eastern internet spy base


Snowden insists he only wants to inform people about what is going on. He has done that; he has achieved his goal. Now we all know. What he is doing now is nothing more than grandstanding, name-making, and destruction.

He WAS an informant. He is NOW a traitor. I hope he gets what is coming to him.

NBN to expand wireless, rejig satellites, spend more


The whole NBN project is a complete waste of money! I have ADSL2 with a download speed of around 1.5Mb/s. That's plenty for me. It loads web pages in a second or two, and I can download a movie in 15 minutes. I don't NEED anything more. Anyone who does is just greedy! It's going to end up costing >$70 beeeellion (regardless of what they've quoted), and we could have gotten much more useful infrastructure for that amount of money.

Rosetta comet chaser due to wake up for final rendezvous on Monday


Three loops around Earth? I wondered why my days are getting longer!

Huawei dismisses NSA backdoor claims as profits soar


Re: I'd rather have the Chinese check my ...

Well, I certainly wouldn't trust *you*! Since you seem to hate the West so much, maybe you should "do a Snowden", and go and live over the other side of the planet, where hopefully they won't have any computers for you to post your drivel!

Boffins: Antarctic glacier in irreversible decline, will raise sea levels by 1cm


@RIBrsiq - and based on your own argument, I like how many climate-change alarmists "arguments" seem to boil down to 10/20/30/100 years of warming in a cycle of tens of millions of years. Therefore, there is global warming!

That's not how it works, people. The world has warmed and cooled over millions of years. We're in a cycle.

Plastic iPhone 5Cs? Nah, we'll flog India our OLD iPhone 4 models - report


Re: Fragmentation alert!

@JaitcH - then their "planned obsolescence technique" ain't working too well. My 3GS still works fine, and I'll probably get a hand-me-up 4S when my daughter's plan ends and she upgrades to a 5S. But that's nothing to do with Apple.

Sorry, but your loathing of anything Apple is causing you hallucinations!

Is Australia backing away from 'fair use' proposals?


Re: Brandis is a F**kW*t

I agreed with you at first, but after reading a bit more into your post, I figured it was just another political rant. Funny how much noise the left make (empty vessels etc).

Baldness fix from foreskin follicles


Does this mean that if they had a scalp massage, they'd grow taller for a few minutes?

Sepaton launches super-duper big data-slurping deduper


How about a photo of one of these beasts?

IBM gooses 'business class' mainframes with z12 engines


Great article

Thanks for this excellent article! I started in IT on an old (new at the time) IBM 370/145 with 64K (yes,K) of main memory (32K of which was Memorex bolt-on). I have worked on most models since then, up to the 9672, after which I moved on to other things. I have a soft spot for IBM Mainframes and their operating systems, and it's great to read how far they have progressed. More mainframe articles, please!

1.5 MW 'demonstrator' solar plant hits the grid


Re: Irrevelant

So, as soon as the sun goes down, we all stop using our air-conditioners because the temperature immediately becomes tolerable? Peak power needs are only during daylight hours? Ever heard of cooking, kettles, TVs etc? You know, the things people do when they get home, more often than not when it's dark outside.

What was that expression you used? Oh yeah, utter bullshit!

Samsung and Apple finally divorcing after years of court battles


Re: Pulling the plug might mean just that.

So what's this in my pocket? Oh, it's a 3GS. Oh, and it's working perfectly.

Turnbull upends bucket on data retention proposal


Re: Turnbull?

Dear RB,

Following your logic, obviously you know nothing about "Conroy the C_nt...", otherwise you would not be (effectively) defending him.

If you can't post anything without using personal insults, don't bother posting because by doing so you automatically lose the argument. AND, your post is not relevant to the article, and is purely a political statement on behalf of the Australian Labor Party (yes, they spell it "Labor"!).

Pot, kettle, black.