* Posts by BritAstronut

1 publicly visible post • joined 3 Oct 2012

New science: seas will rise due to CO2 ... but not for centuries



Maybe, the point of the article is that we should not be panicking - yet...

As most of our current (and expected) problems have something to do with CO2 production, just maybe something will come along (eg Fusion power) within this century, which produces cheap energy by the bucket-load, but doesn't produce CO2 (like burning coal/oil/gas), radio-active waste (like Fission) or any of the other undesirable side effects, like wind-turbine noise and high electricity bills.

Fusion power would massively slow down, or even stop, our production of CO2, and perhaps those countries which produced most of the CO2 in the first place, could even afford to run a few plants which extract CO2 from the atmosphere, thereby reversing the trend.

I’m assuming that the graphs produced here expect CO2 production to stay at current levels, or increase. What would be the effect if they dropped ?