Here we go soon you will see the morons and industry paid propagandists come on and make their idiotic comments like:
Weather changes and weather has changed in the past
It is cosmic rays (for the tin foil hat crowd)
The climatologists have forgotten the obvious reflective clouds
The climatologist have forgotten the obvious solar cycles
I heard from Rush Limbaugh FOX etc that this is a hoax
It is a conspiracy by the US government and the worlds scientists
It is a conspiracy by the worlds scientists to get rich
Follow the money & Ignore the milti-trillion dollars oil/coal/gas industries
Dems scientist thinks that they bees sooo smart but they don't get it
Yet these guys cannot name one internationally or nationally recognized scientific organization that says global warming does not exist or that it is not caused by mankind. There are none because it has already been accepted as fact in the scientific community. You will not hear the idiots say that 98% of the climatologist say global warming is real. What they will quote is a obscure web sites that quotes other PhDs in everything from geology to statistics to proctology.