* Posts by IJC

63 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2012


PNG pongs: critical bug patched in ubiquitous libpng


So all those eyeballs missed another one?

So how is open source more secure again? How do all those extra eyes for testing work?

If this was Windows all the Linux kiddies would be screaming from the rooftops about how bad MS are.

Bunch of hypocrites.

Roll on the down votes, bigots.

Dell, Google dangle Chromebooks over IT bosses sick of Windows


Chrome hasn't done well anywhere.

Pick any Windows OS of the last 15 years and there are still more current computers running it than Chrome or any flavor of desktop Linux.

Doesn't matter how much the fanboys scream and shout and claim its the best it hasn't gone anywhere, even when you add all the different flavors together.

Windows 10 in a matter of days has got more market penetration than the Linux desktop has in years.

Let the downvotes begin.


Windows 10 marks the end of 'pay once, use forever' software


@James 51

I think it's just the anti Microsoft comments from the Linux fanboys are just a lot more boneheaded than usual and people are fed up with the FUD.

Personally I think the fact that by next month there will probably be more installs of Windows 10 than Linux Desktop is hurting their feelings hence the increase in unjustified nastiness.

Don't want Windows 10 FILTH on the company network? Step this way


Stupid, Childish, Clickbait Headlines

Enough already. Grow up.

We know a lot of Reg journalists have an unreasoning hate on for Microsoft but at least give the impression of being objective.

WHOA! Windows 10 to be sold on USB drives – what a time to be alive


The penguinistas fear is showing through

Going by the raging FUD in the comments sections of recent Windows 10 articles all those crazy people running desktop Linux are scared out of their little white cotton socks.

Must be the knowledge that Windows 10 installs will outnumber Linux desktop from day 1. In fact Windows 10 beta installs probably outnumber Linux desktop already.

Must be really hard to accept that the majority of people prefer something other than their precious darling OS.

What is the record for down votes?

Feel like you're being herded onto Windows 10? Well, you should


Re: Meanwhile....

Less people use BSD, OSX and Linux on the desktop than use Windows Phone so they must be totally irrelevant.

Everything I see is Windows 10, says Microsoft's SatNad


Spin, Spin, Spin

Seems to me a few journalists need to go on a basic listening/reading comprehension course.

Of course if they stopped trying to put a "how can we make Google/Linux/Apple* look good/Microsoft look bad" spin on everything life would be much simpler.

*Depending on the Journalist.

Microsoft giving up on phones? Naaahh ... Windows 10 Mobile lumbers toward release


Reset the Spin Dials

The fanbois in the media keep trying to talk about the future of Windows Phone being in doubt, based on strange interpretations of internal memos.

Meantime a whole new version is imminent with leaked details about accompanying high-end devices.

Seems their spin dials are out of whack.

The END of WINDOWS EVERYWHERE! Is that really what Nadella wants?


Re: Hang on.

Glad someone has the same basic understanding of the English language that I do.

The negative spin being put on a reorganization of a purchased division is just ludicrous.

When businesses buy other businesses that are losing money they do so with the intention of cutting the pieces that are not working to eliminate costs. This is normal business practice. Usually happens over the first couple of years.


VMware unleashes Linux on the (virtual) desktop


Re: Sigh...

And when the task is producing a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet or a PowerPoint presentation you're back to Windows.

And no, other office suites don't compare and yes, the requirement is for Word, Excel or PowerPoint, and yes the training budget to switch and the following loss of productivity would be more than the Windows/Office license costs so the business will not fork over the money so just forget any impulse to try and change the desktop productivity suite. Quickest way to be shown the door known to IT.

Linux on the enterprise desktop is just a non-starter for the vast majority of use cases and will continue to be so for a long time to come, unless it is forced down the throat of users by politicians (see Munich).

The technical superiority of any specific platform has very little to do with adoption and always has, however much techies may hate that fact.

Android lands on Microsoft's money-machine island fortress


No License Fee?

If it is Android then Microsoft will still want its license fee, for all those "patent infringements".

In fact it will probably cost more than the free Windows 10.

Should be interesting to see if NCR cave.

Metro app meets Windows 10. A Microsoft win? Maybe after a little improvement


Only techies care about phone OS

Public perception on phones is not iOS or Android, it is iPhone or Samsung or LG.

Most users couldn't care less what OS their phone runs as long as they can get the apps they want. The most important feature on a phone is the logo, much like the logo on the front of a car.

If Microsoft truly wants to be successful in phones they should just make iPhone and Android apps run on Windows 10.

