Re: never totally clear
This is probably going to be too long for you to read, but here goes.
"Yet the indigenous peoples of the area [are] supposed to be happy that their historic lands were sliced off, and just sit there and say "Thank you Sir, can I have another?!"." - no, they didn't and that is why the indigenous Jews fought against the invading Arab armies, and fortunately won. There is now one tiny state in the mid-east that protects its Jewish, Christian, Moslem, and citizens of any religion. It has to win every war it gets dragged into, because the first time it loses is when you will witness what genocide and ethnic cleaning really look like.
You may just not know about the real, actual ethnic cleansing that happened in the Arab world, or you may just think the people who were ethnically cleansed deserved it, but the one positive thing that came out of it is that those people who made it out alive are now safe. The negative is that those countries that killed or threw out their Jews are basket cases and will remain so for a long, long time.
Many more Palestinians have been killed by the Jordanians, Syrians and Lebanese than have been killed by Israelis. But the world only gets worried about the Palestinians when Jews can be purported to be at blame.
If you really believe "While they do onto others the equivalent of what they are very actively trying to prevent happen to themselves." is actually the case, you have no idea what is actually happening, and should really educate yourself.
Most of the mid-east was "granted" to the various governments in the region from the remains of the Ottoman Empire. Syria expanded its "grant" at will by effectively taking over Lebanon. Iran in turn has moved in by effectively taking over control of Syria. Jordan expanded its "grant" by invading Judea and Samaria between 1948 and 1967. Likewise, Egypt expanded it's "grant" by invading Gaza. Oddly enough, the PLO charter didn't call for a Palestinian homeland in Jordanian controlled Judea and Samaria, or in Gaza, but instead only lays claim to the land controlled by Israel.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but the actual facts don't support your positions, so it's a good job you don't expect anyone to be "obligated to respect or honor them in any way at all".