Of course we should always accept consensus--bring back lobotomy as a treatment for mental health problems--after all the originator of it won a Nobel Prize.
Posts by marturion
10 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Sep 2012
The 'echo chamber' effect misleading people on climate change
Lenovo system update flaws plugged, security world not impressed
Apple about to make Apple TV WAY LESS SUCKY - report
Air gaps: Happy gas for infosec or a noble but inert idea?
Re: Air Gap
ok, "Air Gap" or "Vacuum Gap" means nothing to electromagnetic energy--I thought THe Reg reader had a modicum of physics knowledge. The US Military for many years had "Tempest" standards that specify that NO electromagnetic energy could escape from machines. This means keyboards, cables, displays, anything. You have to wrap up your machines in a Faraday Cage (look it up) if you want to prevent this kind of attack.
Activist investors DESTROY COMPANIES. Don't get me started on share dealings...
Everyone can and should learn to code? RUBBISH, says Torvalds
Pussy galore: Bubble-bath webcam spy outrage
Re: integrated webcam
Yes, a bit of duct tape over the lens, and perhaps over the microphone are a cheap way of helping to secure your privacy. Another idea is to get a Raspberry Pi computer and set it up as a logging device on your internet connection. place it in the line between your internet connection and router and log all the packets, IT might be interesting to see what is really in the traffic.