Microsoft man: Internet Explorer had to go because it's garbage


Revisionist History

I am always amused by the revisionist view of history when it comes to browsers. When web apps were first being developed there was really only a choice of Netscape or IE and bloody few standards. At the time Microsoft's browser worked better for most things, which is why so many apps were written for IE 5, 5.5 and 6. The fact that the standards bodies chose not to adopt MS extensions but go another way is really a large cause of the problems we have now. And yes it was a deliberate decision to spite MS because of how MS had beaten Netscape into dust. Go research the archives if you really want to know what happened.

Yes I know there were a few minor browsers around in the late nineties like Opera but they had little market share (<2%). Only Netscape and IE mattered. Safari didn't arrive until 2002 and Chrome only in 2008. Firefox was originally a Netscape fork and only got market share much later.

BTW, how about using a correct image to lead articles about Spartan. They should feature Master Chief not 300. This is MS after all.

Microsoft: We bought Skype. We make mobiles.. Oh, HANG ON!


Time to rationalize

"Most people overestimate what can be achieved in one year and under estimate what can be achieved in ten."

One of Bill Gates most famous quotes. Journalists who have no understanding of what it takes to develop and synchronize large code bases representing multiple product streams really shouldn't write such stupid, misleading trash.

Enterprise communications software isn't some crappy little phone app that can be knocked up in 5 minutes by some script kiddie.

Developers, developers, developers! But WILL they support Windows 10?


Real programmers ...

The web script kiddies seem to forget that there a lot of software isn't targeted at a phone or a tablet but meets some industrial functional need.

Whether it is Windows or Unix/Linux there are thousands of industrial applications that just work day in, day out. They just don't fit the social media meme that attracts attention today. Instead most of them do their job and make real money unlike most of the toy apps featured in the press.

Any organization that writes software for use by business will be looking at Windows 10 and deciding where it fits for their software. Some will look to exploit it, others will add it as a supported platform and for some it will not be relevant, but no sensible development organization can afford to ignore it.

Bada-Bing! Mozilla flips Firefox to YAHOO! for search


Re: DuckDuck

I find most advertisements are for stuff I've just bought, not stuff that I'm looking for.

I have never, ever, bought anything that was presented by a targeted ad.

Microsoft promises Windows 10 will mean two-factor auth for all


Two phase authentication

Why do so many display such ignorance in public?

Microsoft and Google already have authenticator apps that run on smartphones. These apps follow a standard protocol and are compatible i.e. you can use the Microsoft Authenticator app to generate a key that will work when a key from the Google Authenticator app is expected.

Apple nurses HealthKit apps back to life, discharges iOS 8.0.2


"allow third-party applications to access photos on handsets"

You mean we don't need to hack the iCloud for nude selfies anymore, we can just write an app?

Microsoft refuses to nip 'Windows 9' unzip lip slip


No point in copying anything from a Linux GUI. Microsoft only copy things that are successful.

Just look at how Microsoft has beefed up Powershell over the last few years to give the Linux sysadmin types a command line to play with.

You use Office 365, SQL Server or Azure, right? Great, you're invited to Microsoft's data insights


Anti MS Bias

Why the hell do these anti MS idiots want to comment on a free session for MS users?

And why the hell do they down vote factual statements?

I suppose their little lives must be so sad, having the rest of the world ignore their so superior solutions, my heart just bleeds for them.

Microsoft slaps fresh paint on code-free Windows Phone dev tool


Re: cambsukguy


This is a list of your preferences. Don't like it, use a different phone.


Re: That's nice of them


People who use other people's IP should pay for it.

Nobody is forcing anybody to buy a WP phone.

So, what is new in SQL 2014, exactly?


Re: Only Microsoft?

Define "Most People".

"Most People" I know have never heard of MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL Sybase, DB2, Oracle or SQL Server. "Most People" only have a vague inkling what a database actually is.

IT People I know on the other hand have heard of SQL Server and Oracle. A few have heard of Sybase, DB2 and MySQL. A tiny, tiny number have heard of MariaDB. A few have heard of Big Data, MapReduce and Hadoop.

Defining "Most People" in terms of those you have regular contact with is one of the most basic analytical and statistical errors people make.

iOS 7 SPANKS Samsung's Android in user-experience rating


who paid for the report?

Should do some background checks and see WHO PAID FOR THE REPORT. Hint: Cross reference the published reports with the client list.

It used to be Microsoft that always got into trouble for "sponsoring" independent reports. The Reg has always called them out previously. Looks like you got caught hook, line and sinker on this one.

Apple seeds Golden Master iOS 7 to devs, calls Sep 18 ship date


Liar, Liar

"No other platform has any apps like these," Cook said.

