for 115
for ununpentium, it should be called Lazarium after Bob Lazar who first spilled its existence.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2012
I have to agree 110%
Playing games in uplay, I've lost hours of gameplay to uplay. (didn't sync your hours of gameplay to our server before you lost connection? We'll revert to the last save which exited and synced normally.)
With origin, as wrong as EA is, you can at least choose which save you'd like to use. This is a feature which all cloud services must utilize. In the case of ubisoft, they simply do not care about you losing hours of gameplay.
I started using windows 8 a couple of months ago. I started with the open source "classic shell" and then I moved to start8 because it's a nice implementation.
I actually don't use metro at all. The only time it's ever started for me was by accident when one of the apps is set as default for a file type. And then getting back to start8 is easy.
to be fair there are some redeeming qualities in windows 8.
The file copy dialog is excellent, letting you pause file operations and showing you a speed graph.
The task manager is again greatly improved.
most drivers are auto-installed when windows is installed.
Yes, metro us useless, but great offerings like classic shell and start8 are worth looking into.
when MS starts getting class actions thrown against it for windows 8 RT, Sinofsky knows it wouldn't be wise to still be around for that.
And yes, those class actions will start when people realize that RT isn't Windows, but an arm clone which looks the same but just isn't. And MS employees have been misguiding many a user into RT.