In a similar vein, can we shoot George Osborne to save ourselves?
Posts by Jack Project
71 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2012
Only a merciful BULLET can really save a RHINO, say Texas hunters
Panasonic throws in towel on plasma tellies, preps for BILLION-dollar kick in pants
Canuck truck stuck in muck
Samsung: Sod off Apple, we've made gold mobile phones for way longer than you
Apple blings up new iMac with latest Intel chips, next-gen Wi-Fi
BBC releases MYSTERY RIDDLE poster for Doctor Who anniversary episode
Behind the candelabra: Power cut sends Britain’s boxes back to the '70s
Snowden journo's partner wins partial injunction on seized data
iCloud outage outrage: Look, iPhoto friends, kitty just learned to... NOOO
'But we like 1 Direction!' Rock gods The Who fend off teen Twitter hate mob
Netflix dares UK freetards: Watch new Breaking Bad NOW or torrent it?
Microsoft introduces warning on child abuse image searches
Asperger's and IT
Seven snazzy smartphones for seven sorts of shoppers
Irish gov refuses to haul Google, Apple into MPs' tax inquiry
France sets antitrust watchdog loose on Apple, raids premises
Yorkshire police lose 9,000 guns in rogue BOFH database blunder
Stock dips as fanbois complain of dodgy Wi-Fi on MacBook Air
Nokia Lumia 925: The best Windows Phone yet
Julian Assange: I'm quite happy to sleep on Ecuador's sofa FOREVER
AXE-WAVING BIKER GANG SMASHES into swanky Apple UK store
Samsung Galaxy Note 8: Proof the pen is mightier?
So, who ought to be the next Doctor Who? It's up to YOU...
Fear the Embarrassing Bodies webcam
First Cook, now Intel bigwig pokes Google in the eye over Glass
Google on advertising-funded cesspools: We don't like them either
Tim Cook: Wearable tech's nice, but Google Glass will NEVER BE COOL
Moss reanimates after 400 years in DEEP FREEZE
Schmidt: Don't like our tiny tax bills? Google this... 'Change the law'
Brits' phone tracking, web history touted to cops: The TRUTH
What kind of pirate are you: Justified, transgressor or just honest?
Concert spending
I think it is relevant to include it, as being a freetard can make it possible to be exposed to music you might not have otherwise listened to and then on becoming a fan gone to concerts etc.
I know many freetards who download stuff and buy legit copies of stuff they really like. I think for a lot of people it's less about paying for something and more about searching for value.
The IT Crowd returns to Channel 4 for a final episode
Librarians: Argos site is top priority to be preserved for future generations
Quid-a-day nosh challenge hack in bullet-hard chickpea drama
Wales slams Amazon over lack of Kindle support
Wanna put your toaster and fridge online? Over to you, Ofcom
Apple files patent for iPhone with wraparound display
Carrie Fisher dusts off THAT bikini for Star Wars VII
MI5 test for Mandarin-speaking snoops 'just too easy'
Judge slashes Apple's pile o' cash Samsung judgment
Re: even ~600m is ridiculous
Apple Insider *shudder*
If ever I'm contemplating purchasing anything Apple orientated I go there and realise what I would be buying in to. The quasi-religious sycophancy of the Apple fanbois is truly astounding.
If Apple directors had been found driving Jimmy Saville to special hospital visits whilst simultaneously funding terrorism and saturating the meat market with the remains of Romanian pit ponies they would still find a way to:
a) Completely absolve them of all crimes
b) Blame Samsung.
Mobes, web filth 'pornifying' our kids, warns top Labour MP
Greedy Sky admits: We crippled broadband with TOO MANY users
I pay next to sod all for my Sky Broadband and get a steady 9-12Mbps for that price with the occasional blip due to line noise. Can't really complain truth be told.
I was really worried about it but it was so cheap as to be a virtual no brainer. Streaming is really good and it does get some hammer.
I use a VPN to work to do bits and bobs but I would never rely on it to be a business solution. The bloke in the article that does is an idiot.
Fraud cops collar two blokes accused of dodging bank's 2-factor auth
Apple 'slashes iPhone 5 screen orders', tight-fisted fanbois blamed
Brit robojet ‘Taranis’ set for Oz test flight
Is this possibly the worst broadband in the world?

Had a look around after being suitably inspired by your post. Apparently with Sky the number is the same but the options are slightly different. It's option 4 for the QLT. Option 2 gets you to say a phrase which it then plays back and gives you other line info.
Will be testing it tonight. Have another pint!!