* Posts by bullgtor

2 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2012

Zuckerberg asks the public to tell him where to go in 2015


Alternative Energy Sources to Replace Fossil Fuels

This requires money, imagination and long-term commitment. Without it when we run out of this finite resource civilization as we know it will end. Anarchy and chaos on a worldwide scale will steadily emerge and completely replace civility as the norm for mankind, especially in the centers of dense population.

The iPHONE 5 UNDERMINES western DEMOCRACY: 5 reasons why


Completely Agree

I had the urge to thoughtlessly go purchase one simply because I can easily afford it and have an impulse to own the latest. Thank you for your article. I agree and certainly have changed my mind. It is time everyone start giving thought to the big picture, especially in this world's economy.