Re: 4chan is a sysadmin
He's also done TED talks, and a, pretty interesting, AMA on Reddit. He's hardly a secret, why would you make these comments. :|
127 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Oct 2012
you mentioned the amazing change Watch Dogs went through from E3 to release, it looks like ass compared to what was originally shown and that's what E3 mostly is to me these days, a bunch of Bullshots to get me hyped at least in years past you knew what you were getting, I don't remember Quake going through a dramatic change to make it look like shit from what was shown in years past.
I'm trying hard not to get excited about Doom after that super cool Cyber Demon reveal.
He got pissed off over a poor performance report and decided to get the finger to his company.
Admirable? Sure.
I am surprised at the outcome ? No, using the services of a company you are leaking information about... really.
I wonder what his book will be called, "how I got common sense beat into me" perhaps.
Decent idea, with no polish. Would not pay full price and for the bugs and quriks that exist with the amount of hype this has generated since last years E3 its left me disappointed
Also, Not sure if people have seen people remark/videos of the werid and wacky physics of the game. E.g. Car lauched in the air and stopped dead by a kerb on the landing. Pretty disappointing.
Having had this discussion in work a few times for me personally I like to DL my Spotify playlists, which are many. It ate through the internal memory quick. Not to mention, memory capacity is still increasing and developers are still managing to make megabytes worth of crap for simple tasks. So yeah, why not just throw in a slot? It's hardly going to break your design.
I am staggered, not that trying to clean up the internet from illegal material is a bad thing, but who the hell is going to Google or Microsoft to search for it?
Surely if this was the case it wouldn't be hard for either of those two companies to identify that this is happening and forward that information on to the relevant authorities.
This is propaganda for mumsnet, this does nothing to stop the wider issue of stopping child abuse issues on the internet.
I don't think shows are picked for TV based on their adverts. Not to mention when it was on UK TV I don't remember any song or dance about it, when say compared to Suits (which is a good show, but basically chewing gum) were Dave went balls to the wall and helped dispel the myth that had - "if its on Dave its a repeat or shit."
I just question why is such a massive American TV show never made it across, nearly every other other has in some form (The Wire, Mad Men, The Sopranos, Lost etc. etc.) and Breaking Bad is right up there among those other highly recieved shows. Not all those shows were on terrestrial TV but I'd believe most people would have heard of them in some form. r
The article fails to mention the follow,
"Nabil Gasmi, of the University of Sousse, Tunisia, visited the Mos Espa site in 2009, and noted that part of a nearby set used in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope had already been overrun."
Dark times.