* Posts by quitequick

4 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Sep 2012

What happened to the 'Most Read/Commented' list of articles on the front page?


Re: on second thoughts...

Beg to differ, currently 2 out of 5 or even 40%.


on second thoughts...

Since the demise of most read/commented I have read a lot more articles not about Apple... which is nice. How about the inclusion of an optional Apple filter in all things reg?


Re: Most Read / Most commented...drove insignificant amounts of traffic.

Shame. Most read/commented gave a clear indication (so long as the code works properly) of where the interest in the reg community is. 'Spotlight' appears to give a clear indication of where the reg's interest is.

The BBC news website manages to maintain a 'Most Popular' set of links. Can't be rocket science, can it?


What happened to the 'Most Read/Commented' list of articles on the front page?

What happened to the 'Most Read/Commented' list of articles on the front page?

It was my main means of navigation and now its gone.