* Posts by lordvalumart

4 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Oct 2012

Want to BUILD YOUR OWN Tardis? First, get a star and set it spinning...


Re: Doubts

"While I would agree our perception of events would be altered if we broke the light barrier (B then A), the actual event progression would be the same (A then B) for the rest of the universe"

But the problem is that there is no such thing as "the actual event progression". Einstein stated that all reference frames are equal, so it is not the case that there is one observer whose measurements are somehow actual or true, while everyone else's are just perception.

Furthermore, just like quantum mechanics, there is no "true" reality which we measure approximately with instruments. Instead, reality is just what you measure, and nothing else. Thus if all your measurements indicate that B preceded A then that really is what happened, at least in your reference frame.

Idaho patriots tool up to battle Jihad with pork bullets


Re: So much for respecting the religious beliefs of other people.

Geoff Campbell: "a citizen is free to worship any god or gods they please, so long as they can first devise a proper peer-reviewed experiment proving that said god(s) actually exist."

Ah... so you mean "my way or the highway"

Tech aristocracy joins conflab with Secret Rulers of the World


Nothing to worry about?

"Among the 12 topics for discussion over the three days of the conference: 'How big data is changing almost everything'"

Sounds just like every other tedious, band-wagonning conference I've ever been to... unless the agenda is a decoy, of course.

Stars spotted dancing superfast tango around black hole handbag


Re: Yay!

I must have missed the bit where the article mentioned opposition from creationists...

Can't we admire the wonder of the universe without using it as a chance to insult each other's beliefs?