* Posts by Faye B

145 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2012

IBM needs to sell its stuttering storage biz lines

Faye B
Paris Hilton

Where's the Paris Hilton angle?

Sorry but I can't figure out the reference to (wo)man in the article.Am I missing something here?

As a side note, have you noticed how the responses from IBMers are extremely long and probably took ages to write. Methinks they have too much time on their hands these days, hmm. Or maybe they are just so used to writing bull that they don't notice.

Walking while texting can – OUCH! – end badly, say boffins

Faye B

Sent from iPhone

I don't believe this study. I regularly walk and text at the same ti

Candy Crush dev stuffs EU 'candy' trademark down gob

Faye B

Toilet humour

If your want a game that will be played on the toilet, shouldn't it be called Gummy Bears Saga. (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/20/haribo_gummy_bears_implicated_in_gastric_exorcism/)

Our robot overlords won't be evil cyborgs: Prepare for whisker-equipped ROBO-KITTIES

Faye B

Pussy whipped?

This could be a CATastrophe. I have a sinking feline about this.

Could this be a new version of the Commodore Pet?

Devs write 'film my shag' sex app for Google Glass

Faye B
Paris Hilton

Glass half full

I assume this will provide single handed operation. There will definitely be a need for image stabilization. Could lead to a whole new social media platform - F**kbook or twatter.

I foresee a rapid spurt of development around this app. Perhaps leading to the adoption of a new programming language C-men.

Large Hadron Collider competition: VOTE NOW to choose the WINNER

Faye B


I have read all of these entries and I demand a recount.

Didn't get a Nook for Xmas? That's OK, hardly anyone else did, either

Faye B

Re: Not a happy bunny

OK, sort of happy again. Did an erase and deregister (A kind of cold boot) and it all works again. Still it took ages to go through all that rigmarole so I hope it does not happen again. I will have to remember to keep my ebook files backed up on the PC.

Faye B

Not a happy bunny

Well, as my Nook Glowlight has gone titsup on me after only 6 months ownership I am not at all surprised that B&N are going down the pan on this one. The damn thing has started flashing (inverting) at me every second and lost all my books. I will take it back for a replacement but I have heard bad things about their service department and with this news I suspect they will be even less inclined to provide a replacement.

Heart part more art than state-of-the-art: Shine wearable activity sensor

Faye B
Paris Hilton

Misleading measurements

I would imagine that for most of the male readership that sit staring at computer screens all day, wearing this device on the wrist is going to lead to an exceptionally high activity reading, particulary late in the evening (The clue is in the icon).

HP multiplies Meg Whitman's salary by 1.5 MEELLION

Faye B
Paris Hilton

Equal Pay

About time a woman got paid the same as a man for a job well done.

Paris, as she is another woman worth 1.5 million a year.

Factories are too DULL for Google's robo-dreams: Behold the GATAMAMs

Faye B

The future is now(ish)

Robots are the future, that's for sure but its when Google change their name to Sirius Cybernetics that we have to worry! Let's hope their first prototype isn't called Marvin.

Meet NASA's Valkyrie: A silky busty robo superhero that'll save your life

Faye B

Clothes Optional?

They missed a trick with designing the 'soft covering' by making it only cover the limbs rather than the joints. If they also wrapped the cloth around the exposed joints they would protect them from ingress of dust, water etc. when moving through the hazardous environment. It would be ironic if after smashing through a brick wall to rescue some object, the robot seized up from all the brick dust clogging up its gears. Perhaps they could send a guy in to retrieve the robot.

Calling Doctor Caroline Langensiepen of Nottingham Trent uni

Faye B

Yes you are probably right. Oh well.

Faye B

Gis' a job

Ok, so how do you get to write articles for the Reg?

Google unveils ten-year plan to build its ROBOT ARMY of the future

Faye B
Paris Hilton

Honda marks get set go

If this sounds far-fetched why are Honda and various other Japanese companies investing millions into creating autonomous robots (Asimo anyone). The sad fact is, now that we all have smart phones there is no new 'big thing' on the horizon other than robots, or should I say Androids. We all want our own personal butler (perhaps a female one with a 'Siri' voice), preferably one that can do all the mundane things in life, like work.