This statement is patently untrue. All other platforms have productivity apps, video streaming, photos, radio and cloud synchronization. This is just imitation, as is the "flat " UI, and still no NFC. The camera doesn't compete with the top Samsungs & Nokias. Nothing exciting about this release at all. No wonder the markets don't like it.

Apple has been here before. What will be interesting this time is who is last man standing. With reducing market share it doesn't look like it will be Apple and this time there is no Steve Jobs to rescue them from the fall.

Oracle automates master data management workflow


And this is news how?

Must be a short news day to regurgitate details of an extension module weeks after it was announced to all and sundry...

Android approaches 80% smartphone share as Apple's iPhone grows old


What is news here?

Hmm, why does "shipments don’t necessarily equal sales" only apply to Windows Phone 8 devices?

And why should it be surprising that Windows Phone 8 is the fastest growing phone OS? Now that Nokia has got a full range of devices to market, including entry level phones like the 520, there was always going to be a jump upwards from the very low base. Seeing the absolute numbers would give another perspective on that. Nokia has always delivered good phones and has a loyal following of people who care more that the phone is a Nokia than what the OS happens to be.

Looks like Blackberry is destined to become a mobile apps and services provider. Compared to its competitors it just doesn't have the cash, especially with Microsoft's billions backing Nokia for the 3rd spot. I wouldn't be surpirsed to see them snapped up soo, especially if the share price declines significantly below $10.

Microsoft: Office 2013 license is for just one PC, FOREVER


Re: Congrats Steve

You obviously have no idea what Office 365 provides do you?


Re: The insanity that is Microsoft

Haven't read the different Office 365 plans have you?

Especially not the home premium plan that allows the full install of Office 2013 on 5 different machines?

Can't let the truth get in the way of a nice rant now can we?


Re: So Microsoft don't want my money anymore?

"The fact that there is no other option for retail purchasers is insane. The fact that their terms are likely illegal where I live is just the Cherry on top."

Facts have nothing to do with these statements. there are lots of other options for retail purchasers and the terms are not in any way illegal, just because there are lots of other options.


Re: 365/2013, radio ads

Caveat Emptor.

Don't read the license, don't complain.


No. Read the license it's all there. You do know how to read right?


Re: LO cloud?

You have no idea what Office 365 offers do you?


Re: Anti-cloud?

You really have no idea what this discussion is about do you?


Re: Why do you care?

You obviously have no idea of the full range of Office licenses available do you?

If you want to read documents sent by someone else but don't want to buy Office there is always the free viewer.

The license being discussed is a non-commercial license for a single machine offered through retail outlets, so yes it is comparable to the games you buy for a console.

If you want to do anything other than use it on one single machine then you buy a different license. Why is that so hard to understand? No-one is forcing you to buy this particular license.

If you don't want to buy a license from Microsoft buy a different office suite or download a free one. You can still use the viewer to see what documents should look like.

Its your choice.

As you say you can always choose Apple. But that's like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire isn't it?


Why do you care?

So much hatred for so little reason. Primarily from people clearly stating they don't or won't use the offending product anyway!

Microsoft's licenses are no more or less draconian than most other commercial software licenses. If you don't like the license don't buy the product. Nobody is forcing you. If you don't care enough to spend a few minutes learning what you are spending your money on that is your problem, not Microsoft's. Caveat Emptor.

At the end of the day it is their product and they can do what the hell they like with it. If people care enough they'll use an alternative. Most people don't care so Microsoft carries on making big buckets of money and people whinge and whine it ain't fair. Exploiting people's laziness, ignorance and stupidity is hardly a new game. Nothing unique about Microsoft in that.

Windows Phone 8 must be Microsoft's priority one, two AND three


Re: It's simple

LOL. Cannot figure out an XBox???? Expert admin wife takes an hour??!!!? Cataracts????

What a joke. But then I suppose anyone who spends time yelling at their TV cannot be taken seriously anyway. I sure as hell hope you don't work in IT.


Re: I would never buy a Win8 phone

Playing with Windows Phone in a shop just doesn't impart what the interface does. I glance at my screen and get so much information without ever having to open an app. I can see at a glance if I have emails, messages, missed calls, what my next appointment is, what the weather is like and how my stocks are doing. All without opening an app.

My kids have android phones. 3 (out of 4) of them have the same phone. After a year half the stuff doesn't work properly anymore. After playing with the windows phones (I had a 7.5 before the 8) two want a windows phone and are fighting over the 7.5.


Re: Too little, no credibility, too expensive

Actually more like XBox. That's where much of the design language originated after all. And yes XBox took several years to overcome firmly established opposition amidst all sorts of cries of there aren't any games, no-one will lead with XBox, etc. etc.