Where they are going to have to make the paradigm shift is in making cheap plastic cybernetic beings rather than expensive clanking metal robots.

Paris as she is the plastic pal that's fun to be with.

LOHAN embraces handsome young autopilot

Faye B

Re: Two stage autopilot

Either intertial acceleration or electrically, when the heater disconnects from the battery.

Faye B
Paris Hilton

The sky's the limit

Wow there is some seriously sophisticated engineering going on here. Not so sure that 'Garden Shed' boffinry still fits the description of this project anymore.

Paris, as in we'll always have Paris (to remember good old fashioned string and paper bodgery).

Women crap at parking: Official

Faye B

It's possible he was transgendered. He has all the signs and some say that his picture of the Mona Lisa is really a self -portrait in drag.

Faye B

Re: Right!

Judging by the spelling and grammar in your posting, I would say you find it difficult to multi-task thinking and typing at the same time. Here's a tip; write first then read it over and correct your mistakes after.

Solar enthusiasts rays idea of 'leccy farms on MOON, drones

Faye B

An opportunity for the Reg.

Once the Reg SPB have ironed out the Ballocketing project they could offer to loft and launch the solar panels for them. At last a real-world commercial reason for all the garden shed boffinary.

HP’s ENORMO-SLAB: The Slate 21 MONSTER tablet

Faye B

Add Ons?

I am guessing that you could use the USB ports at the back to attach a keyboard and mouse, so it could be a desktop replacement too.

Is that you, HAL? No, it's NEIL: Google, US Navy pour money into 'associative' AI brain

Faye B

No shortcuts with AI

Although this is an interesting experiment, the fact that it's learning needs 'supervision' shows that this has severe limitiations. Not only do AI machines have to learn to associate they also have learn to dis-associate (as in the Pink example given). This requires an extensive internal 'world model' that, to my mind, can only be achieved through years of cognitive development similar to that of an infant. You can't take shortcuts by simply showing pictures of tanks (sorry, planes) and making associations. It's been tried before and failed.

Scores of profs give hated US patent law an F minus, demand massive rewrite

Faye B

socially wasteful litigation

Is this the new Euphemism for lawyers? It sounds about right.

Our TINY flying robot moves like a JELLYFISH, say NYU boffins

Faye B


How many uses are there for a 2 gram robot. Would this method be at all scalable and that 20 times a second sounds a bit fast to be called flapping.

It certainly doesn't look like that in the video.

What's wrong with Britain's computer scientists?

Faye B

Cherry picking again

I suspect the reason that Comp Sci grads find it hard to get employed is due to the high expectations of employers, who want people skilled in exactly their current requirements. They expect someone with a degree in computers to be completely skilled in whichever little niche strand of computing their company uses (e.g. .Net programming or Oracle databases) rather than accept that the degree only provides the base knowledge from which to become skilled. If your degree didn't happen to have a module in say Python Scripting you just won't get an interview. There seems to be a strong reluctance to train up post-grads, the assumption being that the univeristy should have done that already (after all there isn't much to this computing lark is there).

Sadly this cherry picking mentality is prevalent throughout the inductry, no matter the age of the employee, with a far greater desire to employ new staff with the 'right' knowledge than train up their existing staff. The result being that employers keep bleating about skills shortages while the UK is awash with unemployed people desperate to be given a job.

LOHAN buffs body for sizzling vinyl wrap

Faye B

Ooo, I have a bad feeling about this.

I can't help feeling that adding vynyl wrap is going to prove a mistake given the temperature range it has to go through. De-lamination at low temperatures combined with out-gassing at high altitudes could ruin the flight characteristics. But then I am always such a pessimist. I hope it all goes well.

Little devil: Electric Imp is an Internet of Things Wi-Fi PC-ON-AN-SD-CARD

Faye B

A solution looking for a problem

This does seem to be just a solution vainly in search of a problem. Even taking the bog-light idea, it would be simpler (and probably cheaper) to use 'power-line communication' rather than WiFi (and I am not just talking component costs, there's testing and compliance to be met). And before anyone starts talking about lasers, I will point out that lasers are a generic technology whereas this is a jumped up little logic circuit with a radio attached. There must be much better ways to acheive the same end than use this contraption.

Doctor Who Episode One: Through a glass. Darkly

Faye B
Thumb Up

Merged Memory

Astonishingly, I had the same memory slip as the author in that I clearly remember the first episode but none of the rest of the story and the next episode in my mind is when they land on Skara.

The Daleks may look rubbish today but nothing has scared the crap out of me anything like as much as the sight of one of those coming into view. Everyone talks about hiding behind the sofa, specifically from these first episodes, that's how scary they were at the time. No other show had that effect on kids as far as I know.

And that title sequence and electronic music is still scarier and more thrilling than any of the ones put up since. I am convinced that the BBC had to tone it down and make it more child friendly in future series. I never felt that the early Doctor Who was intended for children as it seemed far too grown up and real to be a kids show (remember Andy Pandy was still being shown around this time).

Sony patents LASER-FIRING Wi-Fi SMARTWIG with sideburn buttons

Faye B
Paris Hilton

Hair brained scheme

Maybe it uses Caps Lock.

The're making some pretty bald statements there.

This is fringe technology at its best.

I suppose they could uses extensions when they want to upgrade.

I hope the price will be a snip, I don't want to be scalped.

HURRI-KANO: Raspberry Pi kit for kids STORMS past funding target

Faye B
Paris Hilton

But will they have it in Barbie pink for the girls?

3D printing: 'Third industrial revolution' or a load of old cobblers?

Faye B

Ultimate pipe-dream-machine

Using 3D printers to replace broken parts sounds like a good idea until you factor in the costs of making the new part; the time needed to redesign it in CAD, the cost of ownership of the printer, the cost of materials, the time needed to print an item. When you add in all those costs it will probably be cheaper just to buy a whole new product (especially if it was mass-produced and cheap). It's a bit like furniture making; you could just buy the wood and glue (and varnish and paint and cloth and....) quite cheaply but it would take hours and hours of your time to produce, involve spending money on tools and workshop stuff and the result may not be as good as shop bought. Which is why most of us sit on chairs bought from Ikea.

3D printing is good for prototyping or short runs but I can't see it replacing mass-production any time. The one caveat is where the shape of the item is so complex or so bespoke that only 3D printing will do the job. I guess the real excitement of this technology is in seeing what kinds of complexity can be acheived and how it will improve functionality over the standard techniques. It could lead to a whole new standard of design and efficiency.

Personally the appeal of 3D printing is in being able to create my own robot parts but that assumes I have the ability and time to design them in the first place. It's the ultimate pipe-dream-machine.


Faye B
Paris Hilton


Maybe men have bigger noses because over thousands of generations, women with small cute noses have been selected for breeding (i.e. are more attractive and so get married and have kids). Just saying, cause and effect?

Paris as she is obviously a result of natural selection. ;-)

MANUAL STIMULATION: Whack me with some proper documentation

Faye B

Wot no manual!

Sadly no one (producers) wants to pay for documentation anymore. They assume that the bright spark 'designer' has made it so intuitive that just looking at the startup screen tells you everything you will ever need to know about the product. Of course its made worse by guys saying they never read the instructions, so why bother having them, so you have yourselves to blame.

Microsoft's EAT-your-OWN-YOUNG management system AXED

Faye B

Sanity at last

Good to see that MS has realised that software development is a team effort rather than one or two heroes doing all the work. The sad thing is, no matter what rewards scheme is put forward, someone will figure out a way to play the system to their best advantage, whether that is the manager and his cronies or the smart arse employee who only gives a damn about his self (the pc crowd can replace his with her where appropriate if they want). There is probably some fair and equitable distribution system that could be used but it would require a level of intelligence rarely seen in HR to work out all the sums. We have a bonus system in our company that is based on a formula that none of us can understand (and we all have science degrees).

Boffins boggled by ORB-shaped electrons

Faye B


I don't think I can put more succinctly than that.