Microsoft has a track record of being late to a particular market and then crunching the opposition over years by spending big bucks. Only time will tell whether they can pull it off again.

Personally I like Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 and have both. The phone and tablet work better for me than other devices I had previously, but then I make heavy use of Office, especially OneNote and spend lots of time with Windows Server (having touch via RDP to a Windows Server 2012 VM in the cloud is just neat). Integration to work Exchange and SharePoint servers and SkyDrive work very well for me and I haven't found a scenario where I needed an app I couldn't find, but then I use LinkedIn and Twitter and not Tumblr or Instagram.

People in the Linux/android/iOS worlds will continue to spew hatred and vitriol and proclaim doom and gloom and moan how bad Microsoft are whilst not using their products. Maybe one day they will grow up and learn how to debate on facts. Using FUD against Microsoft doesn't work, they are the 800lb gorilla and there are thousands of people making a very good living utilising Microsoft technology to very good effect.

Hearts, minds and balls: Microsoft's Windows 8 Surface gamble


Re: El Reg just doesn't get it.

The exception proves the rule.


Re: Not getting either RT or Surface Pro

If you all want to do is RDP then look at iPad or Win RT. Fine for a short time. Personally I want the power of a real computer with the ease of use and portability of a tablet and need to be able to do real work whilst disconnected.

If you go the pub at lunchtime for any type of session let alone a heavy one then in my not so humble opinion you are not a professional and I would fire you forthwith whether you lost a device or not. Straw Man.

Thumb Up

Re: The competitor isn't the iPad but the MacBook Air

Exactly. These hybrid Win 8 devices compete against the ultras, not the tablets. It's only the ignorant el reg and wired fanboi journos who don't seem to get this.


Re: Not getting either RT or Surface Pro

Rubbish. Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 all use the same file formats (e.g. .docx, xlsx) and can process documents from previous versions (e.g. doc, xls) including being able to save. Another one of those myths the anti-microsoft brigade like to perpetuate.


Re: Not getting either RT or Surface Pro

Google Docs is not Office. It doesn't come close to the feature set or have the same ability to render anything but the most basic documents. For most corporates the Office/SharePoint duo is king whether you like it or not. With Win 8 Pro you get full domain integration and everything that goes with it. In that environment an IPad provides no benefit over the latest generation of phones.


El Reg just doesn't get it.

You can't use an iPad for real work. It simply won't run the apps that get used in the business world. Therefore comparing any Windows 8 tablet to iPad is a false comparison. Windows RT competes with iPad. That is where any comparison should stop. At best a mail and calendar client from a business point of view.

I have a Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro and a Nokia Lumia 920. I have Office 2013 on the tablet and mobile OneNote on both. All my mail, contacts, calendars and files are synced across all my devices. I'm wondering if I even need my desktop anymore as I can hook up the tablet to a usb docking hub and have multiple screens and a full size keyboard if I want.

The biggest problem I've seen is actually trying to get hands on with these new devices. There just aren't any in the channel. I resorted to phoning local retailers on a daily basis to find out when they had stock because it didn't last for more than a day. That's how I managed to get both the tablet and phone. Other people I know are still searching.

Microsoft braces for Surface RT feedback storm


Re: Whichever number is the bigger....

Yet more confusion. Why do people equate licenses to PCs? Do they have no understanding of how the sales and oem channels work?


Re: ballmer has to walk

Nobody said 40m PCs were sold. 40m copies of Windows 8 were sold. More than Windows 7 at the same point using the same accounting principles, however convoluted those might be.


Re: sigh...

Because some people get so wedded to their personal technology choices that anyone making a different choice is insulting them personally. It is especially prevalent with users of minority technologies that the vast majority of people don't adopt in spite of the proponents constantly explaining how much better they are.


Re: "I dont have any issues"

Why the big surprise? Its easy to use for lots of people. In my office there is already a Surface RT a Sony Duo and a Samsung Ativ purchased individually by different people in spite of already owning other devices. No-one is having any problems using them.


IBM released OS/2 before MS came out with Windows 3. IBM was the giant and MS the underdog. In the tablet world Apple is the new IBM with the dominant market defining position (everything was an IBM clone back then) and MS the underdog coming late to the party with something that was totally different from the previous ecosystem (DOS character apps) but that worked something like the leader was doing (Presentation Manager then, touch and guestures now) but still allowed previous generation apps to run (DOS box then, desktop now).

The analogy isn't Microsoft being the new IBM, its Apple that is playing at being IBM with a totally closed in, everything built by me ecosystem.