KRAKOOM! iPad Air explose in fireball, terrified fanbois flee Apple store

Faye B

Hot News

- "saw a "burst of flames" shoot out of the iPad's charging port."

Are they sure it wasn't the firewire connection.

I bet I get flamed for this one.

Some bright spark thought it would be good for a laugh but I suspect its a smokescreen.

Good for those with a burning desire to own Apple kit. It must have been a hot deal.

RETRO-GASM: The Fuze electronics kit for the Raspberry Pi

Faye B

Strange desire

I want one, even though I stopped fiddling with electronics many years ago. So wish I had one of these when the first computers were coming out. I can easily imagine this sitting gathering dust in my home, just waiting for me to start that great home project (sigh). Still nostalga isn't what it used to be.

I used to have the Philips EE Electronics Engineer kit when I was a youngster (liberated from my brother) and it lead me into a career in electronics, computing and now software. So who says these kits won't encourage today's youth. Something like this is so much more practical in schools than just a bare board Pi and a bunch of connectors. Most teachers don't have the time or the resources to assemble a workable experimental kit and develop teaching material to support it. This at least goes half way there.

World's first 3D-printed metal gun 'more accurate' than factory-built cousin

Faye B

Calm Down everyone

I don't know what the hoo ha is all about. It is reasonably easy to make firearms using just a lathe and a milling machine, both of which are much cheaper and more readily available than sintered 3D printers. Not to mention that purchasing bars of metal is going to be much simpler and more anonymous than purchasing powdered stainless steel. This has been possible for many years but there hasn't been a mass outbreak of people making their own guns (AFAIK). It's the amunition that's the tricky part but unfortunately in the States obtaining that is as simple as going down to the K-Mart.

The reason the plastic 3D printed gun caused alarm was that it meant the firearm could be produced in a home very easily and cheaply and that being plastic it would be virtually undetectable. All this article shows it that 3D sintered laser printing can produce production ready prototypes.

Blighty promises £49m to get more British yoof into engineering careers

Faye B

Where has all the money gone.

Sadly I can see most of this umpteen millions pounds being spent on futile gestures like publicity campaigns and endless commitees etc. You know, projects where the brown nose brigade can get to spend money on themselves or through their companies. I suspect very little of this will ever get into the pockets of young engineers. Call me cynical but i have seen far too many 'schemes' that have been set up that were essentially ways for the rich to skim off as much money as they could without being caught at it. What;'s the betting that the first thing they do is set up a quango to look into how to spend this money! They will probably have to visit lots of other countries to determine which is the best way to help and then conclude that the most 'exciting' solution is to provide every kid with a Rasberry Pi.

LOHAN's mighty thruster poised for hot coupling

Faye B
Paris Hilton

KISS again

I still think my electric kettle idea still holds water (pardon the pun). You glue two flat contacts onto the rear section of the fuselage, connected to the heater and have two spring loaded contacts pressing down on them from the truss above. As the rocket lauches and moves up the launch rod, the contacts slide off the fuselage. If you want I can draw you a diagram.

I don't think i need to explain the Paris Hilton angle.

Dark matter: Good news, everyone! We've found ... NOTHING AT ALL

Faye B

Much Ado About Nothing

Sorry I couldn't resist.

FREEZE, GLASSHOLE! California cops bust Google Glass driver

Faye B

Re: Two things...

The HUD idea is to diplay vehicle information to the driver, not to display entertainment. The same rules apply as detailed by a previous poster. Google glass will always pose a distraction threat through its ability to display entertainment media or other distracting information (i.e. not related to driving along the road).

The cop was totally right to fine her.

Virgin Media only puts limited limits on its Unlimited service

Faye B

One man's poison

Perhaps when they say unlimitied they mean there will be an unlimited number of excuses to limit your access. And perhaps when they say no capping they really meant 'put a sock in it, you mugs'; an easy mistake to make.

New Forum Wishlist - but read roadmap first

Faye B

More icons please

Or have a review of the ones available. We could really do with a 'laughing my ass off' icon or a better 'I am not being at all serious, tongue in cheek' icon. I have also been using the Paris Hilton icon to indicate the female perspective but we should have a separate one for that (maybe a Ada Lovelace portrait).

I have used the Divine Being icon here to show what I mean about the confusion/lack of laughing ones.

DON'T BREW THAT CUPPA! Your kettle could be a SPAMBOT

Faye B
Paris Hilton

The're watching us

I always thought those glowing red neon indicators were spying on me. Now I am sure.

The Raspberry Pi: Is it REALLY the saviour of British computing?

Faye B

More programmers?

Do we need more bedroom programmers? Surely what we need is more professional software developers who can program or is it the age old claim of industry about skills shortages. Yes there is a demand for 'progammers', for want of a better word, but if you look at what is being asked for in the job ads you can see that the industry has fragmented into very narrow verticals. Either you are a web developer or a iOS developer or backend developer etc etc, each requiring specific skill sets and languages. So what looks like a shortage is actually a sign of an industry refusing to invest in cross-training and determined to 'cherry-pick' from a pool of candidates. And its this apparently empty pool that is promoting the idea that there is a need for more programmers and consequently the bleating from government for more bedroom programmers.

It is like when they complained that there was a shortage of plumbers and builders, when what they really meant was there is a shortage of cheap plumbers and builders. Notice how the cry for training more of these disappeared when all those Polish workers started turning up and undercutting the homegrown workforce. Given that large proporations of many software projects are now hived off to programmers in off-shore sites, in places such as India or China, where is the incentive to train up new expensive programmers here in the UK. Software development is going the way of the clothing industry in that only the design houses are here in the UK and the 'making' of the product is done in some poor thrid world country using cheap labour.

So I would suggest that its not more bedroom programmers we need as there won't be any work for them but then that won't allow the industry the room to 'cherry pick' talent and keep the costs down. This whole idea of teaching kids programming is just a distraction from what is really happening and using Rasberry Pis won't change that.

Vulture 2 paintjob: Four-year-old nipper triumphs

Faye B
Thumb Up

Excellent Choice

Need I say more. Well done.

Intel: Our first five parallel-computing schools are open for business

Faye B

Already Here?

We already use parallel processing to a certain extent. It's called multi-threading, the only real difference being that the processor and underlying OS handles this parallelism by such techniques a time slicing. The reason for avoiding it in the past has been the additional complexity it adds to the code and the greater dificulty in testing. Even the humble smartphone uses it, particularly when connecting to the network or running some kind of media, requiring asynchronous and time-boxed funtionality such as screen refresh for animation.

So initially we should see an improvement in the OS as it handles multiple threads truely in parallel followed by more complex software being able to run faster and more efficiently, making it possible for higher AI functions to be implemented on more compact devices. Currently SIRI is being run as a thin client to a massive backend engine but that could change with this new chipset. Also facial recognition and security could be improved, not to mention how speech recognition would expand to speech comprehension and translation.

I think what scares people the most is the idea of extreme parallel processing of the sort needed to analyse or create video in real time, where each pixel is subjected to its own process but this is already happening with video graphics cards. Or my personal favourite, neural networks where each 'neuron' is given its own process to react independently of but collaborativley with other neurons to form a network. That's the kind of parallel processing I am looking forward to.

Oz racehorse shod with 3D-printed titanium hoofwear

Faye B

Neigh sayers

This should put an end to shod-dy workmanship. Hoof-its these things anyway.

The importance of complexity

Faye B


As my degree was in Cognitive Science rather than Computer Science, pretty much all we did was study NP hard problems and non-deterministic neural networks. The up side of this is that anything that I can recognise as being deterministic, I know I can solve using basic (or not so basic) algorithms, by breaking the problem down using various problem-solving techniques. It's surprising how many seemingly intractable problems resolve down to using a combination of one or two techniques and a couple of algorithms. The down-side of my degree is that I find very little software in the commercial world to be particularly challenging, just tediously long-winded. I long to work on neural-network designs but so far little has escaped from AI research labs to be used in real-world applications. Even visual processing tends to rely on various mathematical techniques involving massive number crunching. The closest we get is using Hidden Markov Models to fudge the parts where deterministic algorithms fail.